Eudora 5.2 Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl + 0Opens Out mailbox
Ctrl + 1Opens In mailbox
Ctrl + 6Checks spelling
Ctrl + 'Pastes as quotation
Ctrl + ,Finishes nickname
Ctrl + .Removes one level of excerpt bars
Ctrl + >Adds one level of excerpt bars
Ctrl + ASelects all
Ctrl + BMakes the selected text bold
Ctrl + CCopies
Ctrl + DDeletes
Ctrl + ESends or Queues
Ctrl + FFinds message
Ctrl + Shft + FFinds text
Ctrl + HAttaches document
Ctrl + IMakes the selected text italic
Ctrl + JFilters messages
Ctrl + KMakes nickname
Ctrl + LOpens the Address Book
Ctrl + MChecks mail
Ctrl + NOpens a new message
Ctrl + OOpens a file
Ctrl + PPrints
Ctrl + QExits Eudora
Ctrl + RReplies
Ctrl + Shft + RReplies to all
Ctrl + SSaves
Ctrl + TSends queued messages
Ctrl + UMakes the selected text underlined
Ctrl + VPastes
Ctrl + WCloses message
Ctrl + XCuts
Ctrl + YOpens Directory Services
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + TabSwitches between opened mailboxes and messages
Alt + AJumps to Attached: field in message header; Sort by Attachments in Table of Contents
Alt + BJumps to Bcc field in message header
Alt + CJumps to Cc field in message header
Alt + DSorts by date in table of contents window
Alt + Shft + DSorts by reverse date in table of contents window
Alt + EOpens Edit menu
Alt + FOpens File menu
Alt + HOpens Help menu
Alt + KSorts by size in table of contents window
Alt + Shft + KSorts by size reversed in table of contents window
Alt + LSorts by Labels column in table of contents window
Alt + Shft + LSorts by Labels column reversed in table of contents window
Alt + MOpens the Message menu
Alt + OJumps to the To field in the message header; sorts by Who column in table of contents window
Alt + Shft + OSorts by Who column reversed in table of contents window
Alt + ROpens Transfer Menu; Jump to From field in the message header
Alt + SOpens Special menu
Alt + TOpens Tools menu
Alt + UJumps to Subject: field in the message header
Alt + VSorts by server status in table of contents window
Alt + Shft + VSorts by reversed server status in table of contents window
Alt + WOpens Window menu
Alt + XOpens Mailbox menu
Shft + F4Tiles windows horizontally
Shft + F5Cascades Windows
Shft + F10Opens context menu (right-click) for selected item
Shft + SpaceToggles current message status between read and unread
arrowsMoves from one message to another in a mailbox (depends on your Miscellaneous Options ).
enterSelects the outlined button in any dialog box, alert, or window, or opens the selected messages or URL.
escStops any operation currently in progress.
F1Displays Help.
F2Renames the selected item in a tool window (e.g., the Mailboxes window or the Address Book).
F3Finds again.
[Alt] + F3Enters the selected text in the Find window.
F5Refreshes the view in the File Browser window.
F6Toggles the cursor position between the left and right window panes in the Filters dialog box and the Address Book.
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + F6Sends the topmost window to the back of all displayed windows.
F7Show or hide one half of a split window (current window only): in composition windows, show/hide the message header; in mailbox windows, show/hide the message preview pane (if it is set to display).
[Home]Scrolls to the beginning of the mailbox window or to the beginning of the line in a message.
[End]Scrolls to the end of the mailbox window or to the end of the line a message.
page up, page downScrolls up or down through the window.


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