Wikipedia Keyboard Shortcuts


+Start a new discussion - Allows you to add a new section (talk pages only)
. (period)My user page - Opens your user page if logged in
=Protect - Allows you to protect the current page (sysops only)
UnprotectAllows you to unprotect the current page (sysops only)
cContent page - Shows the content page associated with the current article
dDelete - Allows you to delete the current page (sysops only)
UndeleteAllows you to undelete the current page (sysops only)
eEdit this page - Allows you to edit the current page (non-protected pages)
View sourceShows the source of the current page (protected pages)
fSearch - Allows you to search Wikipedia
hHistory - Shows the current page's history
jWhat links here - Shows all of the pages that link to the current one
kRelated changes - Shows recent changes in pages linked to the current one
lMy watchlist - Opens your watchlist (logged-in users only)
mMove - Allows you to move the current page and its talk page (non-move-protected pages only)
nMy talk - Opens your user's or IP's talk page
pShow preview - Shows a preview of your changes (on edit pages)
qSpecial pages - Shows a list of all special pages
rRecent changes - Shows a list of recent changes to the Wikipedia
sSave page - Saves the changes that you have made (on edit pages)
tDiscussion - Opens the current article's talk page
uUpload file - Allows you to upload images or media files
vShow changes - Shows what changes you made to the text (on edit pages)
wWatch - Adds the current page to your watchlist (logged-in users only)
xRandom article - Loads a random article
yMy contributions - Opens a list of your user's or IP's contributions
zMain Page - Goes to the Main Page


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