Lotus Notes 6/7 Keyboard Shortcuts


Mail and Calendar basics
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form
ALT+UP ARROWClose date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form and save new selection
ARROW KEYSMove through embedded date picker
CTRL+click Calendar view time slotCreate a new Cal entry and enter the Subject at the view level (ESC saves entry)
CTRL+click existing Calendar entryEdit Subject at the view level (ESC saves entry)
CTRL+EEdit document
CTRL+MCreate new mail memo
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to next day, week, or month in Calendar view
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to selected month and day of following year in embedded date picker
CTRL+PAGE UPMove to previous day, week, or month in Calendar view
CTRL+PAGE UPMove to selected month and day of previous year in embedded date picker
CTRL+SSave current document
DELETEMark mail memo for deletion (place mail memo in Trash); delete Calendar entry (permanently deletes entry)
ENTERClose date picker, time picker, and time zone picker and activate selection in new Calendar entry form and save new selection
ENTERClose document and open next document
ENTEROpen selected document or view
ESCClose date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form without changing selection
ESCExit embedded date picker
ESC or CTRL+WClose current document
F3Move to next selected document
F4 or TABMove to next unread document in a view Note: If you have enabled Use Tab to navigate to Read-Only Documents in User Preferences, only F4 moves to next unread document. TAB moves to next unread document until the last unread document is selected. Then it moves to the next navigable object in the next frame. When a document is open in read-mode, TAB navigates to any embedded object such as URLs, database links, and attachments.
F6Move to next pane or frame
Focus cursor next to group name in To, CC, or BCC field, then press F9Expand a Personal Address Book group in the To, CC, BCC field of a mail message (displays each member of the group)
F9Refresh Mail or Calendar views
HOMEMove to current day in embedded date picker
INSERTToggle between read and unread mark of document
PAGE DOWNMove to next month in embedded date picker
PAGE UPMove to previous month in embedded date picker
SHFT+BACKSPACESelect previous document in view
SHFT+CTRL+CDisplay the Instant Messaging Contact List
SHFT+CTRL+ENTERSend mail memo and open new mail memo in Edit mode
SHFT+DELETEDelete mail memo (places memo in trash)
SHFT+ESCClose and save current document (except for mail memo) without opening the Close dialog box
SHFT+ESCSend and close mail memo
SHFT+F3Move to previous selected document
SHFT+F4, or SHFT+TABMove to previous unread document
SHFT+F6Move to previous pane or frame
SPACEBARGive focus to embedded date picker
Navigating through Notes
ALT+B, then numberOpen bookmark on Bookmark bar (Show extended accelerators in User Preferences must be enabled)
ALT+F5Restore Notes to default minimized size
ALT+F7, then ARROW KEYS, then ENTERMove position of active window
ALT+F8, then ARROW KEYS, then ENTERChange size of active window
ALT+F9Minimize active window
ALT+F10Maximize active windows
ALT+number, then ARROW KEYSActivate action button and action button menus on action bar (Show extended accelerators in User Preferences must be enabled)
ALT+underlined letter for menu item, or ARROW KEYSMove to next menu item
ALT+W, then number (Show extended accelerators in User Preferences must be enabled)Open window tab and navigate between them on task bar
ALT+W, then ARROW KEYSOpen Window menu (Display Window Menu and Show extended accelerators options in User Preferences must be enabled)
ARROW KEYSNavigate between bookmarks on Bookmark bar or in Bookmark page
ARROW KEYSNavigate between Workspace tabs and icons
ARROW KEYSNavigate within embedded elements and objects, such as buttons, on Welcome Page
CTRL+BREAKStop operation in progress
CTRL+F6Switch between open windows (for example, between the application and Help)
CTRL+L, type URL address, then ENTERGo to a Web page
CTRL+Q or ALT+F4Exit Notes
CTRL+TAB, or ALT+RIGHT ARROWMove to next window tab
DELETEDelete Workspace icon
DOWN ARROWMove to next entry in Replicator
ENDMove to last entry in Replicator
ENTEROpen keyword list in keyword field
ENTEROpen selected Workspace icon, window tab, menu item, bookmark
ESCExit embedded element on Welcome Page
ESC or CTRL+WClose active window
F1Get Help on current feature
F5Lock User ID
F6Move to next pane or frame
F10 or ALTAccess menu bar
HOMEMove to first entry in Replicator
PAGE DOWNMove to previous page in Replicator
PAGE UPMove to next page in Replicator
SHFT+ALT+SOpen Search menu
SHFT+CTRL, then UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWSelect multiple bookmarks or Bookmark folders
SHFT+CTRL+ARROW KEYS, then ENTER or ESCDrag and drop Workspace icons
SHFT+CTRL+TAB, or ALT+LEFT ARROWMove to previous window tab
SHFT+F6Move to previous pane or frame
SHFT+F10Access Windows context menus
SPACEBAROpen selected embedded element on Welcome Page
UP ARROWMove to previous entry in Replicator
ARROW KEYSMove through embedded element
CTRL+NCreate new database
CTRL+OOpen database
ENTERSelect item in embedded outline
ESCExit embedded element
ESC or CTRL+WClose current database
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view or workspace
MINUS (-) keyCollapse folder in embedded outline
PAGE DOWNMove to bottom of active page
PAGE UPMove to top of active page
PLUS (+) keyExpand folder in embedded outline
SHFT+CTRL+F9Update all views in current database
SHFT+F9Rebuild current document, view, workspace (must have Manager access)
SPACEBARGive focus to embedded element
UP and DOWN ARROWMove through embedded outline
Navigating within views, folders, and panes
ARROW KEYS (if Use TAB to Navigate Read-Only Documents in User Preferences is disabled)Move through embedded view
ASTERISK (*) key on numeric keypadExpand current collapsed view, category, or folder with subsections
BACKSPACEOpen previous document in current view or folder while still in current open document
CTRL+ENDMove to bottom of navigation pane or view pane
CTRL+HOMEMove to top of view navigation pane or view pane
ENDMove to far right of view pane
ENTEROpen next document in current view or folder while still in current open document
ENTEROpen selected view or folder
F6Move to next pane or frame
HOMEMove to far left of view pane
LEFT and RIGHT ARROWExpand and collapse views and folders that have subsections
MINUS (-) keyCollapse expanded view, category, or folder
PLUS (+) keyExpand collapsed view, category, or folder
SHFT+8Expand all collapsed views, categories, or folders with subsections
SHFT+BACKSPACESelect previous document in view
SHFT+F6Move to previous pane or frame
TABMove to next unread document in embedded view
UP and DOWN ARROWMove between views and folders
Dialog boxes
DOWN ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect next item in a list or set of options in dialog box
ESCCancel changes and close dialog box
F1Get Help on current dialog box
SHFT+TABMove to previous option or set of options in dialog box
SPACEBARAccess default or selected item(s) in dialog box
TABMove to next option or set of options in dialog box
UP ARROW or LEFT ARROWSelect previous item in a list or set of options in dialog box
Properties boxes (InfoBoxes)
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen Color field in Font tab
ALT+UP ARROWClose Color field in Font tab
ALT+ENTEROpen or close properties box
CTRL+ALT+ENTEROpen or close express tools in properties box
CTRL+ENDMove to last properties box tab (in Text and Table Properties, last tab is Express Tools)
CTRL+HOMEMove to first properties box tab
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to next properties box tab
CTRL+PAGE UPMove to previous properties box tab
DOWN ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect next item in a list or set of options in properties box
ENTERActivate default or selected item(s) in properties box
ENTERClose Color field in Font tab and activate selection
ESCClose Color field in Font tab without activating selection
ESCClose properties box when focus is in properties box
F1Get Help on current properties box
SHFT+TABMove to previous option or set of options in properties box
TABMove to next option or set of options in properties box
UP ARROW or LEFT ARROWSelect previous item in a list or set of options in properties box
Reading documents
ARROW KEYSNavigate within embedded element in a document
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to next highlighted search word in document appearing in preview pane
CTRL+EEdit document
CTRL+ENDMove to bottom of document
CTRL+FFind text and replace
CTRL+GFind next word after Find text and replace starts
CTRL+HOMEMove to top of document
CTRL+PPrint selected document
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to next tab in tabbed table
CTRL+PAGE UPMove to previous tab in tabbed table
CTRL+UP ARROWMove to previous highlighted search word in document appearing in preview pane
ESCExit embedded element in a document
ESCMove to previous linked document
F3Move to next selected document
F4 or TABMove to next unread document
LEFT ARROWMove to previous link or object
RIGHT ARROWMove to next link or object
SHFT+F3Move to previous selected document
SHFT+F4 or SHFT+TABMove to previous unread document
SPACEBARAccess embedded element in a document
SPACEBARActivate selected object
SPACEBARExpand or collapse selected section
SPACEBAROpen selected link to document, view or database
TABMove to next object within open document, then out of the frame to the header frame, then to the preview frame caption
Selecting and moving text in a document
ARROW KEYSMove cursor Note If SCROLL LOCK key is on, scroll page
CTRL+ASelect all contents of document
CTRL+CCopy selected text or object
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove item in list or table one row down
CTRL+UP ARROWMove item in list or table one row up
CTRL+VPaste text or object
CTRL+XCut selected text or object
DELETEDelete selected graphic
DELETEDelete selected text or object
SHFT+CTRL+DOWN ARROWSelect text up to same point of next line
SHFT+CTRL+LEFT ARROWSelect previous word
SHFT+CTRL+UP ARROWSelect text up to same point of previous line
SHFT+DOWN ARROWSelect text to end of current line, move focus to next line
SHFT+ENDSelect text to end of current line
SHFT+HOMESelect text to beginning of current line
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect previous character
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect next character
SHFT+UP ARROWSelect text to beginning of current line, move focus to previous line
Moving the cursor in a document
CTRL+LEFT ARROWBeginning of current word
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWBeginning of next word
ENDEnd of line
HOMEBeginning of line
SHFT+TABPrevious field in a form
SHFT+TABPrevious row in table
TABNext field in a form (Use accessibility keyboard navigation in User Preferences must be enabled)
ARROW KEYSNavigate between fields on a form (if "Use accessibilty keyboard navigation" is disabled)
TABNext row in table
Changing text and paragraph properties in a document
CTRL+BBold selected text
CTRL+EPut document in either Read or Edit mode
CTRL+FFind text and replace
CTRL+GFind next word when Find text and replace starts
CTRL+IItalicize selected text
CTRL+JFormat paragraphs (alignment, spacing, etc.)
CTRL+KFormat text (font, size, color, etc.)
CTRL+RShow/Hide ruler
CTRL+TChange text style to default (color changes only if the text style was applied using a Paragraph Style)
CTRL+UUnderline selected text
CTRL+ZUndo last action
F2Enlarge selected text to next available point size
F7Indent first line in paragraph
F8Indent entire paragraph
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view, or workspace
F11Cycle through paragraph styles (defined in the Paragraph Styles tab in Text Properties)
SHFT+CTRL+LInsert page break
SHFT+F2Reduce selected text to next available point size
SHFT+F7Outdent first line in a paragraph
SHFT+F8Outdent entire paragraph
Working in views
CTRL+ASelect all documents in view
CTRL+CCopy selected document
CTRL+FFind text in view
CTRL+PPrint selected document or view
CTRL+VPaste selected document
CTRL+XCut selected document
DELETEDelete selected document (place document in Trash folder; Calendar entries are permanently deleted)
ENTERSelect item in embedded view
F3Move to next selected document
F4 or TABMove to next unread document
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view or workspace
SHFT+CTRL+F9Update all views in current database
SHFT+DELETEDelete selected document permanently
SHFT+F3Move to previous selected document
SHFT+F4 or SHFT+TABMove to previous unread document
SHFT+F9Rebuild current document, view, or workspace (must have Manager access)
SPACEBARSelect or deselect document
Working in Domino Designer
RIGHT CTRL+ RIGHT SHFTchange horizontal progression to right-to-left text
LEFT CTRL+ LEFT SHFTchange horizontal progression to right-to-left text
Keyboard shortcuts when editing a document
CTRL+BBold selected text
CTRL+TChange text properties to default (except for color)
CTRL+W or ESCClose the document
SHFT+ESCClose and save the current document without opening the dialog
CTRL+CCopy selected text or object
CTRL+XCut selected text or object
DELETEDelete selected text or object
F2Enlarge selected text to next available point size
CTRL+FFind and replace
CTRL+GFind next and replace
CTRL+JFormat paragraphs (margins, tabs, etc.)
CTRL+KFormat text (font, size, color, etc.)
F8 (SHFT+F8 to undo)Indent entire paragraph
F7 (SHFT+F7 to undo)Indent the first line in a paragraph
CTRL+SHFT+LInsert page break
CTRL+IItalicize selected text
CTRL+right arrowJump to beginning of next word
CTRL+right arrowJump to beginning of current word
SHFT+F8Outdent entire paragraph
SHFT+F7Outdent first line in a paragraph
SHFT+F2Reduce selected text to next available point size
CTRL+SSave the current document
CTRL+ASelect contents of a document
SHFT+right arrowSelect next character
SHFT+left arrowSelect previous character
SHFT+ENDSelect text to end of current line
SHFT+HOMESelect text to beginning of current line
SHFT+down arrowSelect text to end of current line, move focus to next
SHFT+up arrowSelect text to beginning of current line, move focus to previous
CTRL+ZUndo last action
CTRL+UUnderline selected text


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