Windows 98 Keyboard Shortcuts


ARROW KEYSelect the icon or taskbar button adjacent to starting point in the direction of the arrow while working on Desktop or Taskbar.
F1Display Help information for the active object or the window as a whole.
ALT+letter key, where the key is the underlined leSelect a menu, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu name.
ALT+BACKSPACE or CTRL+ZUndoes the last action (Undo command in Edit menu); use within a window. Note that not all actions, such as shutting down, can be undone.
ALT+ENTERSwitch view from current application window to next open application window, including minimized windows on the taskbar; press ESC more than once to switch through successive windows.
ALT+SHFT+ENTERSwitch view from current application window to next open application window, including minimized windows on the taskbar in the reverse direction; press ESC more than once to switch through successive windows.
ALT+ENTERDisplay the properties of a selected item while working in a window.
ALT+ESCSwitch view from current application window to next open application window, including minimized windows on the taskbar; press ESC more than once to switch through successive windows.
ALT+SHFT+ESCSwitch view from current application window to next open application window, including minimized windows on the taskbar in the reverse direction; press ESC more than once to switch through successive windows.
ALT+F4Close the active application window.
ALT+HYPHENDisplay Document menu from the leftmost icon on the main toolbar of the active document window.
ALT+MMinimize all windows when taskbar has been selected.
ALT+PRINTSCREENCopy the active window to the Windows Clipboard.
ALT+SHFT+BACKSPACERedo the previously undone action; works within a window.
ALT+SPACEBAROpen the menu of the leftmost icon on the main toolbar bar of the active window; this menu typically contains the following commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close.
ALT+SPACEBAR+CClose the active window.
ALT+SPACEBAR+NMinimize the active window.
ALT+SPACEBAR+RRestore the active window.
ALT+SPACEBAR+XMaximize the active window if it is minimized.
ALT+TABMove from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list from left to right.
ALT+SHFT+TABMove from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT and SHIFT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list from right to left.
Any printing characterSelect the next icon with the specified name or initial letter while working on Desktop or Taskbar.
Any printing characterSelect the menu command with the underlined character (access key) on an open menu within the window.
Any printing characterSelect the next icon with the specified name or initial letter while working in Windows Explorer- Tree View; repeating the character selects successive items beginning with the same character.
Any printing characterMove to the next item with the specified name or initial letter when working in dialog boxes. Use BACKSPACE to change; in a multiple selection list box, this command moves to an item without selecting it.
CTRL+SHFT+ANY ARROW KEYHighlight a selected block of text.
CTRL+SHFT+DRAG A FILECreate a shortcut icon for a selected file in a selected place.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect the active item; use after moving with the CTRL key to select separate groups of items.
CTRL+SPACEBARDeselect the active item; use after moving with the CTRL key to select separate groups of items.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
CTRL+VPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+XCopy and remove the selected item(s) from their original location to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+ZUndo the last action; note: some actions, like Shutdown, cannot be undone (You also can choose Undo from the Edit menu.).
DELETEDelete the selected item(s), or to delete the character to the right of the cursor; if items are files they will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
DELETEDelete the selected item(s), or to delete the character to the right of the cursor; if items are files they will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROWDisply the next or previous tab page in dialog boxes with tabs.
ENTEROpens the selected menu when focus is on the menu title, but activates a menu item when focus is on a menu item. If the selected menu item is unavailable, ENTER closes the menu.
ENTEROpen or display a selected item; it may open a new window, depending on the options you have selected. (You also can choose Open from the File menu.).
ESCClose an open menu and return to the parent menu if there is one, or return to the menu title. If already at the menu title, return to position previous to activating the menu bar.
ESCCancel the current task.
F10 or ALTActivate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
F2Rename a selected item (A bold rectangle appears around the title creating a text box, type the new name and press ENTER;Press ESC to cancel. Some icons on the desktop cannot be renamed).
F3Open the Find All Files dialog box.
F4Open the drop-down list box on the toolbar. Pressing F4 again moves the keyboard focus back to the previously used item.
F5Refresh the current window (You also can choose Refresh from the View menu.).
F6 or TABMove between active panes and the toolbar.
ENDSelect the last item in the current list.
CTRL+HOMEMove to the first item in the current list without selecting it.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last item in the current list without selecting it.
SHFT+HOMESelect the first item in the list and additional items below it.
SHFT+ENDSelect the last item in the current list and additional items above it.
HOMESelect the first item on the tree, when working in Windows Explorer - Tree View.
HOMESelect the highest setting in a dialog box with slide out menus.
ENDSelect the lowest setting in a dialog box with slide out menus.
HOMESelect the first item in a list box.
ENDSelect the last item in a list box.
SHFT+HOMESelect the first item and additional items in an extended selection list box.
SHFT+ENDSelect the last item and additional items in an extended selection list box.
CTRL+HOMEMove to the first item in an extended selection list box without selecting it. In a multiple selection list box, this moves cursor without changing the selection.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last item in an extended selection list box without selecting it. In a multiple selection list box, this moves cursor without changing the selection.
LEFT ARROWClose a branch, or select the parent of the current item, when working in Windows Explorer - Tree View.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSwitch the focus between menus on the menu bar in the direction of the arrow. If the original menu was open, the target menu is opened as well, and the first item in it gets the focus.
LEFT ARROWSelect the next lower setting in a dialog box with slide out menus.
UP ARROWSelect the next lower setting in a dialog box with slide out menus.
MINUS SIGN (on the numeric keypad)Close everything under the current selection when working in Windows Explorer - Tree View.
PAGE DOWNSelect a lower or higher setting when working in a dialog box with slide out menus, depending on the application; this is the equivalent of pressing an arrow key many times.
PAGE UPSelect a lower or higher setting when working in a dialog box with slide out menus, depending on the application; this is the equivalent of pressing an arrow key many times.
PAGE UPIn Windows Explorer, go the top item on the screen. Use a second time to select the item one screen above.
PAGE DOWNIn Windows Explorer, go the bottom item on the screen. Use a second time to select the item one screen below.
SHFT+PAGE UPIn Windows Explorer, select additional items above an already selected item.
SHFT+PAGE DOWNIn Windows Explorer, select additional items below an already selected item.
CTRL+PAGE UPIn Windows Explorer, move to additional items above an already selected item, without selecting the additional items.
CTRL+PAGE DOWNIn Windows Explorer, move to additional items below an already selected item, without selecting the additional items.
PAGE UPIn Windows Explorer Tree View, move to the top item on the screen. Use a second time to move up one screen.
PAGE DOWNIn Windows Explorer Tree View, move to the bottom item on the screen. Use a second time to move down one screen.
PAGE UPIn dialog boxes and combo boxes, move a selected item up one screen.
PAGE DOWNIn dialog boxes and combo boxes, move a selected item down one screen.
SHFT+PAGE UPIn an extended selection list box, select additional items above an already selected item.
SHFT+PAGE DOWNIn an extended selection list box, select additional items below an already selected item.
CTRL+PAGE UPIn an extended selection list box, move to additional items above an already select item, without selecting the additional items. In a multiple selection list box, use to move without changing the selection.
CTRL+PAGE DOWNIn an extended selection list box, move to additional items below an already select item, without selecting the additional items. In a multiple selection list box, use to move without changing the selection.
PLUS SIGN (on the numeric keypad)In Windows Explorer, Tree view, expand everything under the current selection back to a previously opened state, or use to open only one level if it has not previously been opened.
PRINT SCREENCopy an image of the screen to the Windows Clipboard.
RIGHT ARROWIn Windows Explorer, Tree view, open a branch, or select the first item in the branch.
RIGHT ARROWin dialog boxes with the slide out option, select the next highest setting.
DOWN ARROWin dialog boxes with the slide out option, select the next highest setting.
RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROWUse with tabbed dialog boxes and when the focus is on a tab selector, to choose the next or previous tab in the current row and to display the page.
SHFTBypass the AutoPlay feature by holding the SHIFT key down while you insert a CD-ROM ; hold down the SHIFT key while Microsoft Word is loading to suppress the AutoExec macro.
SHFT+ANY ARROW KEYSelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop in the direction of the chosen ARROW KEY, or to select text within a document.
SHFT+DELETEDelete selected item(s) immediately without moving the item(s) to the Recycle Bin.
SHFT+F10 or Application key (also the right mouseDisplay a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object.
SHFT+F8In extended selection list box, move without changing the selection. You can then press CTRL+SPACEBAR or SHFT+SPACEBAR to select additional items. The list box returns to normal operation when you press SHFT+F8 a second time or switch to another
SHFT+INSERT OR CTRL+VPaste copied items(s) from the Clipboard (You also can choose the Paste command from the Edit menu.).
SHFT+SPACEExtend the selection to the current item; if you have already selected more than one item, it selects only the items from the first item you selected to the current item.
SHFT+SPACEExtend the selection from the last selected item to the current item in an extended selection dialog box, combo box or list-box.
SPACEWhen typed alone, selects the current item if it is not already selected. Use after moving with the CTRL key to select separate groups of items.
SPACEBAR or CTRL+SPACESelect or deselect the current item in an extended-selection list box.
TABMove between the last selected icon on the desktop, the Start button on the taskbar, and the taskbar as a whole. There is no visual indication of the focus on the taskbar, but you can use the arrow keys to move between the taskbar buttons. You also
DOWN ARROWOpen a selected menu; DOWN ARROW selects the next command in the list.
UP ARROWOpen a selected menu; UP ARROW selects the previous command in the list.
UP ARROWSelect the next visible object above when working in Windows Explorer-Tree View.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next visible object below when working in Windows Explorer-Tree View.
UP ARROWSelect the previous item in a dialog box.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next item in a dialog box.
SHFT+UP ARROWIn an extended selection list box, select additional items above an already selected item.
SHFT+DOWN ARROWIn an extended selection list box, select additional items below an already selected item.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove to additional items above a selected item without selecting the additional items.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to additional items below a selected item without selecting the additional items.
WIN+F1Display Windows Help.
Windows logo key or CTRL+ESCOpens the Start menu from the taskbar. When you use CTRL+ESC, you can press ESC again to place the keyboard focus on the Start button. When you use the Windows logo key, pressing ESC again closes the Start menu.
Windows logo key+BREAKOpen the System Properties dialog box. (You also can choose the Systems item in Control Panel.).
Windows logo key+CTRL+FOpen the Find Computer dialog box. (You also can choose the Computer command from the Find item in the Start menu.).
Windows logo key+EOpen the Windows Explorer. (You also can choose the Windows Explorer command from the Program item in the Start menu.).
Windows logo key+FOpen the Find All Files dialog box. (You also can choose the Files Or Folders command from the Find item in the Start menu.).
Windows logo key+MMinimize all open windows. The keyboard focus goes to the least recently selected icon on the desktop.
Windows logo key+M+SHFTExpand previously opened windows and return focus to the most recently used application.
Windows logo key+numberThis shortcut key is reserved for use by computer manufacturers.
Windows logo key+RDisplay the Run dialog box. (You also can choose the Run command in the Start menu.).
Windows logo key+TABSelect and cycle through the taskbar buttons.
ARROW KEYSelect the next item in the indicated direction while working in Windows explorer; add SHIFT to select or deselect additional items; add CTRL to move to the item without selecting it; in Details View there is only one column, so RIGHT and LEFT ARRO
ASTERISK (on the numeric keypad)Expand view of everything under the current selection when working in Windows Explorer-Tree view.
BACKSPACEDisplay the contents of the parent directory of an active directory while working in Windows Explorer; it may open a new window, depending on the options selected.
BACKSPACEDisplay the contents of the parent directory of an active directory while working in Windows Explorer-Tree View; it may open a new window, depending on the options selected.
BACKSPACEView the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer-TreeView.
CTRL+ASelect all the items in the active window (You also can choose Select All from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+ALT+DELETEDisplay the Close Program dialog box in order to close active programs, or to shut down the entire computer system.
CTRL+ALT+DELETEOpen the Windows NT Security dialog box to choose from the following options: Lock Workstation, Logoff, Shut Down, Change Password, Task Manager, and Cancel; if you are not logged on, command opens the logon dial
CTRL+BACKSPACEUndo previous action taken within a window.
CTRL+CCopy selected item(s) to the Windows Clipboard when working in Windows Explorer.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph within a window.
CTRL+DRAG A FILECopy a selelcted file to a folder by dragging the file to the folder.
CTRL+ESCDisplay Windows Start menu.
CTRL+ESC and then RDisplay Run dialog box after displaying Start menu.
CTRL+F or F3Display the Find All Files dialog box while working in Windows Explorer.
CTRL+F4Close the active document window.
CTRL+F6Go to the next document window in the active application. Add SHIFT to go to the previous document window.
CTRL+SHFT+F6Go to the previous document window in the active application.
CTRL+GDisplay the Go To Folder dialog box (You also can choose Go To from the Tools menu).
CTRL+INSERT OR CTRL+CCopy the selected item(s) to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Copy command from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove the cursor's position to the beginning of the previous word.
CTRL+NOpen the New dialog box.
CTRL+ODisplay the Open dialog box (You also can choose the Open command from the File menu.).
CTRL+PDisplay the Print dialog box (You also can choose the Print command from the File menu).
CTRL+PAGE DOWN or CTRL+TABDisplay next tab when working with a dialog box with multiple tabs.
CTRL+PAGE UP or CTRL+SHFT+TABDisplay the previous tab when working with a dialog box with multiple tabs.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove the cursor's position to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL+SOpen the Save dialog box (You also can choose the Save command from the File menu).


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