File Menu | |
Ctrl + N | Creates a new image file. |
Shft + A | Creates a new Web page. |
Ctrl + O | Opens a folder where an image file was last saved. |
Shft + O | Opens the Visual Open dialog box. |
Ctrl + W | Closes the current image file. A message box prompts to save file. |
Ctrl + S | Saves the current image file. |
Ctrl + Shft + S | Saves the file in another filename, format and location. |
Ctrl + Alt + S | Saves the image as an HTML file. |
Ctrl + Alt + (0~9) | Previews the image in a Web browser. |
F7 | Launches the Acquire scanner process without post processing. |
F8 | Launches the Acquire digital camera process without post processing. |
Ctrl + Shft+E | Opens the Capture Setup dialog box. |
Ctrl + Shft + C | Minimizes your PhotoImpact program and automatically switches to Capture mode. |
Ctrl + Alt + P | Opens the Print Preview window. |
Ctrl + Shft + P | Prints multiple copies of a single image, or prints multiple images on the same page. |
Ctrl + Shft + R | Prints image into multiple sheets of paper that can be joined together to create a poster. |
Ctrl + P | Prints the current image file. |
F11 | Captures selected source. This is the default setting. It can be changed. |
F6 | Displays the Preferences dialog box. |
Ctrl + Q | Closes PhotoImpact. If you have any image files open that have not been saved, you are prompted to do so. |
Edit Menu | |
Ctrl + Z | Undoes the last menu command. |
Ctrl + Y | Redoes the last menu command. |
Ctrl + T | Repeats the last menu command. |
Ctrl + X | Cuts the current selection. |
Ctrl + C | Copies the data to the clipboard. |
Ctrl + V | Pastes data from the clipboard as an object. |
Ctrl + Shft + V | Pastes the image data from the clipboard as a new image in a separate window. |
Del | Deletes the current selection and fills the space with the specified background color. Deletes the active object. Also deletes a path or a control point when in Path Edit Tool. |
Ctrl + R | Crops the image to the current selection. |
Ctrl + D | Duplicates the base image and any objects, creating a new image file. |
Ctrl + F | Opens the Fill dialog box, where you can select to fill the selection with a solid color, gradient or texture. |
Ctrl + H | Opens the Fadeout dialog box. |
Shft + Z | Enables/Disables Object Painting Mode, which allows you to see through overlapping objects. |
Ctrl + K | Enables/Disables Mask mode by placing a tinted mask over your image except where a selection exists. |
View Menu | |
Ctrl + I | Creates another copy of the image file. |
Ctrl + 0 (number) | Displays the image at its actual size. |
Ctrl + M | Maximizes the window and displays the image at 1:1 ratio. |
+ | Zooms in progressively on the image. |
- | Zooms out progressively on the image. |
Ctrl + Shft + 0 | Resizes the current image to the largest magnification that will completely fit in a window. |
Ctrl + U | Toggles between showing or hiding all toolbars and panels to display the image at full screen. |
F2 | Toggles between showing or hiding the EasyPalette. |
Ctrl + F2 | Toggles between showing or hiding the Quick Command Panel. |
F10 | Toggles between showing or hiding the AccessPanel. |
Ctrl + F3 | Toggles between showing or hiding the Text / Path Panel. |
Ctrl + F5 | Toggles between showing or hiding the base image and the Web background. |
Ctrl + F8 | Toggles between showing or hiding the marquee. |
Ctrl + F7 | Toggles between showing or hiding the bounding box around objects. |
Alt + Enter | Displays the Photo Properties dialog box. |
Ctrl + (number) | Magnifies or reduces the image view in different sizes. The image will be scaled to fit in the window at all times. |
Shft + V | Displays or hides Ruler. |
Shft + F7 | Displays or hides Slice Lines. |
Shft + F8 | Displays or hides Image Maps. |
Ctrl + Shft + G | Displays or hides Guidelines. |
Ctrl + Shft + L | Snaps to Guidelines. |
Ctrl + Shft + R | Displays or hides Grid. |
Ctrl + Shft + N | Snaps to Grid. |
Format Menu | |
F9 | Opens the Post Processing Wizard dialog Box. |
Shft + C | Opens the Post Processing Wizard dialog Box. |
Ctrl + F9 | Starts up the Auto-enhancing process. |
Ctrl + B | Opens the Brightness & Contrast dialog box. |
Ctrl + L | Opens the Color Balance dialog box. |
Ctrl + E | Opens the Hue & Saturation dialog box. |
Ctrl + Shft + F | Opens the Focus dialog box. |
Ctrl + Shft + T | Opens the Tone Map dialog box. |
Ctrl + Shft + H | Opens the Highlight Midtone Shadow dialog box. |
Shft + N | Opens the Expand Canvas dialog box. |
Shft + F | Opens the Frame & Shadow dialog box. |
Ctrl + G | Opens the Image Size dialog box, where you can adjust the size of the image. |
Selection Menu | |
Space | Toggles between showing and hiding the active selection. |
Ctrl + A | Selects the entire contents of the image. |
F5 | Preserve Base Image. |
Ctrl + Shft + O | Converts the selection into an object. |
Ctrl + Alt + E | Copy Selection to Object Library. |
Shft + G | Select None. |
Object Menu | |
Shft + D | Duplicates selected object. |
Ctrl + Shft + A | Selects all objects in an image. |
Shft + E | Edit the selected type of object. |
Shft + W | Shows the Wrap/Bend properties dialog box of the selected object. |
Shft + M | Merges the selected object to the base image. |
Ctrl + Shft + M | Merges all the objects into the base image. |
Ctrl + Alt + G | Groups the selected objects into one object. |
Ctrl + Alt + U | Ungroups the selected object into separate objects. |
Shft + S | Opens the Shadow dialog box. |
Alt + Up | Bring the selected object forward. |
Alt + Down | Send the selected object backward. |
Ctrl + Alt + Up | Moves the object to the highest level. |
Ctrl + Alt + Down | Moves the object to the lowest level. |
Ctrl + Shft + Enter | Opens the Object Properties dialog box when there is an active object. |
Del | Deletes the active object. Also deletes a path or a control point when in Path Edit Tool. |
Web Menu | |
Shft + T | Opens the HTML Text Entry Box. |
Shft + L | Link an object from file to the current image. |
Shft + R | Opens the Rollover dialog box. |
F12 | Opens the Component Designer dialog box. |
Shft + B | Opens the Background Designer dialog box. |
Shft + T | Opens the HTML Text Entry Box. |
Shft + Enter | Opens the Web Properties dialog box. |
Shft + Q | Deletes the excess borders of the selected object (Trim Object). |
F4 | Opens the Image Optimizer dialog box. Effect Menu. |
Shft + P | Applies the Paint on Edges effect. |
Window Menu | |
Shft + F5 | Arranges all open windows diagonally in the workspace from left to right and top to bottom. |
Shft + F4 | Evenly distributes all open windows vertically in the workspace. |
Shft + F6 | Opens the Batch Manager dialog box. |
Help Menu | |
F1 | Opens the Ulead PhotoImpact online help. |
Shft + F1 | Activates the Context Sensitive Help. Click on the item in question to open the help related article. |
Misc. | |
Ctrl + Shft + K | Toggles between moving the selection and copying the selection (only when the Selection tool is active). |
G | Show Global Viewer (if available). |
Shft + F9 | Find next - EasyPalette. |
Alt + P | Play - Quick Command Panel. |
Tab | Show/Hide Toolbars and Panels. |
Page Up/Down | Scroll image vertically. |
Home/End | Scroll image horizontally. |
F2 | Show/Hide EasyPalette. |
Ctrl + F2 | Show/Hide Quick Command Panel. |
Ctrl + F3 | Show/Hide Brush Panel/Text/Path/Slice/Image Map Panel. |
Ctrl + Shft + Del | Deletes the selected thumbnail from the EasyPalette. |
Arrow keys | Moves the object up/down one pixel or to the left/right. This works on all tools except for Painting/Retouch/Clone/Fill tool. |
F10 | Opens the Document Manager. |
Ctrl + F1 | Show EasyPalette Pop-up. |
Ctrl + A | Selects all texts in the text box. |
Visual Open | |
F5 | Refresh the Visual Open window. |
Ctrl + A | Selects all the thumbnails. |
Tool Panel | |
(`) | Display Tools submenu. |
K | Pick Tool |
M | Goes through all the various Selection tools. |
B | Z-Merge Tool |
A | Adds to the current selection area. |
S | Subtracts from the current selection area. |
T | Text Tool |
P | Goes through all the various Paint tools. |
O | Toggles between the Object Paint Eraser Tool and the Object Magic Eraser Tool. |
R | Crop Tool |
Q | Transform Tool |
Y | Eyedropper Tool |
C | Measure Tool |
/ | Zoom Tool |
H | Goes through all the various Retouch tools. |
D | Goes through all the various Path tools. |
N | Goes through all the various Clone tools. |
. | Stamp Tool |
F | Goes through all the various Fill tools. |
I | Slice Tool |
U | Image Map Tool |
C | Switches to the Eyedropper tool temporarily by holding down this key. |
W | Switches to the Pick Tool temporarily by holding down this key. |
X | Switches the Foreground and Background color. |
Z | Switches to the Zoom tool temporarily by holding down this key. |
E | Toggles between Painting and Erase mode when using the Painting Tool. |
L + Dragging | Tiles an object over another image. (Press [L], then drags a selected object into another image window.) |
M + Dragging | Uses an object as a mask. (Press [M], then drags an object to another window to use it as a mask. Or, drag it to the EasyPalette while holding down the [M]-key to save it as a mask object.) |
Alt + Click tool | Goes through all the different tools of the selected tool. |
Ctrl + Click tool | Goes through all the different tools of the selected tool. |
Shft | Constrains the selection to a circle or square and draws a straight line in increments of 45 degrees. |
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