Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts


Selecting tools
VSelection tool
ATrack Select tool
BRipple Edit tool
NRolling Edit tool
XRate Stretch tool
CRazor tool
YSlip tool
USlide tool
PPen tool
HHand tool
ZZoom tool
Viewing Panels
Shft + 6Audio Mixer Panel
Shft + 5Effect Controls Panel
Shft + 7Effects Panel
Shft + 2Source Monitor Panel
Shft + 4Program Monitor Panel
Shft + 1Project Panel
Shft + 3Timeline Panel
Capture panel
TabNavigate through editable fields
EscCancel capture
FFast Forward
QGo to In point
WGo to Out point
Left ArrowStep back
Right ArrowStep forward
Multi-camera monitor
Page DownGo to next edit point
Page UpGo to previous edit point
0Record On/Off
1Select Camera 1
2Select Camera 2
3Select Camera 3
4Select Camera 4
Left ArrowStep back
Right ArrowStep forward
Project Panel
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete selection with options
Shft + Down ArrowExtend selection down
Shft + Left ArrowExtend selection left
Shft + Right ArrowExtend selection right
Shft + Up ArrowExtend selection up
Down ArrowMove selection down
EndMove selection to the end
HomeMove selection to home
Left ArrowMove selection left
Page DownMove selection a page down
Page UpMove selection a page up
Right ArrowMove selection right
Up ArrowMove selection up
Shft + ]Next thumbnail size
Shft + [Previous thumbnail size
Double‑click the work area barSet work area bar to sequence
Alt + [Set work area bar In point
Alt + ]Set work area bar Out point
GClear In and Out points
DClear In point
BackspaceClear selection
FClear Out Point
Alt‑drag In point or Out pointEdit audio or video In point or Out point independently
QGo to In point
WGo to Out point
Page DownGo to next edit point
Page UpGo to previous edit point
EndGo to sequence end
HomeGo to sequence start
Ctrl + 1Go to sequence numbered marker
MMatch frame
Type +, followed by the number of frames, and then press EnterMove selected clip forward a specified number of frames
Type , followed by the number of frames, and then press EnterMove selected clip back a specified number of frames
Alt + Shft + ,Nudge clip selection 5 frames to the left
Alt + ,Nudge clip selection one frame to the left
Alt + Shft + .Nudge clip selection 5 frames to the right
Alt + .Nudge clip selection one frame to the right
Ctrl + spacebarPlay from current‑time indicator to Out point
Shft + spacebarPlay In to Out with preroll/postroll
spacebarToggle Play/Stop
Hold down Shft while pressing L repeatedly until playing at the desired speed. Release Shft.Play forward at fast speed
LPlay forward at normal speed
Hold K while pressing LPlay forward one frame at a time
Hold down K + LPlay forward slowly (8 fps)
Hold down Shft while pressing J repeatedly until playing at the desired speed. Release Shft.Play in reverse at fast speed
JPlay in reverse at normal speed
Hold K while pressing JPlay in reverse one frame at a time
Hold down K + JPlay in reverse slowly (8 fps)
Shft + TReveal nested sequence
Alt + BackspaceRipple delete
ISet In point
Shft + * (use the numeric keypad)Set next available numbered Timeline marker
OSet Out point
* (use the numeric keypad)Set unnumbered marker
Down ArrowShow next screen
Up ArrowShow previous screen
Shft + JShuttle slow left
Shft + LShuttle slow right
KShuttle stop
Alt + Shft + Left ArrowSlide clip selection 5 frames to the left
Alt + Left ArrowSlide clip selection one frame to the left
Alt + Shft + Right ArrowSlide clip selection 5 frames to the right
Alt + Right ArrowSlide clip selection one frame to the right
Alt*'drag the audio or video portion of the clip with the Selection toolSlip audio or video independently
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + Left ArrowSlip clip selection 5 frames to the left
Ctrl + Alt + Left ArrowSlip clip selection one frame to the left
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + Right ArrowSlip clip selection 5 frames to the right
Ctrl + Alt + Right ArrowSlip clip selection one frame to the right
Left ArrowStep back
Shft + Left ArrowStep back 5 frames/units
Right ArrowStep forward
Shft + Right ArrowStep forward 5 frames/units
Ctrl + Shft + -Target audio track below
Ctrl + -Target video track below
AArc tool
Alt + Shft + Left ArrowDecrease kerning by 5 units
Alt + Left ArrowDecrease kerning by 1 unit
Alt + Shft + Down ArrowDecrease leading by 5 units
Alt + Down ArrowDecrease leading by 1 unit
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + Left ArrowDecrease text size by 5 points
Ctrl + Alt + Left ArrowDecrease text size by 1 point
EEllipse tool
Alt + Shft + Right ArrowIncrease kerning by 5 units
Alt + Right ArrowIncrease kerning by 1 unit
Alt + Shft + Up ArrowIncrease leading by 5 units
Alt + Up ArrowIncrease leading by 1 unit
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + Right ArrowIncrease text size by 5 points
Ctrl + Alt + Right ArrowIncrease text size by 1 point
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + CInsert copyright symbol
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + RInsert registered symbol
LLine tool
Ctrl + TNew title
Shft + Down ArrowNudge selected object 5 pixels down
Down ArrowNudge selected object 1 pixel down
Shft + Left ArrowNudge selected object 5 pixels to the left
Left ArrowNudge selected object 1 pixel to the left
Shft + Right ArrowNudge selected object 5 pixels to the right
Right ArrowNudge selected object 1 pixel to the right
Shft + Up ArrowNudge selected object 5 pixels up
Up ArrowNudge selected object 1 pixel up
PPen tool
Ctrl + Shft + DPosition objects to the bottom Title Safe Margin
Ctrl + Shft + FPosition objects to the left Title Safe Margin
Ctrl + Shft + OPosition objects to the top Title Safe Margin
RRectangle tool
ORotation tool
VSelection tool
TType tool
CVertical Type tool
WWedge tool
Trim panel
Alt + 1Focus on both Outgoing and Incoming sides
Alt + 3Focus on Incoming side
Alt + 2Focus on Outgoing side
Alt + Shft + Left ArrowTrim backward by large trim offset
Alt + Left ArrowTrim backward by one frame
Alt + Shft + Right ArrowTrim forward by large trim offset
Alt + Right ArrowTrim forward by one frame


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