DVD Architect 3 Keyboard Shortcuts


Project file
Ctrl+NCreate new project
Ctrl+OOpen existing project
Ctrl+SSave project
Alt+EnterProject properties
Magnification and view
Alt+0Focus to workspace
Alt+1Show/hide editing toolbar
Alt+2Show/hide text toolbar
Alt+3Show/hide Explorer window
Alt+4Show/hide Themes window
Alt+5Show/hide Buttons window
Alt+6Show/hide Backgrounds window
Alt+7Show/hide Compilation window
Alt+8Show/hide Properties window
Alt+9Show/hide Timeline window
Ctrl+Alt+1Show/hide Project Overview window
F11Show/hide bottom panel
Shft+F11Show/hide side panel
Ctrl+GShow/hide grid
Ctrl+BShow/hide button masks
Home/EndShow first/last page
Page Up/Page DownShow previous/next page
General editing
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+Shft+ZRedo last action
Ctrl+ASelect All
F2Edit selected text
Ctrl+Home/EndMove object to top/bottom
Ctrl+Page Up/Page DownMove object forward/back
Up Arrow/Down ArrowSelect object above/below
Right Arrow/Left ArrowSelect object to left/right
Alt+Up Arrow/Down ArrowMove selected objects up/down by grid spacing
Alt+Right Arrow/Left ArrowMove selected objects right/left by grid spacing
Alt+Page Up/Page DownMove selected objects to top/bottom of menu
Alt+End/HomeMove selected objects to right/left of menu
DToggle Selection/Sizing tool
Ctrl+DSelection tool
Ctrl+Shft+GEdit grid settings
F8Enable snapping
Ctrl+F8Snap to grid
Shft+F8Snap to objects
Ctrl+Shft+F8Snap to safe areas
Inserting objects and titles
Ctrl+TInsert text
Ctrl+MInsert submenu
Ctrl+LInsert picture compilation
Ctrl+KInsert music compilation
Ctrl+FInsert media
Timeline window
Up/Down ArrowZoom in/out
Home/EndMove cursor to set in/out point
Ctrl+Home/EndMove cursor to beginning/end of timeline
Alt+Home/EndMove cursor to beginning/end of viewable area of timeline (when zoomed in)
Right/Left ArrowMove cursor left/right
Alt+Right/Left ArrowMove one frame left/right
SpacebarPreview current title in workspace starting at the timeline cursor position
Shft+SpacePreview current title in workspace starting at the set in point
MInsert chapter
I/OSet in/out points
LSet loop point
Ctrl+QInsert audio track
Ctrl+Shft+QInsert video track
Ctrl+Alt+QInsert subtitle track
Ctrl+Shft+TInsert subtitle text on active track and make subtitle text editable
TInsert subtitle text on all selected tracks without editing text
Page Up/Page DownPrevious/next chapter or page
Ctrl+Left/Right ArrowFast forward/reverse
Ctrl+Shft+Left/Right ArrowSuper fast forward/reverse
F9Preview current title in Preview window starting at the timeline cursor position
Ctrl+F9Preview disc in Preview window
Shft+F9Preview current title in Preview window starting at the set in point
SpacebarPreview current title in workspace starting at the timeline cursor position
Shft+SpacebarPreview current title in workspace starting at the set in point
Mouse shortcuts
Ctrl+drag objectCopy object
Shft+drag objectOverride snapping
Alt+drag objectConstrain motion horizontally or vertically
Ctrl+drag edge of object with sizing toolResize object from center
Shft+drag edge of object with sizing toolResize proportionally
Ctrl+Shft+drag edge of object with sizing toolResize object proportionally from center


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