Incredimail Keyboard Shortcuts


In the IncrediMail Main Window
Ctrl ASelect All
Ctrl Shft BOpen Address Book
Ctrl Shft ISelect 'Inbox' folder
Ctrl Shft OOpen 'Options' dialog
Ctrl+F11Display Notifier
Ctrl+F9Dismiss Notifier
Ctrl+DDelete email
Ctrl+FForward email
Ctrl+Shft+FFind email
Ctrl + MActivate 'Advanced Account Access'
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+OOpen selected email
Ctrl+PPrint email
Ctrl+QMark email as 'read'
Ctrl+RReply to email
Ctrl+Shft+RReply to all email's corespondents
Down ArrowGo to next email
Up ArrowGo to previous email
F1Opens 'Help Center'
F3Find text
EnterOpens selected email
TABSkips to next field
Shft+TABSkip to previous field
Ctrl+TabSkip to next tab in 'Options' dialog
Ctrl+Shft+TabSkip to the previous tab in 'Options' dialog
Shft+DeletePermanently deletes email message
Ctrl + 1Show/hide 'Key Contact' list
Ctrl + 2Show/hide 'Preview Pane' in the IncrediMail main window
Ctrl+SOpen 'Select Skin' dialog
Ctrl+Shft+NOpen 'Select Notifier' dialog
While Viewing the Email Message
Ctrl + EInsert last Emoticon
Ctrl+> or Ctrl+Down ArrowGo to next message
Ctrl+< or Ctrl+Up ArrowGo to previous message
Ctrl+FForward message
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+PPrint the message
Ctrl+RReply message
Ctrl+Shft+RReply all
EscapeCloses message
F3Find text
Alt+EnterShow properties of message
Composed Message (New, Reply or Forward)
Ctrl+FFind text
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+PPrint message
Ctrl+SSave as draft
Alt+S or Ctrl+EnterSend message
Ctrl+Shft+SInsert signature
F1Opens the Help files
F3Find text
F5Randomize this Letter
Ctrl+F5'No background' message
F7Check spelling
F8Open/close the style box
TABSkips to next field
Shft+TABSkip to the previous field
Ctrl+ZUndo action (in edit space)
Ctrl+YRedo action (in edit space)
Ctrl+K or Alt+KResolves Contact person or group
Ctrl+Shft+AAdd attachments to message
Ctrl+Shft+JInsert picture
Ctrl+Shft+QOpen Voice Message Recorder
Ctrl+Shft+SAdd Signature
Ctrl+Alt+DSwitch writing direction
Ctrl+BBold text
Ctrl+IItalic text
Ctrl+UUnderline text
Ctrl+Shft+CFormat Painter mode
Address Book
Ctrl+GNew group
Ctrl+NNew contact
F1Opens the Help files
Enter or Alt+EnterContact properties
Ctrl+TabSkip to the next tab(page) in Properties dialog
Ctrl+Shft+TabSkip to the previous tab(page) in Properties dialog
Ctrl+ZUndo action (during editing)
Ctrl+PPrint contact or group
Advanced Account Access
Ctrl+BGet message
Ctrl+TStop retreiving messages
Shft + DeletePermanently delete email from server
F5Refresh message list
Global Hotkeys
F6Check for new messages
F10Compose a new message
F12Open IncrediMail main window


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