Free Commander Keyboard Shortcuts


F3 or Shft+F3View selected file
F4 Shft+F4Edit selected file Create and edit a file
F5Copy selected files and folders
F6Move selected files and folder
F8 or DelDelete selected files and folders
Shft+Ctrl+F8Wipe selected files and folders
F2Rename selected object
Ctrl+Alt+VCompare files (see 'Settings')
N/AChange case (lower / upper) of the selected files
Alt+F5Compress selected files
Alt+F6Uncompress selected archive
Shft+Ctrl+ISplit selected files into multiple files
Alt+EnterDisplay properties of selected objects
Shft+EnterChange date and attributes of selected object
Shft+F10Show context menu
Alt+F7Search for files / folders
Alt+F4Exit program and save settings
Ctrl+XThe selected folders and files will be moved into the clipboard
Ctrl+CThe selected folders and files will be copied into the clipboard
Ctrl+VThe folders and files from the clipboard will be inserted into the folder of the current window.
Ctrl+ASelect all files and folders in the current window
+(Num)Select some of the files and folders in the current window.
Alt++(Num)Select all files with the same extension in the current window.
*(Num)Invert the selection in the current window
Ctrl+*(Num)Invert the selection in the current window - only files
Ctrl+-(Num)Deselect all files and folders in the current window
-(Num)Deselect some files and folders in the current window
Alt+-(Num)Deselect all files with the same extension in the current window
Alt+InsCopy the full path and file name into the clipboard
Shft+Alt+InsCopy file names into the clipboard
Ctrl+Alt+InsCopy the full path of the current window into the clipboard
Alt+F1Change drive in the left window
Alt+F2Change drive in the right window
Shft+A,...,Shft+ZChange drive in current window to drive A: .. Z:
Press and hold Ctrl and click on a drive in the drive barChange to the root folder of the drive in the current window
F7Create new folder in current folder
Shft+F7Find folder in tree view
Alt+GGo to folder
Ctrl+F Alt+Scroll-DownDefine a filter to hide/show a distinct group of files Display filter popup menu
Alt+F9Detail view: show size of subfolder
Ctrl+F9Detail view: show size of selected folder
Alt+DownShow history of last 20 selected folders
Ctrl+F3Sort the files and folders in current window by name
Ctrl+F4Sort the files and folders in current window by type
Shft+Ctrl+F4Sort the files and folders in current window by extension
Ctrl+F5Sort the files and folders in current window by time
Ctrl+F6Sort the files and folders in current window by size
Shft+Ctrl+FDefine folder favorites
Shft+Ctrl+1,..., Shft+Ctrl+0The first 10 folder favorites Show popup menu for folder favorites
Alt+UpShow popup menu for folder favorites
Alt+VCompare files from active and inactive window
Alt+SSynchronize folders
BkSpGo one folder up
Ctrl+Pos1Go back to the root folder
Alt+LeftHistory - back
Alt+RightHistory - next
Ctrl+YGo to quick filter field
Alt+YDeactivate quick filter
Ctrl+F1Change view in current window to: list
Ctrl+F2Change view in current window to: file details
Ctrl+IChange view in current window to: thumbnails
Ctrl+HSplit horizontal
Alt+TShow tree view for current window
Ctrl+Shft+F1Hide left window
Ctrl+Shft+F2Equalize size for left and right window
Ctrl+Shft+F3Hide right window
Ctrl+RRefresh current window
Ctrl+Shft+RRefresh all
Ctrl+UToggle windows
Ctrl+ESame folder in both windows
Ctrl+SShow only selected files
Shft+EscMinimize FreeCommander Window
Ctrl+Alt++Autoresize columns
Shft+F1Popup menu for views
Ctrl+QQuick view on/off
Ctrl+TNew folder TAB
Ctrl+WClose folder TAB
Shft+Ctrl+WClose all folder TABs
Click with right mouse key into the status lineQuickly change settings
Ctrl+YDefine layouts
Alt+1,...,Alt+0Access the first 10 layouts
Shft+Ctrl+YDefine program favorites
Ctrl+1,...,Ctrl+0Access the first 10 program favorites
Ctrl+DOpen DOS window
F11Connect network drive
F12Disconnect network drive
DOS Prompt
Ctrl+Shft+SpacebarToggle between command line and current window
Ctrl+SpacebarInsert name of the current folder in the command line
Ctrl+EnterInsert name of the selected file or folder in the command line
Shft+Ctrl+EnterInsert path and name of the selected file or folder in the command line
Ctrl+UpGo up in the list of command from the history
Ctrl+DownGo down in the list of commands from the history
Alt+DownShow list of commands from the history
Enter or Alt+EnterExecute the command in the command line
Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+RightJump left / right in the command line


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