Quicken Keyboard Shortcuts


Features and Lists
ALT+HomeGo to the Quicken Home Page
CTRL+RGo to the Register
CTRL+WGo to the Write Checks screen
CTRL+KGo to the Calendar
CTRL+HGo to the View Loans screen
CTRL+AGo to the Account List
CTRL+CGo to the Category List
CTRL+LGo to the Class List
CTRL+JGo to the Scheduled Transaction List
CTRL+TGo to the Memorized Payee List
First letter of itemSelect an item in a list
mFirst day of this month
hLast day of this month
yFirst day of this year
rLast day of this year
CTRL+GGo to date
Moving around in windows and fields
F11Maximize register view
ALT+BACK ARROWPrevious window
TABNext field or column
SHFT+TABPrevious field or column
HOMEBeginning of field
HOME twiceFirst field in transaction or window or first report row
HOME three timesFirst transaction in window
HOME four timesFirst transaction in register
CTRL+HOMEFirst transaction or upper left corner of report
ENDEnd of field
END twiceLast field in transaction or window, or last report row
END three timesLast transaction in window
END four timesLast transaction in register
CTRL+ENDLast transaction or lower right corner of report
PAGE DOWNNext window or check
PAGE UPPrevious window or check
CTRL+PAGE UPFirst day of month
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWUp or down one row
File Operations
CTRL+BBack up a file
CTRL+OOpen a file
Register and Write Checks
- (minus sign)Decrease date or check number
+ (plus sign)Increase date or check number
(space) fAdd follow-up flag - In an account register, select the paper clip icon for the current transaction and press the SPACEBAR; then press the f key.
(space) nAdd note - In an account register, select the paper clip icon for the current transaction and press the SPACEBAR; then press the n key.
(space) cAttach check - In an account register, select the paper clip icon for the current transaction and press the SPACEBAR; then press the c key.
(space) rAttach receipt - In an account register, select the paper clip icon for the current transaction and press the SPACEBAR; then press the r key.
(space) oAttach other image - - In an account register, select the paper clip icon for the current transaction and press the SPACEBAR; then press the i key.
' (apostrophe)Copy data from the field above the currently selected field in the Split Transaction dialog
' (apostrophe)Copy the payee name when the address field is selected in the Write Checks window
CTRL+INSCopy a field in the register
SHFT+DELCut a field in the register
Shft+ INSPaste a field in the register
CTRL+DDelete a transaction or split line
CTRL+FFind a transaction
CTRL+NGo to a new transaction
CTRL+IInsert a transaction
CTRL+MMemorize a transaction
Type payee nameQuickFill, automatic recall
TABQuickFill, automatic completion
CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROWQuickFill list, scroll up or down
ENTER or CTRL+ENTERRecord a transaction
CTRL+SOpen the Split Transaction dialog
CTRL+XGo to Transfer
F11Switch to full register view
CTRL+VVoid a transaction
CTRL+UGo to Portfolio View
- or +Decrease or increase a security price by 1/16
CTRL+YSelect a security


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