Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts


View Shortcuts
~Toggle between Grid and Loupe
EscReturn to previous view
ReturnEnter Loupe or 1:1 view
SpaceToggle between Loupe and Zoom
EEnter Loupe view
CEnter Compare mode
GEnter Grid Mode
Cmnd + ReturnEnter Quick Slideshow mode
FCycle to next Screen Mode
Cmnd + Shft + FReturn to Normal Screen Mode
LCycle through Lights Out modes
Cmnd + Shft + HTurn cell extras on and off
Panel Shortcuts
TabShow/Hide the side panels
Shft + TabHide/Show all the panels
Cmnd + FActivate the search field
Cmnd + Optn + AShow/Hide the Activity window
Cmnd + /Return to the previous module
Ratings Shortcuts
0Reset ratings to none
] , [Increase and Decrease the rating
Image Shortcuts
Cmnd + Shft + IImport images
Cmnd + [ , ]Rotate left and right
Cmnd + EEdit in Photoshop
Cmnd + - , =Zoom in and out
ZZoom to 100%
HHide image There is a checkbox in the Search panel to show hidden images.
Cmnd + RReveal in finder
DeleteRemove from Library
Cmnd + DeleteMove image to OS Trash Also removes from the Library
Cmnd + Shft + CCopy Camera Raw Adjustments
Cmnd + Shft + VPaste Camera Raw Adjustments
Cmnd + Right/Left ArrowNext/Previous selected image
Cmnd + Shft + EExport Image
Quick Collection Shortcuts
BAdd to Quick Collection
Cmnd + BShow the Quick Collection
Cmnd+Shft+BClear Quick Collection
Edit Shortcuts
Cmnd + EEdit in Photoshop Renders the current settings into a Tiff file, and opens the file in Photoshop for further editing.
Cmnd + [ , ]Rotate left and right
1-5Set Ratings
Cmnd + Shft + CCopy Camera Raw Adjustments A dialog will come up asking which adjustments to copy.
Cmnd + Shft + VPaste Camera Raw Adjustments
Output Shortcuts
Cmnd + ReturnShow selected images in a slideshow Shows the current selected images in a slideshow based on the current Slideshow module settings.
Cmnd + PPrint selected images
Cmnd + Shft + PPage Setup
Navigation Shortcuts
Cmnd + Left ArrowPrevious Photo
Cmnd + Right ArrowNext Photo
UI Shortcuts
TabHide panels
Shft + TabHide all panels
Cmnd + /Go to previous module
Cmnd + Ctrl + AShow Activity Window
Mode Shortcuts
FCycle screen modes
Cmnd + Shft + FGo to normal screen mode
LCycle Lights Out modes
Cmnd + Shft + LGo to Lights Dim mode
Quick Collection Shortcuts
Cmnd + BShow quick collection
Cmnd + Shft + BClear quick collection
Show Shortcuts
Cmnd + ReturnPlay Slideshow
PPause Slideshow
EscEnd Slideshow
View Shortcuts
TabHide side panels
Shft + TabHide all panels
Cmnd + /Go to previous module
Cmnd + Shft + HShow Guides
Cmnd + Shft + AShow/Hide Activity Window
Mode Shortcuts
FCycle screen modes
Cmnd + Shft + FGo to normal screen mode
LCycle Lights Out modes
Cmnd + Shft + LGo to Lights Dim mode
Quick Collection Shortcuts
Cmnd + BShow quick collection
Cmnd + Shft + BClear quick collection
Printing Shortcuts
Cmnd + PPrint
Cmnd + Shft + PPage Setup
View Shortcuts
Cmnd + Left ArrowGo to first page
Left ArrowGo to previous page
Cmnd + Right ArrowGo to last page
Right ArrowGo to next page
Page Extra Shortcuts
Cmnd + Shft + HShow all page extras
Cmnd + Shft + MShow Page Bleed
Cmnd + Shft + TShow Gutters
Cmnd + RShow Rulers There is a choice between Wooden and Plastic Rulers
View Shortcuts
TabHide side panels
Shft + TabHide all panels
Cmnd + /Go to Previous Module
Cmnd + Optn + AShow/Hide Activity Window
Mode Shortcuts
FCycle screen modes
Cmnd + Shft + FGo to normal screen mode
LCycle Lights Out modes
Cmnd + Shft + LGo to Lights Dim mode
Quick Collection Shortcuts
Cmnd + BShow quick collection
Cmnd + Shft + BClear quick collection


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