View Shortcuts | |
~ | Toggle between Grid and Loupe |
Esc | Return to previous view |
Return | Enter Loupe or 1:1 view |
Space | Toggle between Loupe and Zoom |
E | Enter Loupe view |
C | Enter Compare mode |
G | Enter Grid Mode |
Cmnd + Return | Enter Quick Slideshow mode |
F | Cycle to next Screen Mode |
Cmnd + Shft + F | Return to Normal Screen Mode |
L | Cycle through Lights Out modes |
Cmnd + Shft + H | Turn cell extras on and off |
Panel Shortcuts | |
Tab | Show/Hide the side panels |
Shft + Tab | Hide/Show all the panels |
Cmnd + F | Activate the search field |
Cmnd + Optn + A | Show/Hide the Activity window |
Cmnd + / | Return to the previous module |
Ratings Shortcuts | |
0 | Reset ratings to none |
] , [ | Increase and Decrease the rating |
Image Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Shft + I | Import images |
Cmnd + [ , ] | Rotate left and right |
Cmnd + E | Edit in Photoshop |
Cmnd + - , = | Zoom in and out |
Z | Zoom to 100% |
H | Hide image There is a checkbox in the Search panel to show hidden images. |
Cmnd + R | Reveal in finder |
Delete | Remove from Library |
Cmnd + Delete | Move image to OS Trash Also removes from the Library |
Cmnd + Shft + C | Copy Camera Raw Adjustments |
Cmnd + Shft + V | Paste Camera Raw Adjustments |
Cmnd + Right/Left Arrow | Next/Previous selected image |
Cmnd + Shft + E | Export Image |
Quick Collection Shortcuts | |
B | Add to Quick Collection |
Cmnd + B | Show the Quick Collection |
Cmnd+Shft+B | Clear Quick Collection |
Edit Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + E | Edit in Photoshop Renders the current settings into a Tiff file, and opens the file in Photoshop for further editing. |
Cmnd + [ , ] | Rotate left and right |
1-5 | Set Ratings |
Cmnd + Shft + C | Copy Camera Raw Adjustments A dialog will come up asking which adjustments to copy. |
Cmnd + Shft + V | Paste Camera Raw Adjustments |
Output Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Return | Show selected images in a slideshow Shows the current selected images in a slideshow based on the current Slideshow module settings. |
Cmnd + P | Print selected images |
Cmnd + Shft + P | Page Setup |
Navigation Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Left Arrow | Previous Photo |
Cmnd + Right Arrow | Next Photo |
UI Shortcuts | |
Tab | Hide panels |
Shft + Tab | Hide all panels |
Cmnd + / | Go to previous module |
Cmnd + Ctrl + A | Show Activity Window |
Mode Shortcuts | |
F | Cycle screen modes |
Cmnd + Shft + F | Go to normal screen mode |
L | Cycle Lights Out modes |
Cmnd + Shft + L | Go to Lights Dim mode |
Quick Collection Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + B | Show quick collection |
Cmnd + Shft + B | Clear quick collection |
Show Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Return | Play Slideshow |
P | Pause Slideshow |
Esc | End Slideshow |
View Shortcuts | |
Tab | Hide side panels |
Shft + Tab | Hide all panels |
Cmnd + / | Go to previous module |
Cmnd + Shft + H | Show Guides |
Cmnd + Shft + A | Show/Hide Activity Window |
Mode Shortcuts | |
F | Cycle screen modes |
Cmnd + Shft + F | Go to normal screen mode |
L | Cycle Lights Out modes |
Cmnd + Shft + L | Go to Lights Dim mode |
Quick Collection Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + B | Show quick collection |
Cmnd + Shft + B | Clear quick collection |
Printing Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + P | |
Cmnd + Shft + P | Page Setup |
View Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Left Arrow | Go to first page |
Left Arrow | Go to previous page |
Cmnd + Right Arrow | Go to last page |
Right Arrow | Go to next page |
Page Extra Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + Shft + H | Show all page extras |
Cmnd + Shft + M | Show Page Bleed |
Cmnd + Shft + T | Show Gutters |
Cmnd + R | Show Rulers There is a choice between Wooden and Plastic Rulers |
View Shortcuts | |
Tab | Hide side panels |
Shft + Tab | Hide all panels |
Cmnd + / | Go to Previous Module |
Cmnd + Optn + A | Show/Hide Activity Window |
Mode Shortcuts | |
F | Cycle screen modes |
Cmnd + Shft + F | Go to normal screen mode |
L | Cycle Lights Out modes |
Cmnd + Shft + L | Go to Lights Dim mode |
Quick Collection Shortcuts | |
Cmnd + B | Show quick collection |
Cmnd + Shft + B | Clear quick collection |
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