AVS Video Converter Keyboard Shortcuts


Main Window
F1Brings up the current Help File Window
F3Terminates the program and exits.
F4Opens Edit options where you will find a list of all the available effects.
F5Opens the corresponding Profile Editor
F12Opens About AVS Video Converter window. Here you can get the program overview, license information, go to our web site www.avs4you.com and register your program.
Timeline Keyboard manipulation
EscClose the Effects window
Pg UpMoves five effects up
Pg DownMoves five effects down
EndMove cursor to the end of the file
HomeMove cursor to the beginning of the file
Left ArrowNavigate along file towards the beginning by frame
Right ArrowNavigate along file towards the end by frame
Left Ctrl+Left ArrowNavigate along file towards the beginning by 10 frames
Left Ctrl+Right ArrowNavigate along file towards the end by 10 frames
Right Ctrl+Left ArrowNavigate along file towards the beginning by 100 frames
Right Ctrl+Right ArrowNavigate along file towards the end by 100 frames
Shft+Left ArrowIncreases selection towards the beginning by frame
Shft+Right ArrowIncreases selection towards the end by frame
Alt+Left ArrowDecreases selection towards the beginning by frame
Alt+Right ArrowDecreases selection towards the end by frame
Left Ctrl+Shft+Left ArrowIncreases selection towards the beginning by 10 frames
Left Ctrl+Shft+Right ArrowIncreases selection towards the end by 10 frames
Left Ctrl+Alt+Left ArrowDecreases selection towards the beginning by 10 frames
Left Ctrl+Alt+Right ArrowDecreases selection towards the end by 10 frames
Right Ctrl+Alt+Left ArrowDecreases selection towards the beginning by 100 frames
Right Ctrl+Alt+Right ArrowDecreases selection towards the end by 100 frames
Top ArrowMove upward along list of effects
Bottom ArrowMove down along list of effects
InsAdd effect
DelDelete effect
+Zoom in
-Zoom out
SpaceStart Preview
F1Starts AVS4YOU Programs Help
Markers Keyboard manipulation
EscClose the Effects window
Pg UpMoves five markers up
Pg DownMoves five markers down
EndMove to the end of markers list
HomeMove to the beginning of markers list
Left ArrowNavigate along the markers list towards the beginning by marker
Right ArrowNavigate along the markers list towards the end by marker
Top ArrowNavigate along the markers list towards the beginning by marker
Bottom ArrowNavigate along the markers list towards the end by marker
InsAdd marker
DelDelete marker
F1Starts AVS4YOU Programs Help


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