Quickbooks Keyboard Shortcuts


Date related
YFirst day of the Year
RLast day of the yeaR
MFirst day of the Month
HLast day of the montH
WFirst day of the Week
KLast day of the weeK
+Next day (also next form #)
-Prior day (also prior form #)
1 (or 2, 3 ...)Before popular list items (fast)
Down arrowMove down a line
Up arrowMove up a line
Ctrl + 1Show important QuickBooks data.
Ctrl + 2Turn on QBWIN.LOG
Ctrl + GGo to other account register
Ctrl + HGet transaction history
Ctrl + NNew transaction
Ctrl + RGo to transaction register
Ctrl + YDisplay transaction journal
Ctrl + ZDrill down report/undo last change
Ctrl + >Next word in field (right arrow)
Ctrl + <Prior word in field (right arrow)
Ctrl +DownArrowScroll through list while in form
Ctrl + EnterRecord entry (if Enter moves)
Ctrl + Page UpFirst item/ list, prior month/ register
Ctrl + Page DownLast item/ list (next month/ register)
Ctrl + UpArrowScroll through list while in form
EndEnd of field
End EndEnd of transaction
End End EndEnd of register
EnterRecord transaction, default
EscCancel edit, close window
HomeBeginning of field
Home HomeBeginning of transaction
Home Home HomeBeginning of register
Page DownScroll down a page
Page UpScroll up a page
Shft + TabMove to prior field
ShftCenter open window
TabMove to next field (or Enter)
Ctrl + 1Show important QuickBooks data.
Ctrl + 2Turn on QBWIN.LOG
Ctrl + AChart of Accounts
Ctrl + CCopy text to clipboard
Ctrl + DDelete transaction - item
Ctrl + EEdit
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + GGo to other account register
Ctrl + HGet transaction history
Ctrl + ICreate Invoice
Ctrl + JCustomers, Jobs
Ctrl + L/Down ArrowList
Ctrl + MMemorize
Ctrl + NNew transaction
Ctrl + OCopy transaction in register
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + QQuick Report from List
Ctrl + RGo to transaction register
Ctrl + TRecall memorized transaction
Ctrl + UUse item on list
Ctrl + VPaste text from clipboard
Ctrl + WWrite checks
Ctrl + XCut text to clipboard
Ctrl + YDisplay transaction journal
Ctrl + ZDrill down report/undo last change
Ctrl + Up ArrowScroll through list entries in form
Ctrl + DelDelete line
Ctrl + Down ArrowScroll through list while in form
Ctrl + EnterRecord entry (if Enter moves)
Ctrl + F1Hide / show cue cards
Ctrl + F6Next window
Ctrl + InsInsert line
Ctrl + Left ArrowPrior word in field
Ctrl + Page UpFirst item/ list, prior month/ register
Ctrl + Page DownLast item/ list (next month/ register)
Ctrl + Right ArrowNext word in field
Ctrl + Up ArrowScroll through list while in form
Cut and paste
Ctrl + CCopy text to clipboard
Ctrl + DDelete transaction - item
Ctrl + VPaste text from clipboard
Ctrl + XCut text to clipboard
Ctrl + ZUndo last change or drill down report
Ctrl + DelDelete line
Ctrl + InsInsert line
Alt + Down ArrowDisplay list for a field
Alt + F4Exit program
Ctrl + AChart of Accounts
Ctrl + EEdit
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + ICreate Invoice
Ctrl + JCustomers, Jobs
Ctrl + L/Down ArrowList/Scroll through list in form
Ctrl + MMemorize
Ctrl + OCopy transaction in register
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + QQuick Report from List
Ctrl + TRecall memorized transaction
Ctrl + UUse item on list
Ctrl + WWrite checks
Ctrl + F1Hide / show cue cards
Ctrl + F6Next window
Ctrl + Up ArrowScroll through list entries in form
DiamondMove list item, make sub-item
EscapeCancel entry or close window
F2Edit data
ShftOpen window in center of screen
Space barMark or unmark check boxes
Type initial lettersQuick Fill names in list
Data entry
+Next day (also next form #)
-Prior day (also prior form #)
1 (or 2, 3 ...)Before popular list items (fast)
Alt + down arrowDisplay list for a field
Alt + F4Exit program
DiamondMove list item, make sub-item
Down arrowMove down a line
EndEnd of field
End EndEnd of transaction
End End EndEnd of register
EnterRecord transaction, default
EscCancel edit, close window
F2Edit data
HLast day of the montH (in date)
HomeBeginning of field
Home HomeBeginning of transaction
Home Home HomeBeginning of register
KLast day of the weeK (in date)
MFirst day of the Month (in date)
Page DownScroll down a page
Page UpScroll up a page
RLast day of the yeaR (in date)
ShftOpen window in center of screen
Shft + TabMove to prior field
Space barMark or unmark check boxes
TToday (in date)
TabMove to next field (or Enter)
Type first lettersQuick Fill names in list
Up arrowMove up a line
WFirst day of the Week (in date)
YFirst day of the Year (in date)


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