Zend Studio 5 Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl + NAdd New Document
Ctrl + OOpen Document
Ctrl + F4Close Document/Window
Ctrl + Shft + F4Close All
Ctrl + Shft + OOpen Project
Ctrl + Shft + NNew Project
Ctrl + SSave File
Ctrl + Shft + SSave As
Ctrl + Alt + SSave All
Ctrl + SpaceShow Code Completion
Ctrl + Space + ShftShow Function Arguments
Ctrl + Shft + FReformat Code
Ctrl + /Add Remove Comment
Ctrl + / + ShftAdd Remove PHP Block Comment
Ctrl + WToggle Line Wrap
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + EErase Line
Ctrl + DDuplicate Selection
Ctrl + LChange Selection to Lower Case
Ctrl + UChange Selection to Upper Case
Ctrl + BBold Tag
Alt + IItalic Tag
Ctrl + - [1-3]Heading 1-3 Tag
Ctrl + EnterBreak Tag
Ctrl + Back + QuoteNBSP Tag
F1Open Function Help
Code Folding
Ctrl + Shft + 1Collapse All Non-PHP
Ctrl + Shft + 2Collapse All Classes
Ctrl + Shft + 3Collapse All Functions
Ctrl + Shft + 4Collapse All DocBlocks
Ctrl + Shft + 9Fold in Scope
Ctrl + Shft + EExpand All Folds
Ctrl + Shft + CCollapse All Folds
Debugging & Profiling
F8Debug URL
F12Profile URL
Ctrl + F5Run
F10Step Over
F11Step Into
Shft + F1 1Step Out
Shft + F5Stop Debug
Shft + F10Go to Cursor
F9Toggle Breakpoint
Shft + F8Add Watch
Ctrl + Alt + BShow In Browser
Ctrl + Alt + GGoto File
Ctrl + Shft + GGoto PHP Resource
Ctrl + GGoto Line
Ctrl + F2Goto Next Bookmark
Alt + F2Goto Next Project Bookmark
Ctrl + MGoto Matching Bracket
Alt + Left/RightGo Back/Forward
F2Toggle Bookmark
Ctrl + Shft + F2Remove All Bookmarks
Ctrl + Shft + MOpen Bookmarks Dialog
Ctrl + Shft + RShow Recent Files
F4Open Next Entry
Ctrl + FFind
F3Find Next
Shft + F3Find Prev
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + Alt + FFind In Files
Alt + UUpdate
Alt + CCommit
Alt + Ctrl + AAnalyze Code
Ctrl + Shft + ICheck Include Files
PHP Templates
itarIterates an Array
itdirIterates a Directory
prvPrints a Value
instInstance of Statement
foreFor each Statement
swiSwitch Statement
ifIf Statement
whileWhile Loop
my_frMysql_Fetch_Row() Loop
my_gcTrap Code Output
clnClone an Object
pconCall Parent Constructor
fncFunction Statement
HTML Templates
hrefCreate a Hyperlink
ihrefcreate an image hyperlink
formCreate a Get Form
htmlCreate Html Page
inbuInput by Button
insubInput Type Submit
intxtInput by Text Field
olOrdered List
tableTable 3 Rows by 3 Columns
jscriptJavaScript Tag
selectSelect in Form
styleText/Css Style
inchInput by checkbox
taform textarea


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