Microsoft Outlook 2002 Keyboard Shortcuts


F1Display the Assistant balloon (if the Assistant is turned off, F1 opens the Help window)
ALT+ the letter underlined in an optnSelect an option in a dialog box; select or clear a check box in a dialog box
ALT+ASwitch to the Answer Wizard tab
ALT+CSwitch to the Contents tab in Help
ALT+CIn the Calendar, Accept a Meeting request
ALT+DIn the Calendar, Decline a Meeting request
ALT+DOWN ARROWIn Help, Display more Help topics in the Assistant list
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a selected drop-down list in a dialog box
ALT+EQUAL SIGNSwitch to months in the Calendar view
ALT+F4Close the selected program window; if this is the only open window, closes the program
ALT+HYPHEN SIGNSwitch to weeks in the Calendar view
ALT+IIn Help, switch to the Index tab
ALT+LEFT ARROWIn Help, go to the previous Help topic
ALT+LEFT ARROWMove selected item to the previous day when multiple days appear
ALT+numberSelect a Help topic from the list the Assistant displays. ALT+1 is the first topic, ALT+2 is the second, and so on.
ALT+ODisplay the Options menu to access any Help toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, use the Customize dialog box (point to Toolbars on the View menu and click Customize). To see more buttons, click Toolbar Options at the end of the toolbar.) command.
ALT+ODisplay the Format menu
ALT+O, and then press BDisplay the previously viewed topic
ALT+O, and then press FDisplay the next topic in a previously displayed sequence of topics
ALT+O, and then press HReturn to the specified home page
ALT+O, and then press IOpen the Internet Options dialog box for Microsoft Internet Explorer, where you can change accessibility settings
ALT+O, and then press PPrint all topics in a book or a selected topic only
ALT+O, and then press RRefresh the topic (useful if you have linked to a Web page)
ALT+O, and then press SStop the Help window from opening a Help topic (useful if you want to stop a Web page from downloading)
ALT+O, and then press THide or show the pane with the Contents, Answer Wizard, and Index tabs
ALT+PPrint a print preview
ALT+PAGE DOWNIn the Calendar, go to the last day of the month in Date Navigation
ALT+PAGE UPIn the Calendar, go to the first day of the month in Date Navigation
ALT+PRINT SCREENCopy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard
ALT+RIGHT ARROWGo to the next Help topic
ALT+RIGHT ARROWMove selected item to the next day when multiple days appear
ALT+SSave and Close, Send
ALT+S or ALT+UPrint preview page setup
ALT+SHFT+TABSwitch to the previous window
ALT+SPACEBARDisplay the window shortcut menu (Control menu)
ALT+TABSwitch to the next window
ALT+UP ARROWDisplay previous Help topics in the Assistant list
ALT+UP ARROWGo to the same day in the previous week
ALT+UP ARROWMove selected item to the same day in the previous week
ALT+UP ARROWGo to the same day in the previous week in Date Navigation
ALT+UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT ARROWMove an appointment up, down, left, or right
ALT+ZZoom in print preview
Arrow keysMove between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options in a dialog box
CTRL+UUnderline selected text
CTRL+ COMMANext item (with item open)
CTRL+ SHFT+SPost to a folder
CTRL+[Decrease font size
CTRL+]Increase font size
CTRL+ASelect the entire Help topic
CTRL+ASelect all items in Table view
CTRL+BAdd bold to selected text
CTRL+CCopy the selected items to the Clipboard
CTRL+INSERTCopy the selected items to the Clipboard
CTRL+DOWN ARROWWhen a personalized menu is open, display the full set of commands
CTRL+DOWN ARROWTo the next address card
CTRL+ENDTo the last address card in the list
CTRL+ENDDisplay (without selecting) the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in the group
CTRL+ENTER (Outlook e-mail editor only)Send/post/invite all
CTRL+ESCDisplay the Start menu
CTRL+F2Open print preview
CTRL+F6When more than one window is open, switch to the next window
CTRL+F7When a document window is not maximized, performs the Move command (on the Control menu for the window). Use the arrow keys to move the window, and, when finished, press ESC.
CTRL+F8When a document window is not maximized, performs the Size command (on the Control menu for the window). Use the arrow keys to resize the window, and, when finished, press ESC.
CTRL+F9Minimize a window to an icon (works only for some Microsoft Office programs)
CTRL+HOMETo the first address card in the list
CTRL+HOMEDisplay (without selecting) the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group
CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END (with in-cell editing disablMove every item in the selection to the top or bottom in the list order in Table view
CTRL+IAdd italics
CTRL+K (using the Outlook e-mail editor)Check names
CTRL+K (When using Word as e-mail editor only)Insert a hyperlink
CTRL+LLeft align
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove one word to the left
CTRL+LEFT ARROWTo the closest address card in the previous column
CTRL+LEFT ARROW+SPACEBAR or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW+SPACESelect several nonadjacent items
CTRL+left mouse buttonEdit a URL in the body of an item
CTRL+M or F5Check for new mail
CTRL+NOpen a received message
CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the first address card on the next page
CTRL+PAGE UPTo the first address card on the previous page
CTRL+PERIODPrevious item (with item open)
CTRL+QMark as read
CTRL+RReply to a message
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the right
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWIn Address Book, to the closest address card in the next column
CTRL+S or SHFT+F12Save
CTRL+SHFT+ACreate an Appointment
CTRL+SHFT+BDisplay the Address Book
CTRL+SHFT+CCreate a Contact
CTRL+SHFT+DDial a contact
CTRL+SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend the selection to the next address card, regardless of the starting point
CTRL+SHFT+ECreate a Folder
CTRL+SHFT+FUse Advanced Find
CTRL+SHFT+F6Switch to the previous window
CTRL+SHFT+GFlag for follow-up
CTRL+SHFT+HCreate a new Office document
CTRL+SHFT+ISwitch to Inbox
CTRL+SHFT+JCreate a Journal Entry
CTRL+SHFT+KCreate a Task
CTRL+SHFT+LCreate a Distribution List
CTRL+SHFT+LAdd bullets
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the left
CTRL+SHFT+MCreate a Message
CTRL+SHFT+NCreate a Note
CTRL+SHFT+OSwitch to Outbox
CTRL+SHFT+OConvert an HTML or RTF message to plain text
CTRL+SHFT+QCreate a Meeting request
CTRL+SHFT+RReply all to a message
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the right
CTRL+SHFT+SCreate a Post in this folder
CTRL+SHFT+TDecrease indent
CTRL+SHFT+TABSwitch to the previous tab in a dialog box
CTRL+SHFT+UCreate a Task Request
CTRL+SHFT+UP ARROWExtend the selection to the previous address card, regardless of the starting point
CTRL+SHFT+VMove item
CTRL+SHFT+YCopy item
CTRL+SHFT+Z or CTRL+SPACEBARClear formatting
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect or unselect the active item in Table view
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect or unselect the active address card
CTRL+TIncrease indent
CTRL+TABSwitch to the next tab
CTRL+TABSwitch to the next tab in a dialog box
CTRL+TAB (with focus on the To line) and then TABChoose the account from which to send a message
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHFT+TABWhen a toolbar is selected, select the next or previous toolbar
CTRL+TAB or F6Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and the Folder List
CTRL+UP ARROWTo the previous address card
CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROWGo to the next or previous item without extending the selection in Table view
CTRL+YGo to a different folder
Display and use the Help windowTo use the Help window, the Microsoft Office Assistant must be turned off. To turn off the Assistant, press F1 to display the Assistant. Press ALT+O to open the Options tab in the Office Assistant dialog box. Press ALT+U to clear the Use the Office Assistant check box, and then press ENTER. Press F1 to display the Help window.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next book or Help topic
DOWN ARROWSelect the next group
DOWN ARROWSelect the next block of time in Day view
DOWN ARROWSelect the next address card
DOWN ARROWMove to the next line in a multi-line field
DOWN ARROWSelect the next group
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROWWhen a menu or submenu is open, select the next or previous command
ENDMove to the end of the entry
ENDSelect the last group
ENDSelect the time that ends your work day in Day view
ENDGo to the last day of the week
ENDSelect the last address card in the list
ENDMove to the end of a line
ENDSelect the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in the group
ENDSelect the last group on the timeline
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box
ENTER or LEFT ARROWCollapse the group
ENTER or RIGHT ARROWExpand the group
ESCClose an Assistant message or a tip
ESCClose an open menu. When a submenu is open, close only the submenu.
F1Display the Help window if the Assistant is turned off. (If the Assistant is turned on, F1 displays the Assistant balloon.)
F10 or ALTSelect the menu bar (menu bar: The horizontal bar below the title bar that contains the names of menus. A menu bar can be the built-in menu bar or a custom menu bar.), or close an open menu and submenu at the same time
F11Enter a name in the Find a Contact box
F12Save As
F2Turn on editing in a field (except icon view)
F3 or CTRL+EFind items
F4Search for text in items
F4 or ALT+IOpen the Look in list
F5Refresh the file list
F6Switch between the Help topic and the Contents, Answer Wizard, Index pane (pane: A portion of the document window bounded by and separated from other portions by vertical or horizontal bars. )
F6 or CTRL+SHFT+TABSwitch between the Folder List and the main Outlook window
F7Check spelling
First letter of an optn in a drop-down listOpen the list if it is closed and move to that option in the list of a dialog box
HOMEMove to the beginning of the entry
HOMESelect the first group
HOMESelect the time that begins your work day in Day view
HOMEGo to the first day of the week
HOMESelect the first address card in the list
HOMEMove to the beginning of a line
HOMESelect the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group
HOMESelect the first group on the timeline
HOME or ENDGo to the beginning or end of a Help topic
HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu
LEFT ARROWGo to the previous day
LEFT ARROWSelect the previous item
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect the menu to the left or right. When a submenu is open, switch between the main menu and the submenu.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right
PAGE DOWNGo to the item at the bottom of the screen in Table view
PAGE DOWNMove to the end of a multi-line field
PAGE DOWNDisplay the items one screen below the items on screen
PAGE UPGo to the item at the top of the screen in Table view
PAGE UPSelect the first address card on the current page
PAGE UPMove to the beginning of a multi-line field
PAGE UPDisplay the items one screen above the items on screen
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWNScroll toward the beginning or end of a Help topic in large increments
PLUS or MINUS SIGN on the numeric keypadExpand/collapse a group (with a group selected)
PRINT SCREENCopy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard
RIGHT ARROWSelect the first item on screen in an expanded group or the first item off screen to the right
RIGHT ARROWGo to the next day
RIGHT ARROWSelect the closest address card in the next column
RIGHT ARROWMove to the next character in a field
RIGHT ARROWSelect the next item
RIGHT ARROWMove forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale, when a unit of time on the time scale for days is selected
SHFT+DOWN ARROWWhen a menu is selected, display the list of commands
SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend the selection to the next address card and unselect address cards before the starting point
SHFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the entry
SHFT+ENDExtend the selection to the last address card in the list
SHFT+ENTERMove to the previous field without leaving the active card
SHFT+F1Display ScreenTip for the active element
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu
SHFT+F3Switch case (with text selected)
SHFT+F4Find next during text search
SHFT+F6Move to a pane from another pane in the program window (counterclockwise direction)
SHFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry
SHFT+HOMEExtend the selection to the first address card in the list
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the left
SHFT+LEFT ARROW or SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect several adjacent items
SHFT+left mouse buttonSpecify a Web browser
SHFT+LEFT, RIGHT, UP, or DOWN ARROW; or SHFT+HOMChange the duration of the selected block of time
SHFT+PAGE DOWNExtend the selection to the last address card on the last page
SHFT+PAGE UPExtend the selection to the first address card on the previous page
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the right
SHFT+TABSelect the previous hidden text, hyperlink, Show All, or Hide All
SHFT+TABSelect the previous hidden text or hyperlink, or the Browser View button at the top of a Microsoft Office Web site article.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous option or option group in a dialog box
SHFT+TABSelect the previous appointment
SHFT+TABMove to the previous field and, from the first field of a card, move to the last field in the previous card
SHFT+TABWhen the lower time scale is selected, select the upper time scale
SHFT+UP ARROWExtend the selection to the previous address card and unselect address cards after the starting point
SHFT+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWExtend or reduce the selected time in Day view
SHFT+UP ARROW or SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend or reduce the selected items by one item in Table view
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the selected button in a dialog box; check or clear the selected check box in a dialog box
TABSelect Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic; the next hidden text or hyperlink; or the Browser View button at the top of a Microsoft Office Web site article.
TABSelect the next hidden text or hyperlink, or Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic
TABMove to the next option or option group in a dialog box
TABMove between options or areas in the dialog box
TABMove to the next field and, from the last field of a card, move to the first field in the next card
TABWhen the upper time scale is selected, select the lower time scale
TABWhen the lower time scale is selected, select the first item on screen or the first group on screen if items are grouped
TAB or SHFT+TABWhen a toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, use the Customize dialog box (point to Toolbars on the View menu and click Customize). To see more buttons, click Toolbar Options at the end of the toolbar.) is selected, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar.
To use the following keys, make sure a card is seln/a
To use the following keys, make sure a field in an/a
Type one or more letters of the name the card is fSelect a specific card in the list
UP ARROWSelect the previous book or Help topic
UP ARROWSelect the previous group
UP ARROWSelect the previous block of time in Day view
UP ARROWSelect the previous address card
UP ARROWMove to the previous line in a multi-line field
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWScroll toward the beginning or end of a Help topic
Use the Ask a Question boxPress F10 or ALT to select the menu bar, and then press TAB until the insertion point appears in the Ask a Question box. Type your question, and then press ENTER. To select a topic, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys, and then press ENTER to open the topic in the Help window. To select the next or previous set of topics in the Microsoft Office Assistant balloon, select See more or See previous, and then press ENTER.
Use the Contents, Answer Wizard, and Index panesPress F6 to switch from the Help topic to the Contents, Answer Wizard, Index pane (pane: A portion of the document window bounded by and separated from other portions by vertical or horizontal bars. ).
Use the Help topic panePress F6 to switch from the Contents, Answer Wizard, Index pane (pane: A portion of the document window bounded by and separated from other portions by vertical or horizontal bars. ) to the open Help topic.
Use the Open, Save As, and Insert File dialog boxeThe Open, Save As, and Insert File dialog boxes support standard dialog box keyboard shortcuts. (To view standard shortcuts for dialog boxes, refer to the Use dialog boxes and Use edit boxes within dialog boxes sections in this topic.) These dialog boxes also support the shortcuts below.
With the cursor in the appointment, ALT+SHFT+UP AChange an appointment start or end time
With the cursor in the appointment, ALT+UP ARROW oMove an appointment


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