Lynx Keyboard Shortcuts


/Searches the page for a user-defined search string
Ctrl-RReloads current page
*Re-renders the page, this time including a link for each image
\Toggles between HTML source code and output
PPrints or saves a file or page to disk
XRequests uncached copy of page
AAdds a new bookmark
LLists all URLs in the current document
Ctrl-AJumps to the beginning of the current page
Ctrl-EJumps to the end of the current page
jJumps to URLs using previously defined shortcuts
mJumps to home page
!Spawns a command shell
=Provides detailed information about the current URL and current link, including the owner, size, last modification date, and server type
Ctrl-TToggles trace mode for diagnosing HTML errors
BackspaceDisplays browser history
VDisplays sequential list of previously visited pages, excluding forms and bookmarks
Ctrl-KDisplays list of currently set cookies
eLaunches editor to modify local files
?Displays help topics


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