Apple iPhoto Keyboard Shortcuts


Shft-Cmnd-IImport photos
HomeMove to the top of the photo library
EndMove to the bottom of the photo library
Cmnd-NCreate new album
Shft-Cmnd-NCreate new album from selection
Optn-Cmnd-N or press the Optn key while cliCreate new Smart Album
Shft-Cmnd-TShow or hide titles
Shft-Cmnd-KShow or hide keywords
Shft-Cmnd-FShow or hide film rolls
Hold down the Optn key and click the triangle neShow or hide all film roll photos
Shft-Cmnd-RShow or hide ratings
Shft-Cmnd-BSet the title, date, or comments of multiple photos
Cmnd-KAssign, edit, or search by keywords
Cmnd-IShow a photo's image and camera information
Cmnd-DDuplicate a photo
Cmnd-XCut photo
Cmnd-CCopy photo
Cmnd-VPaste photo
DeleteMove photo to Trash from the photo library, or remove photo from album
Cmnd-Optn-DeleteMove photo to Trash from album
Double-click the photoOpen photo in its own window or in edit view (depends on the double-click preference you set)
Optn-double-click the photoReverse double-click preference when opening a photo
Selecting and deselecting photos
Click the photoSelect a single photo
Cmnd-ASelect all photos
Hold down the Shft key and click the non-adjacentSelect all photos between the current selection and a non-adjacent photo
Select the first photo, then hold down the CmndSelect photos that are non-adjacent to each other
Click outside the photos and drag to enclose themSelect several photos located together
Click the film roll iconSelect all photos in a film roll
Hold down the Cmnd key and click the photos youDeselect specific photos in a group of selected photos
Shft-Cmnd-A or click outside a photoDeselect all photos
Rating photos
Cmnd-0Assign zero stars to a photo
Cmnd-1Assign one star to a photo
Cmnd-2Assign two stars to a photo
Cmnd-3Assign three stars to a photo
Cmnd-4Assign four stars to a photo
Cmnd-5Assign five stars to a photo
Press the mouse buttonStop a slideshow
Press the Space barPause and resume playing
Use the Up and Down Arrow keysAdjust the speed
Use the Right and Left Arrow keysMove through a slideshow manually
Press 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5Rate photos
Cmnd-RRotate photo clockwise
Optn-Cmnd-R or press the Optn key while cliRotate photo counter clockwise
Press the Right Arrow keyGo to next photo
Press the Left Arrow keyGo to previous photo
Press the Cmnd key while draggingDisable constrain setting when selecting an area
Press the Optn key while draggingSwitch between portrait and landscape constrain setting when selecting an area
Double-click the photoReturn to organize view
Cmnd-ZUndo last action
Shft-Cmnd-ZRedo last action
Select the first page you want changed and press tApply a page design through the end of a book
Cmnd-TShow fonts
Cmnd-3Copy font
Cmnd-4Paste font
Cmnd-: (colon)Spelling
Book preview
Press the Right Arrow keyMove forward one page
Press the Left Arrow keyMove back one page
Shft-Cmnd-PPage setup
Cmnd-, (comma)Show preferences
Cmnd-?iPhoto Help
Cmnd-WClose window
Cmnd-MMinimize window
Cmnd-HHide iPhoto
Cmnd-QQuit iPhoto


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