Mindmanager Keyboard Shortcuts


Map Documents
Ctrl+NCreate a new map
Ctrl+OOpen a map
Ctrl+SSave the current map
F12Save as
Ctrl+WClose current map
Ctrl + F2Print Preview
Ctrl+PPrint the current map
Arrow keysSelect topic above, below, left or right
Tab / Shft+TabSelect next topic / previous topic
Ctrl+< / Ctrl+>Move to next / previous bookmark
Map Window
Ctrl + =Zoom in
Ctrl + -Zoom out
Ctrl+Arrow keysScroll the window by small steps
PgUp, PgDn (up and down), Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn (left and right)Scroll window by larger steps
Ctrl+F5Fit map to screen
Ctrl+F3Center map
Alt+F3Center object
Ctrl+Alt+SSplit map horizontally
Ctrl+Alt+VSplit map vertically
Ctrl+F6View Next Map
Map Detail
F3Focus topic
Ctrl+DShow next level
Shft+Alt+1Show level 1
Shft+Alt+2Show level 2
Shft+Alt+3 ...etc (up to level 9)Show level 3 through 9
Shft+Alt+AShow whole topic
Shft+Alt+0Collapse topic
Ctrl+Shft+Alt+ARemove filter
Ctrl+T, F11Show/hide the Notes window
Ctrl+Shft+PgUp / PgDnView next/previous text note
InsertAdd subtopic
EnterAdd sibling topic
Shft+EnterAdd sibling topic (as previous sibling)
Ctrl+Shft +InsAdd parent topic
Ctrl+KAdd Hyperlink
Ctrl+Shft+F5Add Label
Ctrl+Shft+KAdd Bookmark
Ctrl+F11Add comments
Ctrl+TAdd notes
Ctrl+Shft+EnterAdd callout
Ctrl+Shft+BAdd boundary
Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 etc. Note: Shortcut keys are defined in the Library paneAdd icon
Ctrl+0Remove all icons
Ctrl+Shft+1; Ctrl;+Shft+2; etc.Add Priority icon (Priority 1,2,etc.)
Ctrl+Shft+0Remove all priorities
Ctrl+Shft+NAdd map part
F5Refresh map part
Shft+F5Refresh all map parts
Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackspaceUndo the last action
Ctrl+YRedo the last action
Ctrl+ASelect all topics and objects
Shft+arrow keysSelect additional topics
Ctrl+Shft+A Shft+End Shft+HomeSelect all siblings (below only) (above only)
Ctrl+Shft+left arrow Ctrl+Shft+right arrowSelect all subtopics (on next level only)
Shft + F3Select topic and all descendants(all levels)
Cut, copy, paste and delete
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+InsertCopy to the Clipboard
Ctrl+X, Shft+DeleteCut to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V, Shft+InsPaste contents of the Clipboard
Ctrl+Shft+VPaste as callout
DeleteDelete topic or object
Ctrl+Shft+DeleteRemove selected topic (but keep subtopics)
Topic text
F2Edit topic text
Ctrl+Enter, Shft+EnterEnter line break in topic
HomeMove to beginning of line
Ctrl+HomeMove to beginning of topic text
Ctrl+ EndMove to end of topic text
Ctrl + FFind
Move topics
Ctrl+Alt+Up arrowUp one place
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrowDown one place
Ctrl+Alt+HomeTo top
Ctrl+Alt+EndTo bottom
Ctrl+Alt+SpaceReset all topic positions
Ctrl+BToggle to bold and back
Ctrl+IToggle to italicize and back
Ctrl+UToggle to underline and back
Ctrl+Shft+>Increase font size
Ctrl+Shft+<Decrease font size
Ctrl+Shft+SStrikethrough Text
Ctrl+SpaceClear formatting
Ctrl+Shft+CHighlight color
Ctrl+Shft+FFont / ink color
Using Help
F1Show Help
General Windows Commands
EscClose a Menu or dialog box
EscCancel an operation
Alt+F4Exit MindManager
Ctrl+Shft+EscDisplay Windows Task List


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