Banshee Keyboard Shortcuts


Playback Control
Shft + LeftRewind song by 10 seconds
Shft + RightFast-forward song by 10 seconds
Shft + Previous ClickGo to previous song, regardless of current song playback position
Previous ClickIf current song playback position is less than ~2 seconds, go to previous song, otherwise start current song over
Space BarPlay or Pause the current song
EnterIf one or more songs are selected in the playlist view, play the first song in the selection
Library Interaction
j, F3, /, Ctrl-fMove focus to the search box
Ctrl + OImport folder to library
Ctrl + NCreate new playlist
F11Toggle full-screen mode
Ctrl + ASelect all songs in playlist view
Ctrl + Shft + AUnselect all songs in playlist view
Ctrl + ,Show preferences dialog
Ctrl + Shft + LShow log dialog
Ctrl + WHide Banshee Window (Requires Notification Area Plugin Enabled)
Ctrl + Left ClickPlay Previous Song (Requires Notification Area Plugin Enabled)
Ctrl + Right ClickPlay Next Song (Requires Notification Area Plugin Enabled)
Ctrl + Middle ClickToggle Play/Pause (Requires Notification Area Plugin Enabled)


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