Keynote Keyboard Shortcuts


Manipulating objects
TabSelect the next object on the canvas
Shft-TabSelect the previous object on the canvas
Arrow keysMove selected object by one pixel
Shft-arrow keyMove selected object by ten pixels
Shft-click, Cmnd-clickAdd (or remove) selected object to previously selected objects
Shft-drag, Cmnd-dragAdd (or remove) selected range to previously selected range
Shft-dragConstrain movement of object to 45º angles
Drag handleResize object
Optn-drag handleResize object from center
Shft-drag handleConstrain aspect ratio when resizing object
Optn-Shft-drag handleConstrain aspect ratio when resizing object from center
Cmnd-drag handleRotate object
Cmnd-Shft-drag handleRotate object 45º
Cmnd-dragTurn off alignment guides
Ctrl-clickOpen shortcut menu for selected object
Cmnd-ReturnExit text edit mode and select object
Shft-Cmnd-MMask or unmask object
Return, Enter, Cmnd-Return, double-clickExit mask mode
Double-click masked imageReenter mask mode
Optn-click Table, Chart, or Shapes toolbar buttoDrag to create an object of desired size
Cmnd-D, Optn-dragDuplicate selected object
Editing text
Right ArrowMove one character to the right
Left ArrowMove one character to the left
Shft-Right ArrowExtend selection one character to the right
Shft-Left ArrowExtend selection one character to the left
Optn-Right ArrowMove to end of current word
Optn-Left ArrowMove to beginning of current word
Shft-Optn-Right ArrowExtend selection to end of current word
Shft-Optn-Left ArrowExtend selection to beginning of current word
Cmnd-Right ArrowMove to end of current line
Cmnd-Left ArrowMove to beginning of current line
Shft-Cmnd-Right ArrowExtend selection to end of current line
Shft-Cmnd-Left ArrowExtend selection to beginning of current line
Up ArrowMove to the line above
Down ArrowMove to the line below
Shft-Up ArrowExtend selection to the line above
Shft-Down ArrowExtend selection to the line below
Optn-Up ArrowMove to beginning of current paragraph
Optn-Down ArrowMove to end of current paragraph
Shft-Optn-Up ArrowExtend selection to beginning of current paragraph
Shft-Optn-Down ArrowExtend selection to end of current paragraph
Cmnd-Up ArrowMove to beginning of text
Cmnd-Down ArrowMove to end of text
Shft-Cmnd-Up ArrowExtend selection to beginning of text
Shft-Cmnd-Down ArrowExtend selection to end of text
DeleteDelete previous character or selection
Forward Delete (Del button; not available on all kDelete next character or selection
Optn-DeleteDelete the part of the word to the left of the insertion point
Optn-Forward DeleteDelete the part of the word to the right of the insertion point
TabIndent bullet
Shft-TabMove indented bullet to the left
Optn-TabInsert tab (in body placeholders)
Optn-ReturnInsert soft return (in body text)
HomeScroll to top of canvas (in text edit mode)
Cmnd-ReturnStop editing text and select the text box or shape
Click bulletSelect text bullet and text
Drag bulletSelect bullet and text, all sub-bullets and text, and move
Playing a slideshow
Click the Play button in the toolbar, Optn-CommaPlay slideshow
Optn-click the Play button in the toolbarPlay slideshow from the beginning
Click, N, Space bar, Return, Page Down, Right ArroAdvance to next build
Shft-Left Arrow*, Shft-Page Up*, [ (left bracketGo back to previous build
Shft-Page Down*, Shft-Down Arrow*, ] (right bracAdvance to next slide
P, Delete, Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, Shft-UpGo back to previous slide
HomeGo to first slide
EndGo to last slide
ZRetreat through previously viewed slides
F (to resume, press any key)Pause presentation and show current slide
B (to resume, press any key)Pause presentation and show black screen
CShow or hide the pointer
?, Help, / (slash)Show or hide the Presenter Keyboard Shortcuts window
HHide presentation and show last application used
Slide numberGo to a particular slide in the slide switcher
+ (plus sign), = (equal sign)Go to the next slide in the slide switcher
- (hyphen)Go to the previous slide in the slide switcher
Return, EnterGo to the current slide and close the slide switcher
EscapeClose the slide switcher
RReset the timer in the presenter display
UScroll notes up in the presenter display
DScroll notes down in the presenter display
Escape, Q, Cmnd-. (period), . (period)Quit presentation
Using the slide organizer
Return, EnterCreate new slide at same level as last selected slide
TabIndent slides to the right
Shft-TabMove indented slides to the left
Shft-clickExtend selection to the selected slide
Shft-dragAdd the selected range to previously selected slides
Cmnd-click, Shft-clickAdd (or remove) selected slide to previously selected slides
Cmnd-dragAdd (or remove) selected range to previously selected slides
Cmnd-DDuplicate slide
Down ArrowSelect next slide
Shft-Down ArrowExtend selection to the next slide
Cmnd-Down ArrowSelect last slide
Shft-Cmnd-Down ArrowExtend selection to the last slide
Up ArrowSelect previous slide
Shft-Up ArrowExtend selection to previous slide
Cmnd-Up ArrowSelect first slide
Shft-Cmnd-Up ArrowExtend selection to first slide
DeleteDelete selected slides
Down ArrowMove to next slide
Up ArrowMove to previous slide
Editing chart data
ReturnComplete a cell entry and move the selection down
Shft-ReturnComplete a cell entry and move the selection up
TabComplete a cell centry and move the selection to the right
Shft-TabComplete a cell entry and move the selection to the left
DeleteDelete the character to the left of the insertion point, or delete the selection
Arrow keys (in text edit mode)Move one character left, right, to the beginning of text (up), or to the end of text (down)
EnterComplete a cell entry and select the cell
Arrow keys (in cell selection mode)Move one cell in a given direction
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
EndMove to the last non-blank cell to the right in the current row
Shft-arrow keysExtend the selection by one cell
Shft-HomeExtend the selection to the beginning of the row
Shft-EndExtend the selection to the end of the row
Working with tables
Shft-drag tableConstrain the movement of the table and snap to guides
Optn-drag tableDuplicate table on move
Drag selected cell to another cellSwitch contents of selected cell with contents of destination cell
Optn-drag selected cell to another cellCopy contents of selected cell into destination cell
Shft-clickExtend selection from selected cell to destination cell
Cmnd-click selected or unselected cellAdd cell to (or remove cell from) selection
Cmnd-Return or Cmnd-click cell (in text editStop editing text and select cell
Click border of selected table or double-click borSelect entire row or column border
Shft-click borderAdd border to (or remove border from) selection
If table is selected - Optn-double-click borderSelect border segment
Optn-click border segmentIf table is unselected
Shft-Optn-click border, Cmnd-Optn-click boAdd border segment to (or remove segment from) selection
Drag selected border or border segmentMove border or border segment to new position
Arrow keysMove selected table, border, or border segment one pixel
Shft-arrow keysMove selected table, border, or border segment ten pixels
Arrow keys (in cell selection mode)Select the next table cell to the left, right, up, or down
Shft-arrow keys (in cell selection mode)Extend cell selection by one cell
TabSelect text in next cell (or, if in last cell, add new row)
Shft-TabSelect text in previous cell
Optn-Tab (in text edit mode)Insert a Tab at insertion point in the selected cell


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