Viewing and exploring feeds | |
Ctrl-F5 | Refresh all feeds subscribed to |
F5 | Refresh the specific selected feed (focus on the treeview or listview) |
Ctrl-M | Catch Up the selected feed, mark all the feed items read |
Ctrl-A | Select all feed items in the listview |
Ctrl-U | Mark all selected feed items unread |
F2 | Rename a category or feed title within the tree |
F4 | Subscribe to a new feed, create a new feed |
Shft-F4 | Create a new category, treeview focused |
Del | Delete a feed or category, treeview focused |
Ctrl-S | Autodiscover feeds |
Ctrl-R | Post a reply to the selected feed item |
Space | Move to the next unread feed item (focus on the treeview or listview) |
Tab, Shft-Tab | Navigate between the treeview, listview and item detail pane |
Ctrl-Tab, Shft-Ctrl-Tab | Switch between Feed Details Tab and the various Browser Tabs |
Ctrl-F4 | Close the current Browser Tab |
Viewing and exploring web pages | |
Ctrl-N | Open a new Browser Tab |
F5 | Refresh the Browser Tab Content (should have the focus) |
Alt-Left | Navigate back in the history of the current Browser Tab |
Alt-Right | Navigate forward in the history of the current Browser Tab |
F11 | Set the focus to/select the Url navigation dropdown |
F12 | Set the focus to/select the Search phrase dropdown |
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