F10 | Turn up volume |
F9 | Turn down volume |
F8 | Mute volume |
CTRL+N | Open Messenger in Media Center |
F1 | Display the Help window |
CTRL+D | Display an additional menu of actions for a page or item that is selected |
ALT+ENTER | Go in and go out of windowed mode |
ARROW KEYS | Move left, right, up, or down |
PAGE UP | Go to the previous page |
PAGE DOWN | Go to the next page |
END | Go to the last item in a list |
HOME | Go to the first item in a list |
BACKSPACE | Go back to the previous screen |
ENTER | Accept the selection |
ALT+F4 | Close Media Center |
Windows Key+ALT+ENTER | Open Media Center or return to the Media Center Start menu |
PAGE DOWN | Go to the previous channel |
PAGE UP | Go to the next channel |
CTRL+F | Skip forward 30 second while watching TV |
CTRL+B | Skip back 7 seconds while watching TV |
CTRL+SHFT+F | Fast forward live TV or recorded TV |
CTRL+SHFT+B | Rewind live TV or recorded TV |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Play live TV or recorded TV |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop recording or stop playing a TV show |
CTRL+P | Pause or resume live TV or recorded TV |
CTRL+R | Record a TV show |
CTRL+T | Go to live TV |
CTRL+G | Go to the Guide |
CTRL+O | Go to Recorded TV |
CTRL+SHFT+T | Go to My TV |
CTRL+R | Copy a CD |
CTRL+SHFT+F | Fast forward a song |
CTRL+F | Skip to the next song |
CTRL+B | Replay an audio file or song |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop an audio file or song |
CTRL+P | Pause an audio file or song |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Play an audio file or song |
CTRL+M | Go to My Music |
CTRL+F | Skip forward |
CTRL+B | Skip back |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Resume playing radio |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop live radio |
CTRL+P | Pause or resume playing live radio |
CTRL+A | Go to Radio |
ENTER | Zoom a picture in full-screen mode |
RIGHT ARROW | Skip forward to the next picture |
LEFT ARROW | Skip back to the previous picture |
CTRL+P | Pause a slide show |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop a slide show |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Play a slide show |
CTRL+I | Go to My Pictures |
CTRL+F | Skip forward 30 seconds in a video |
CTRL+B | Skip back 7 seconds in a video |
CTRL+SHFT+F | Fast forward a video |
CTRL+SHFT+B | Rewind a video |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop playing a video |
CTRL+P | Pause or resume a video |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Play a video |
CTRL+E | Go to My Videos |
CTRL+U | Change the DVD subtitles selection |
CTRL+SHFT+A | Change the DVD audio selection |
ARROW KEYS | Change the DVD angle |
CTRL+F | Skip forward or go to the next chapter |
CTRL+B | Skip back or go to the previous chapter |
CTRL+SHFT+F | Fast forward |
CTRL+SHFT+B | Rewind |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Stop a DVD |
CTRL+P | Pause or resume playing a DVD |
CTRL+SHFT+P | Play a DVD |
CTRL+SHFT+M | Go to the DVD menu |
CTRL+SHFT+C | Turn closed captioning on or off |
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