Windows XP Media Center 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts


F10Turn up volume
F9Turn down volume
F8Mute volume
CTRL+NOpen Messenger in Media Center
F1Display the Help window
CTRL+DDisplay an additional menu of actions for a page or item that is selected
ALT+ENTERGo in and go out of windowed mode
ARROW KEYSMove left, right, up, or down
PAGE UPGo to the previous page
PAGE DOWNGo to the next page
ENDGo to the last item in a list
HOMEGo to the first item in a list
BACKSPACEGo back to the previous screen
ENTERAccept the selection
ALT+F4Close Media Center
Windows Key+ALT+ENTEROpen Media Center or return to the Media Center Start menu
PAGE DOWNGo to the previous channel
PAGE UPGo to the next channel
CTRL+FSkip forward 30 second while watching TV
CTRL+BSkip back 7 seconds while watching TV
CTRL+SHFT+FFast forward live TV or recorded TV
CTRL+SHFT+BRewind live TV or recorded TV
CTRL+SHFT+PPlay live TV or recorded TV
CTRL+SHFT+SStop recording or stop playing a TV show
CTRL+PPause or resume live TV or recorded TV
CTRL+RRecord a TV show
CTRL+TGo to live TV
CTRL+GGo to the Guide
CTRL+OGo to Recorded TV
CTRL+SHFT+FFast forward a song
CTRL+FSkip to the next song
CTRL+BReplay an audio file or song
CTRL+SHFT+SStop an audio file or song
CTRL+PPause an audio file or song
CTRL+SHFT+PPlay an audio file or song
CTRL+MGo to My Music
CTRL+FSkip forward
CTRL+BSkip back
CTRL+SHFT+PResume playing radio
CTRL+SHFT+SStop live radio
CTRL+PPause or resume playing live radio
CTRL+AGo to Radio
ENTERZoom a picture in full-screen mode
RIGHT ARROWSkip forward to the next picture
LEFT ARROWSkip back to the previous picture
CTRL+PPause a slide show
CTRL+SHFT+SStop a slide show
CTRL+SHFT+PPlay a slide show
CTRL+IGo to My Pictures
CTRL+FSkip forward 30 seconds in a video
CTRL+BSkip back 7 seconds in a video
CTRL+SHFT+FFast forward a video
CTRL+SHFT+BRewind a video
CTRL+SHFT+SStop playing a video
CTRL+PPause or resume a video
CTRL+SHFT+PPlay a video
CTRL+EGo to My Videos
CTRL+UChange the DVD subtitles selection
CTRL+SHFT+AChange the DVD audio selection
ARROW KEYSChange the DVD angle
CTRL+FSkip forward or go to the next chapter
CTRL+BSkip back or go to the previous chapter
CTRL+SHFT+FFast forward
CTRL+PPause or resume playing a DVD
CTRL+SHFT+MGo to the DVD menu
CTRL+SHFT+CTurn closed captioning on or off


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