Eudora 5.2 Keyboard Shortcuts


Cmd + 0 (zero)Opens Out mailbox
Cmd + 1Opens In mailbox
Cmd + 6Checks spelling
Cmd + * Opt + 6Find next misspelling
Cmd + Shft + Opt + 6Add to dictionary
Cmd + 'Add excerpt bar to quote
Cmd + Opt + 'Remove excerpt bar from quote
Cmd + . (period)Stops the current action
Cmd + , (comma)Finishes address book entry (nickname)
Cmd + [Lower priority
Cmd + ]Raise priority
Cmd + ASelects all
Cmd + BMakes text bold
Cmd + CCopies selection to clipboard
Cmd + DDeletes a message
Cmd + ESends immediately or queue for delivery
Cmd + FOpens Find Messages window
Cmd + Opt + FOpens Find Text dialog box
Cmd + GFind again
Cmd + HAttaches file
Cmd + IMakes text italic
Cmd + JFilters messages
Cmd + KMakes address book entry (nickname)
Cmd + LOpens address book
Cmd + MChecks mail
Cmd + NOpens a new message
Cmd + O (letter O)Opens file
Cmd + PPrints a message
Cmd + QQuits Eudora
Cmd + RReplies to the message
Cmd + SSaves current window
Cmd + TMakes the selected text plain
Cmd + UUnderlines text
Cmd + VPastes from the clipboard
Cmd + WCloses one mailbox at a time (message or windows)
Cmd + XCuts (deletes what's selected and puts it on the clipboard)
Cmd + YOpens Directory Services
Cmd + ZUndo/Redo
Cmd + TabGoes through all open mailboxes
Cmd + ArrowsMoves from one file to another in the Address Book
ArrowsMoves from one message to another in a mailbox
EnterSelects the outlined button in any dialog, alert, or window, or open the selected messages or URL
EscStops any operation currently in progress
Page Up, Page DownScrolls up or down through the window
HomeScrolls to the beginning of the mailbox window or to the beginning of the line in a message
EndScrolls to the end of the mailbox window or to the end of the line in a message


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