Microsoft Producer 1.0 Keyboard Shortcuts


CTRL+NCreate a new project
CTRL+OOpen an existing project
CTRL+SSave a project
CTRL+IImport an existing media file
CTRL+UPublish a presentation
CTRL+ZUndo the last action
CTRL+YRedo the last undone action
CTRL+DELETEClear the timeline
CTRL+ASelect all files or clips
F2Rename a clip
CTRL+1Go to the Media tab
CTRL+2Go to the Table of Contents tab
CTRL+3Go to the Preview Presentation tab
CTRL+TShow or hide the timeline
CTRL+KAdd a table of contents entry
CTRL+SHFT+PAdd a timeline snap
F5Refresh project view
ALT++Zoom in on the timeline
ALT+-Zoom out on the timeline
CTRL+SHFT+VExpand or collapse the Video track
ALT+ISelect the Video track
ALT+RSelect the Transition track
ALT+USelect the Audio track
ALT+SSelect the Slide track
ALT+2Select the Audio 2 track
ALT+LSelect Template track
CTRL+RCapture video, audio, or screen capture
CTRL+DAdd selected clip(s) to the timeline
CTRL+SHFT+ISet in trim point
CTRL+SHFT+OSet out trim point
CTRL+SHFT+DELETEClear trim points
CTRL+WPlay contents on the timeline
CTRL+QRewind the timeline
CTRL+BPrevious frame
CTRL+FNext frame
F1Display Help topics
LEFT ARROWSelect previous item (on a timeline track or in the contents pane)
RIGHT ARROWSelect next item (on a timeline track or in the contents pane)
HOMEGo to the first item (on a timeline track or in the contents pane)
ENDGo to the last item (on a timeline track or in the contents pane)


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