Adobe Encore CS4 Keyboard Shortcuts


Keys for working in the Project panel
Cmnd + Optn + Shft + RReplace selected asset
Double-clickOpen asset
Enter or ReturnOpen selected asset
Up ArrowSelect asset above current selection
Down ArrowSelect asset below current selection
Cmnd + DDuplicate selected asset
Cmnd + ASelect all
Cmnd + Shft + ADeselect all
EndScroll to bottom of panel
HomeScroll to top of panel
Cmnd + Shft + NNew folder
Double-clickOpen/close folders
Left ArrowClose selected folder
Right ArrowOpen selected folder
Keys for selecting tools in the Tools panel
V-press and release to change, hold to toggleSelection tool
A-press and release to change, hold to toggleDirect Select tool
M-press and release to change, hold to toggleMove tool
R-press and release to change, hold to toggleRotate tool
T-press and release to change, hold to toggleText tool
Y-press and release to change, hold to toggleVertical Text tool
Y or TSwitch between vertical and horizontal text tools
Z-click to change, hold to toggleZoom tool
Keys for working in the Menu Viewer
This table lists only those shortcuts that are not displayed in menu commands or tool tips.
Shft-drag the bounding box handlesConstrain aspect ratio while scaling
Shft-dragConstrain movement (including rotation) to 45º
Down ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel down
Up ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel up
Left ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel left
Right ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel right
Shft + Down ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels down
Shft + Left ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels left
Shft + Right ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels right
Shft + Up ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels up
Cmnd + LSet link for selected button
Optn-drag a video file from the Project panelSet video background for motion menu
Optn-double-click at item in the Library panelReplace selected item
Optn-drag an item from the Library panel or Mac OS Finder onto the itemReplace selected item
Cmnd-click the Replace button in the LibraryReplace without scale
Cmnd + Optn-click an item in the LibraryReplace without scale
Cmnd + Optn-drag from the Library onto the selected itemReplace without scale
Optn-dragDuplicate selected item
Optn-drag the bounding box handlesScale from center
Cmnd + Ctrl-clickShow menu layers
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
+ (plus)Zoom in
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out
- (minus)Zoom out
Keys for working with text in menus and subtitles
Double-click text objectEnter text edit mode
EscExit text edit mode
Cmnd-dragMove subtitle text in the Monitor tab when in text-editing mode
Double-clickSelect word
Triple-clickSelect line
Click 4 timesSelect paragraph
Click 5 timesSelect all text in text block
Cmnd + ASelect all text in text block
Right Arrow or Left ArrowMove cursor one character right or left
Up Arrow or Down ArrowMove cursor one line up or down
Cmnd + Right Arrow or Left ArrowMove cursor one word right or left
Cmnd + Down ArrowMove cursor to next paragraph
Cmnd + Up ArrowMove cursor to previous paragraph
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line
Cmnd + HomeMove cursor to beginning of text
Cmnd + EndMove cursor to end of text
Shft-clickIncrease selection of text
Double-click + dragIncrease selection by word
Triple-click + dragIncrease selection by line
Click 4 times + dragIncrease selection by paragraph
Shft + Left Arrow or Right ArrowIncrease selection by character
Cmnd + Shft + Left Arrow or Right ArrowIncrease selection by word
Cmnd + Shft + Up Arrow or Down ArrowIncrease selection by line
Shft + HomeIncrease selection to beginning of text
Shft + EndIncrease selection to end of text
Keys for working in the Slideshow Viewer
EndSelect last slide
HomeSelect first slide
Page DownSelect next slide
Page UpSelect previous slide
Up ArrowSelect slide above
Down ArrowSelect slide below
Right ArrowSelect slide right
Left ArrowSelect slide left
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
+ (plus)Zoom In
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out
- (minus)Zoom out
Keys for working in the Timeline Viewer
SpacebarPlay/Pause (toggle)
Shft + BackspaceRipple delete
Opt-drag or Opt-click the audio or video portion of the clip with the Selection toolSlip audio or video independently
EndMove current-time indicator to end of last clip in timeline
HomeMove current-time indicator to beginning of timeline
Left ArrowMove current-time indicator one frame left
Right ArrowMove current-time indicator one frame right
Page DownGo to next chapter point or edit point
Page UpGo to previous chapter point or edit point
Shft + 8Add a chapter point
* (asterisk on keypad)Add a chapter point
Cmnd + Optn-drag from a chapter pointSet a poster frame
Cmnd + Shft + 8Set a poster frame
Cmnd + * (asterisk on keypad)Set a poster frame
Scroll wheel roll downScroll timeline forward
Scroll wheel roll upScroll timeline backward
Shft + scroll wheel roll downScroll timeline forward 100%
Shft + scroll wheel roll upScroll timeline backward 100%
Cmnd + scroll wheel roll upMove current-time indicator one frame left
Cmnd + scroll wheel roll downMove current-time indicator one frame right
Cmnd + shft + scroll wheel roll upMove current-time indicator 10 frames left
Cmnd + Shft + scroll wheel roll downMove current-time indicator 10 frames right
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
+ (plus) on numeric keypadZoom in
Click with zoom toolZoom in
Optn-click with zoom toolZoom out
- (minus) on numeric keypadZoom out
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out
Keys for working in the Project Preview window
Shft + SpacebarOpen Project Preview window
EnterActivate current button
Press the number (1 through 9) of the button you want to activate.Activate a specific button
EndActivate End Action button
HomeActivate Title button
noneActivate Menu button
Cmnd + Left ArrowGo to previous chapter
Cmnd + Right ArrowGo to next chapter
Use the arrow keys to navigate up/down/right/leftNavigate buttons in a menu
Cmnd + = (equal sign) on main keyboard or + (plus sign) on numeric keypadIncrease size of window and contents
Cmnd + - (hyphen) on main keyboard or - (minus sign) on numeric keypadDecrease size of window and contents
Keys for switching workspaces
Optn + Shft + 1Switch to first workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 2Switch to second workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 3Switch to third workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 4Switch to fourth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 5Switch to fifth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 6Switch to sixth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 7Switch to seventh workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 8Switch to eighth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 9Switch to ninth workspace in Workspace menu
Keys for resetting application defaults
Drag the Preferences file to the trash and restart Encore.Reset keys in registry file


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