ALT+1 | Go to previous folder; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+2 | Open the folder one level up from the open folder (Up One Level button); use within the File Open and Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+3 | Close the open dialog box and opens your World Wide Web search page (Search the Web button); use when working in the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+4 | Delete the selected folder or file; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+5 | Create a new subfolder in the open folder; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+6 | Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views (click the arrow next to Views); use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
ALT+7 | Display the Tools menu; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes. |
CTRL+SHFT+S | Post an selected item into a specified folder. |
CTRL+SHFT+G | Flag an item for needing a follow up. |
CTRL+SHFT+H | Create new Office document when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+L | Create a Distribution list item or folder when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+O | Convert an HTML or RTF message to plain text when working in Outlook. |
F11 | Enter a name in the Quick Find box. |
CTRL+, (comma) | Go to previous item (with item open) when working within Outlook. |
CTRL+. (period) | Go to next item (with item open) when working within Outlook. |
CTRL+B | Open Background Synchronization when working with Menu commands. |
ALT | Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time; works with menu commands. |
ALT+0 (ZERO) | View 10 days; works when using general keys for moving around in the day/week/month/view. |
ALT+1 | View 1 day; works when using general keys for moving around in the day/week/month/view. |
CTRL+SHFT+Q | Keys to create a new meeting request or open an existing meeting request. |
CTRL+SHFT+R | Reply All to an E-Mail. |
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROW | Select or unselect one word to the right of the cursor. |
CTRL+SHFT+T | Reduce the size of a hanging indent formatted on onto a selected block of text. |
CTRL+SHFT+TAB | Go to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box. |
CTRL+SHFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UP | Go to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box. |
CTRL+SHFT+U | Create a new Task request or open an existing Task report in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+UP ARROW | Extend the selection to the previous card, regardless of the starting point. |
CTRL+SHFT+V | Paste an item from one place to another. |
ALT+C | Close Print Preview; use within menu commands. |
ALT+D | Decline when responding to an E-Mail schedule request; use within menu commands. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Go to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Move selected item to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Display more Help topics; works when using Office Assistant. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Go to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Open a selected drop-down menu; works within a dialog box. |
ALT+END | Go to the last day of the current week; use within the Date Navigator. |
ALT+EQUAL SIGN | Switch to month view when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+F4 | Close a selected window while working in Outlook; if you have only one open window, close Outlook. |
ALT+F6; repeat until the balloon is active | Activate Office Assistant while working in a document. |
ALT+HOME | Go to the first day of the current week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+HYPHEN SIGN | Switch to week view when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+I to select the Folder List; arrow keys to select a folder | Select the folder list in Save As dialog box (in the File menu); use arrow keys to select a folder. |
ALT+K | Display the Task menu while working in Outlook. |
ALT+key for number of days | View anywhere from 2 through 9 days at a time; works when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+LEFT ARROW | Move a selected item to the previous day when multiple days appear; use when working with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+letter key, where the key is the underlined letter in a menu cmnd | Select a menu, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu name in a dialog box. |
ALT+number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on) | Select a Help topic while using Office Assistant. |
ALT+number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on) | Select an option in the Save As dialog box (in the File menu). |
ALT+O | Display the Format menu. |
ALT+P | Print from Print Preview window. |
ALT+PAGE DOWN | Go to the last day of the month when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+PAGE UP | Go to the first day of the month when using general keys to move around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+PRTSCR | Copy the active window to the Windows Clipboard. |
ALT+RIGHT ARROW | Move a selected item from one to the next day when multiple days appear; use when working with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+S | Save, close and Send when working with E-Mail. |
ALT+S, ALT+U | Print Preview current page. |
ALT+SHFT+TAB | Move from active application window to previously active application window. |
ALT+SPACE | Display the active window's title bar menu. |
ALT+SPACEBAR | Open the menu of the leftmost icon on the main toolbar bar of the active window; this menu typically contains the following commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close. |
ALT+TAB | Move from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list. |
ALT+letter key, where the key is the underlined letter in a menu cmnd | Select a menu, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu name. |
ALT+UP ARROW | Go to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+UP ARROW | Move selected item to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+UP ARROW | Display previously viewed Help topics while using Office Assistant. |
ALT+UP ARROW | Go to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+UP ARROW or ESC (when a drop-down list box is selected) | Close a drop-down list box while working in a dialog box. |
ALT+UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT ARROW | Move a selected appointment up, down, left, or right when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view. |
ALT+Z | Zoom in on an area of detail while working in Print Preview. |
ARROW KEY | Move between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options. |
ARROW KEY | Move between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options; add ENTER to select an option. |
CRTL+U | Underline the following text or to underline a selected section of text. |
CTRL+ SHFT+S | Post selected item to a designated folder. |
CTRL+[ | Decrease the font size of selected text by 1 point. |
CTRL+] | Increase the font size of selected text by 1 point when working within a document. |
CTRL+A | Select all items in an active folder when working in Windows Explorer-Tree View. |
CTRL+A | Select All in a designated area or document. |
CTRL+ALT+DELETE | Display the Close Program dialog box in order to close active programs, or to shut down the entire computer system. |
CTRL+B | Apply or remove Bold formatting to selected text or document. |
CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT | Copy selected text or items to Windows Clipboard. |
CTRL+D | Delete the current selection or item in Outlook. |
CTRL+DOWN ARROW | Move to the next card while working in Outlook. |
CTRL+DOWN or END | Move to the end of an item while in Print Preview. |
CTRL+E | Center the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned within an Outlook document. |
CTRL+END | Move to the last card in the list while working in Outlook. |
CTRL+END | Display (without selecting) the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in a group while working in Outlook. |
CTRL+ENTER (except WordMail) | Send/post/invite all when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+ESC | Display Windows Start menu. |
CTRL+F | Forward a selected E-Mail itemwhile working in Outlook. |
CTRL+F2 | Display the Print Preview dialog box while working in Outlook. |
CTRL+HOME | Go to the first card in a list when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+HOME | Display (without selecting) the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group when working in Timeline mode of Outlook. |
CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END | Move every item in a selection to the top or bottom of a specified list. |
CTRL+I | Apply or remove italic formatting to selected characters. |
CTRL+K (except in WordMail); ALT+K (WordMail only) | Check names. |
CTRL+K (WordMail only) | Insert a hyperlink from a document to a specified Web page address. |
CTRL+L | Align selected text to the left. |
CTRL+LEFT ARROW | Go to the closest card in the previous column while working in Outlook. |
CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW | Move cursor's position one word to the left or right. |
CTRL+LEFT ARROW+SPACEBAR or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW+SPACEBAR | Select several nonadjacent items when navigating in Outlook Timeline. |
CTRL+left mouse button | Edit the address of web page (URL) in a body of text. |
CTRL+M, F5 | Check for new E-Mail messages. |
CTRL+N | Open a New Message dialog box in order to compose and send an E-Mail. |
CTRL+P | Display the Print dialog box in order to print the active selection. |
CTRL+PAGE DOWN | Move cursor's position to the first card on the next page when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+PAGE UP | Go to the first card on the previous page. |
CTRL+Q | Mark a selected item as read in Outlook. |
CTRL+R | Reply to the active E-Mail. |
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW | Go to the closest card in the next column in Outlook. |
CTRL+S or SHFT+F12 | Save active element in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+A | Create a new Appointment or to open a selected Appointment. |
CTRL+SHFT+B | Open the Address Book when sending an E-Mail. |
CTRL+SHFT+C | Create a new contact or open a selected contact. |
CTRL+SHFT+D | Dial. |
CTRL+SHFT+DOWN ARROW | Extend a selection of one card to the next card, regardless of the starting point. |
CTRL+SHFT+E | Create a new folder or open a selected folder. |
CTRL+SHFT+F | Display the Find dialog box when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+I | Go to Inbox. |
CTRL+SHFT+J | Create a new journal entry or open an existing one. |
CTRL+SHFT+K | Create a new Task or open an existing one when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+L | Add bullets to a selection when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROW | Select or unselect one word to the left of the cursor. |
CTRL+SHFT+M | Create a new Message or open an existing one when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+N | Keys to create a new Note or open and existing Note when working in Outlook. |
CTRL+SHFT+O | Go to Outbox. |
CTRL+SHFT+Y | Copy an item. |
CTRL+SHFT+Z or CTRL+SPACEBAR | Clear formatting ona selected area. |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Select or unselect the active card. |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Select or unselect the active item. |
CTRL+T | Increase indent on a selected block of text. |
CTRL+TAB | Move to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box. |
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWN | Move to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box. |
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHFT+TAB. | Select the next or previous toolbar. |
CTRL+TAB or F6 | Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and the Folder List when moving around in day/week/month view. |
CTRL+UP ARROW | Move the insertion point to the previous card. |
CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROW | Go to the next or previous item without extending the selection. |
CTRL+UP or HOME | Move to the beginning of a selected item when working in Print Preview. |
CTRL+V or SHFT+INSERT | Paste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.). |
CTRL+X or SHFT+DELETE | Copy and remove the selected item(s) from their original location to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.). |
CTRL+Y | Display Go to Folder dialog box in order to find and open a specific folder. |
CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE | Undo the last action; note: some actions, like Shutdown, cannot be undone (You also can choose Undo from the Edit menu.). |
DOWN ARROW | Select the next card. |
DOWN ARROW | Go to the next line in a multiline field in Outlook. |
DOWN ARROW | Go to the item below when working in a Table. |
DOWN ARROW | Select the next group when a group in a Table is selected. |
DOWN ARROW | Select the next group in a Timeline. |
DOWN ARROW | Select the next block of time when working in day/week/month view. |
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu visible) | Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu. |
END | Go to the end of the entry when working in a text box. |
END | Select the last card in a list. |
END | Go to the end of a line. |
END | Select the time that ends your work day when working in day/week/month view. |
END | Go to the last day of the week when working in day/week/month view. |
END | Go to the last item in a Table. |
END | Select the last group in a Table is selected. |
END | Select the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in the group when working in timeline. |
END | Select the last group on the timeline when a group on the timeline is selected. |
ENTER | Select an item. |
ENTER | Perform the action assigned to a selected button in a dialog box. |
ENTER | Move to the next field, or to add a line to a multiline field. |
ENTER | Open a selected item in a table. |
ENTER | Open selected items in a timeline. |
ENTER | Perform the action assigned to a selected button on a toolbar. |
ENTER | Open a selected menu on a toolbar. |
ENTER | Enter text in a selected text box. |
ENTER or LEFT ARROW | Collapse a selected group in a table. |
ENTER or LEFT ARROW | Collapse a selected group in a timeline. |
ENTER or RIGHT ARROW | Expand a selected group in a table. |
ENTER or RIGHT ARROW | Expand a selected group in a timeline. |
ESC | Cancel the current operation. |
ESC | Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only. |
ESC | Cancel a command and close the dialog box. |
ESC | Close an Office Assistant message or tip. |
F1 | Display Help or the Office Assistant. |
F10 | Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again |
F10. | Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again |
F12 | Display Save As dialog box (file menu). |
F2 | Activate editing in a field (except icon view field). |
F2 | Move to a field in the active card. |
F2 or click the field | Display the insertion point in the active field in order to edit text. |
F3, CTRL+SHFT+F | Open the Find dialog box. |
F4 | Open the Find dialog box in Outlook. |
F5 | Refresh the current window (You also can choose Refresh from the View menu.). |
F5 | Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu). |
F6 | Cycle through all the panes in the active window. |
F6 or CTRL+SHFT+TAB | Move between the Folder List and the information viewer to the right. |
F6/SHFT+F6 | Move to the next or previous window. |
F7 | Display Spelling and Grammar dialog box (Tools Menu). |
HOME | Move to the beginning of the current entry. |
HOME | Select the first card in the list. |
HOME | Move to the beginning of the current line. |
HOME | In day/week/month view, select the time that begins your work day. |
HOME | In day/week/month view, go to the first day of the week. |
HOME | Go to the first item. |
HOME | Select the first group on a timeline with grouped items. |
HOME | Select the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group. |
HOME or END | Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu. |
LEFT ARROW | Select the closest card in the previous column. |
LEFT ARROW | Move to the previous character in a field. |
LEFT ARROW | Go to the previous day, when working in day/week/month/view. |
LEFT ARROW | Select the previous item on the timeline. |
LEFT ARROW | Move back in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale, when a unit of time is selected on the time scale. |
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW | With a menu open, select the menu to the left or right of the original, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu. |
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW | Move one character to the left or right in a text box. |
Letter key, where the letter is the same as the first letter in optn you want on a selected menu | Choose a selected menu, drop-down list, or dialog box option by typing the first letter in the option name. |
PAGE DOWN | Select the first card on the next page. |
PAGE DOWN | Move to the end of a multiline field. |
PAGE DOWN | Select the block of time at the bottom of the screen when working in day/week/month view. |
PAGE DOWN | Go to the item at the bottom of the screen, and then display another page of items when working in a Table. |
PAGE DOWN | in a Timeline, display the items one screen below the items on the current screen. |
PAGE DOWN or DOWN ARROW | In day/week/month view, go to the same day of the week in the next week (or 5 weeks ahead if viewing by month). |
PAGE UP | Select the first card on the current page. |
PAGE UP | Move to the beginning of a multiline field. |
PAGE UP | In day/week/month view, select the block of time at the top of the screen. |
PAGE UP | In a Table, go to the item at the top of the screen. |
PAGE UP | In a Timeline, display the items one screen above the items on current screen. |
PAGE UP or UP ARROW | In day/week/month view, go to the same day of the week in the previous week (or 5 weeks previous if viewing by month). |
PLUS or MINUS SIGN on the numeric keypad | Xxpand/collapse a group (with a group selected). |
PRTSCR | Copy an image of the screen to the Windows Clipboard. |
RIGHT ARROW | Move to the next character in a field. |
RIGHT ARROW | In day/week/month view, go to the next day. |
RIGHT ARROW | When a group in a table is selected, select the first item on screen in an expanded group or the first item off screen to the right. |
RIGHT ARROW | in a Timeline, select the next item. |
RIGHT ARROW | When a unit of time on the time scale for days is selected, move forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale. |
RIGHT ARROW | Select the closest card in the next column. |
SHFT+ALT+ESC | Move to the next open window. |
SHFT+CTRL+F6 | Move to the next/previous Outlook window. |
SHFT+CTRL+TAB | Move between toolbars. |
SHFT+DOWN ARROW | Extend the selection to the next card or to unselect cards before the starting point. |
SHFT+END | Select from the insertion point to the end of the text box entry. |
SHFT+END | Extend the selection to the last card in the list. |
SHFT+ENTER | Move to the previous field without leaving the active card. |
SHFT+F1 | Display ScreenTip for the active item. |
SHFT+F10 | Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object. |
SHFT+F3 | Change the case of selected letters. |
SHFT+F4 | Find the previous occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed. |
SHFT+HOME | Select from the insertion point in the text box to the beginning of the text box entry. |
SHFT+HOME | Extend the selection to the first card in a list. |
SHFT+LEFT ARROW | Select or unselect one character to the left of the cursor's position. |
SHFT+LEFT ARROW or SHFT+RIGHT ARROW | Select several adjacent items on a timeline. |
SHFT+left mouse button | Specify a Web browser. |
SHFT+LEFT, RIGHT, UP, or DOWN ARROW; or SHFT+HOME or END | Change the duration of the selected block of time when working in day/week/month view. |
SHFT+PAGE DOWN | Extend the selection to the last card on the last page. |
SHFT+PAGE UP | Extend the selection to the first card on the previous page. |
SHFT+RIGHT ARROW | Select or unselect by one character to the right of the cursor's current position. |
SHFT+TAB | Move to the previous option or option group in a dialog box. |
SHFT+TAB | Move to the previous field and, from the first field of a card, move to the last field in the previous card. |
SHFT+TAB | Select the previous appointment when working in the day/week/month view. |
SHFT+TAB | When a unit of time on the time scale for days is selected, select the upper time scale (when the lower time scale is selected). |
SHFT+UP ARROW | Extend the selection to the previous card and unselect cards after the starting point. |
SHFT+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW | Extend or reduce the selected time when working in the day/week/month view. |
SHFT+UP ARROW or SHFT+DOWN ARROW | Extend or reduce the selected items by one item when working in a table. |
SPACEBAR | Perform the action assigned to the active button, or select or clear the active check box in the dialog box. |
SPACEBAR (when the menu bar is active) | when the menu bar is active, display the program Control menu. |
TAB | Move to the next option or option group. |
TAB | Select a field when moving between fields on a card. |
TAB | Move to the next field and, from the last field of a card, move to the first field in the next card. |
TAB | Select the next appointment when working in day/week/month view. |
TAB | Move from item to item when working in day/week/month view. |
TAB | Select the lower time scale (when the upper time scale is selected) and a unit of time on the time scale for days in selected. |
TAB | Select the first item on screen or the first group on screen if items are grouped (when the lower time scale is selected) and a unit of time on the time scale for days in selected. |
TAB or SHFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active). | When a toolbar is active, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar. |
LETTER KEY, where you type one or more letters of the name a card is filed under or the field you ar | Select a specific card in the list. |
UP ARROW | Select the previous card. |
UP ARROW | Move to the previous line in a multiline field. |
UP ARROW | Go to the item above current position when working in a table. |
UP ARROW | When a group in a table is selected, select the previous group. |
UP ARROW | When a group in a timeline is selected, select the previous group. |
UP ARROW | Select the previous block of time when working in day/week/month view. |
UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, PAGE UP, or PAGE DOWN | Scroll through pages when working in Print Preview. |
UP, DOWN, LEFT, OR RIGHT ARROW | Move from item to item when working in day/week/month view. |
ALT+SHFT+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW, with the cursor in a selected appointment | Change an appointment start or end time when working in day/week/month view. |
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