Eudora 6.2 Keyboard Shortcuts


Shft + Open EudoraOpens Eudora offline (does not check for mail, even if a mail checking interval is set. You must first double-click the Eudora application icon and then quickly press the Shift key until Eudora is fully started. You may also open Eudora by selecting Eudora from the Apple menu).
Shft + Delete/TransferDoes not open the next message after deleting or transferring the current message.
Shft + SortAdds or removes the column as an extra sort criterion. This lets you unsort or sort while preserving the previous sort(s). You can thus sort by sender, then within sender by date, then within date by subject, then unsorts by subject and preserve the sort by sender and the subsort by date.
Shft + To:/Cc:/Bcc:From the Address Book, does not bring the composition window to the front after inserting the nickname.
Shft + Directory ServicesOpens the Directory Services window with the selected text in the Enter query field and perform the query.
Shft + click globe icon in Directory Services windowLists all servers except the reference list of Ph servers. That is, lists the "Configured server," the "Servers used recently," and the "LDAP servers," but does not list the Ph servers. (To list all servers, including the Ph list, click the globe icon, without using the Shift key.)
Shft + drag selected textCopies and pastes the selected text to the destination but without including any style information.
Optn + TransferPuts a copy of the current message in the selected mailbox and leave the original (current) message where it is.
Optn + ForwardForwards the message without using quote characters.
Optn + Queue/SendOpens the Change Queueing dialog.
Optn + Notify SenderRemoves the return receipt request but do not notify the sender.
Optn + Double-click URLDisplays a file dialog to select an Internet application (e.g., web browser) to use for that URL type.
Optn + Make Address Book Entry...Creates a nickname consisting of the sender of the message and all the original recipients (or just the sender if the Reply to all By default setting is turned on in the Replying settings).
Optn + To:/Cc:/Bcc:From the Address Book, inserts the full address instead of the nickname (or don't, if the Expand nicknames immediately setting is turned on in the Composing Mail settings).
Optn + drag Attachment from message window or preview paneCopies the attachment to another folder on your desktop.
Optn + double-click a stationery item in Stationery windowOpens the stationery file for editing.
Optn + click a mailbox size displayCompacts all mailboxes. (To compact the current mailbox only, simply click the mailbox size display, without using the Option key.)
Optn + click a column in a message summary in a mailbox windowSelects and groups all messages sharing that message's value for that column-for example, all messages to or from that sender, or sent on that date, or having the same subject (including replies), or the same priority or label.
Optn + drag Address Book entries to the FinderSaves the entries as a text clipping with tab-delimited entries. (To save them in standard nickname format, just do the drag without the Option key.)
Click a mailbox column header (in a mailbox window)Sorts the messages in that mailbox by that column. Use Option + click to sort in descending order, or Shift + click to add or remove the column as an extra sort criterion (see Shift + Sort above).
Ctrl + Cmnd + click AttachmentOpens the folder on your computer that holds the attachment, and highlight the attachment.
Cmnd + click Attachment name, icon, or pictureOpens or launches the attachment (same as a simple double-click).
Cmnd + click URLOpens your web browser or other appropriate application and go to the URL (same as a simple double-click the URL).
Cmnd + click server URL in servers list in Directory Services windowGoes to that server to perform a query (same as a simple double-click).
Cmnd + click the title bar of an open message or mailbox windowOpens or highlights the mailbox or folder containing that item.
Cmnd + click between two toolbar buttonsAdds a new button to the main toolbar.
Cmnd + drag a toolbar button elsewhere on the toolbarMoves a button on the main toolbar. (Drops the button between two other buttons or at either end of the toolbar.)
Cmnd + drag a toolbar button to the Trash (on the Finder)Removes the button from the main toolbar.
Cmnd + click a toolbar buttonChanges the function of that main toolbar button.
Shft + click an itemIn many Eudora windows, lets you select multiple items in sequence. Click the first item in the sequence, then Shift + click the last item. The whole group is selected.
Cmnd + click an itemIn many Eudora windows, lets you make nonconsecutive selections, and add or subtract an item from a group selection, (selects or deselects the item nonconsecutively).
Cmnd + Ctrl + Optn + Shft + SettingsReverts all but your basic Eudora settings to their default values. (The Settings... command is under the Special menu.)
Cmnd + .Stops the current action
Cmnd + 0Out (opens the Out mailbox)
Cmnd + 1In (opens the In mailbox)
Cmnd + 6Checks spelling (Eudora's built-in spelling checker)
Optn + Cmnd + 6Finds next misspelling
Shft + Optn + Cmnd + 6Adds to dictionary (add unknown word to spelling dictionary)
Cmnd + -Sends queued messages
Cmnd + =Enters selection (into Find window)
Cmnd + \Sends to back (moves current window to the back of all Eudora windows)
Cmnd + 'Adds levels of excerpt bars
Cmnd + Optn + 'Removes levels of excerpt bars
Cmnd + ,Finishes address book entry (finishes nickname)
Cmnd + [Lowers priority
Cmnd + ]Raises priority
Cmnd + ASelect All
Cmnd + Shft + AOS X - Attaches file
Cmnd + BMake the selected text bold
Cmnd + CCopy
Cmnd + DDelete
Cmnd + ESend immediately, or queue for delivery
Cmnd + FFind... (opens the Find window to search for a text string in the current message)
Optn + Cmnd + FSearches for messages in mailboxes and folders
Cmnd + GFind Again (in the current message)
Cmnd + HAttach Document... (attach a file to a message)
Cmnd + IMakes the selected text italic
Cmnd + JFilter Messages (execute manual filters on the selected messages) OR filters Junk mail. See Junk Mail (Paid mode only) on page 332.
Cmnd + KMake Address Book Entry... (make nickname)
Cmnd + LAddress Book (open it)
Cmnd + MCheck Mail
Cmnd + NCreates a Message (open one)
Cmnd + OOpen... (open file)
Cmnd + PPrint...
Cmnd + QQuit Eudora
Cmnd + RReply
Cmnd + SSave
Cmnd + TMake the selected text plain
Cmnd + UMake the selected text underlined
Cmnd + VPaste
Cmnd + WClose (close the window or message)
Cmnd + XCut
Cmnd + YDirectory Services (open the window)
Cmnd + ZUndo/Redo
Cmnd + Optn + click ToolbarMoves toolbar
ArrowsMoves from one message to another in a mailbox (depends on your Moving Around settings)
Cmnd+ArrowsMoves from one file to another in the Address Book.
Return or EnterSelects the outlined button in any dialog, alert, or window, or open the selected message(s)
SpacebarOpens a selected message summary (or scroll its preview down through the message preview pane), or close the current open message. For long open messages, scroll the message down one page.
EscStops any operation currently in progress
F1Undo/Redo, or main toolbar function.
HomeScrolls the window to the beginning
EndScrolls the window to the end
Page Up, Page DownScrolls up or down through the window


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