Adobe Soundbooth CS4 Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcuts for playing and zooming audio
This partial list includes the playing and zooming shortcuts that many Soundbooth experts find most useful.
SpacebarStart and stop playback
Cmnd+LEnable or disable looped playback
J or LShuttle playback left or right (press again to increase speed)
KStop shuttled playback
HSelect Hand tool
ZSelect Zoom tool
HomeMove current-time indicator to beginning of file
EndMove current-time indicator to end of file
=Zoom in
-Zoom out
\Zoom out fully
Shft+SZoom to selection
Shft+QZoom to selection in point
Shft+WZoom to selection out point
You can also zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
Shortcuts for editing audio
Tilde (~) key. Do not press Shft.Expand Editor panel to fill application window.
TSelect Time Selection tool
FSelect Frequency Selection tool
RSelect Rectangular Marquee tool
GSelect Lasso tool
Cmnd+UAuto-heal an audio glitch
Cmnd+TInsert silence
M or *(asterisk key)Insert marker
Cmnd+Shft+EAdd most recent effect to rack
Shortcuts for score keyframes
To access these shortcuts, click a score parameter lane.
Left or right arrowSelect previous or next keyframe
Shft+left or right arrowSelect multiple keyframes
Up or down arrowAdjust parameter values
Optn+left or right arrowAdjust time position


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