Global | |
Optn+applicable function | Change parameters on all similar channel strips (Applicable functions: Automation mode - Monitor mode - playlist enables - record, solo and mute enables -volume/peak indicator - extend Edit or Timeline selection - track heights - clear clip meter) |
Optn+Shft+applicable function | Change parameter on all selected similar channel strips (Applicable functions: Automation mode - Monitor mode - playlist enables - record, solo and mute enables -volume/peak indicator - extend Edit or Timeline selection - track heights - clear clip meter) |
Optn-click on applicable item | Toggle item and set all others to same new state (Applicable items: Tracks in Track List - Group enables/activation - Automation Enable window - Memory Location parameters) |
Cmnd-click on applicable item | Toggle item and set all others to opposite state (Applicable items: Tracks in Track List - Group enables/activation - Automation Enable window - Memory Location parameters) |
Cmnd-click on applicable fader/pot/breakpoint function | Fine Tune (Fine Adjust mode) (Applicable functions: Plug-In parameter editing - fader movement - scrubbing - automation data trimming (requires larger Track View for highest resolution) |
Click to select first item, then Shft-click another to select all similar items between (applicable items listed below) | Select multiple contiguous items (tracks, regions, paths) (Applicable items: Tracks (click Track Names) - regions in Region List - paths in I/O Setup) |
Click to select first item, then Cmnd-click another to select all similar items between (applicable items listed below) | Select multiple non-contiguous items (tracks, regions, paths) (Applicable items: Tracks (click Track Names) - regions in Region List - paths in I/O Setup) |
Playback and Record | |
Spacebar | Start/stop playback |
Cmnd+Spacebar, F12, or 3 (on numeric keypad) | Start record |
Spacebar | Stop record |
Cmnd+Period (.) | Stop record and discard recording take (not undo- able) |
Shft+Spacebar | Half-speed playback |
Cmnd+Shft+Spacebar, or Shft+F12 | Half-speed record |
Ctrl+Spacebar, or Optn-click, on Transport Play button | Pause (pre-prime deck for instant playback and record) |
Cmnd+Optn+Spacebar | Enable/disable online record |
Cmnd+J, or Optn+Spacebar | Enable/disable online playback |
Left/Right Arrow keys (when selection exceeds window view) | Center on selection start/end |
Optn+[ | Play Edit selection |
Cmnd+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button | Back/Forward (move the playback location back- wards/forwards by the Back/Forward amount) (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Optn+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button | Back/Forward and Play (move the playback location backwards/forwards by Back/Forward amount and then begin playback) (Pro Tools HD only) |
Shft+Cmnd+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button | Extend a selection backwards by the Back/Forward amount (Pro Tools HD only) |
Shft+Cmnd+Optn+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button | Extend the selection backwards by the Back/For- ward amount and begin playback (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd-click on track Record Enable button | Record-safe track |
Cmnd-click on track Solo button | Solo-safe track |
Ctrl-click on Transport Record button | Cycle through record modes (normal/Destruc- tive/Loop/TrackPunch/QuickPunch) |
Cmnd+Shft+L, or Ctrl-click on Transport Play button | Loop playback toggle |
Optn+L | Loop Record |
Cmnd+Shft+T | TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Shft+P | QuickPunch |
Cmnd+Spacebar, F12, or click Transport Record button | Enter/Exit record during playback in QuickPunch |
Optn-click with Selector before or after selection | Set and enable pre/post-roll time |
Cmnd+K (or Optn-click within selection closer to front or back) | Enable or disable pre/post-roll time |
Cmnd+Backslash (\) | Toggle Transport Master (Pro Tools/Machine/MMC) |
Auditioning When Transport = Pro Tools | |
Optn+Left/Right Arrow keys | Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end (or current location if no selection) |
Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Play by post-roll value from selection start/end (or current cursor location if no selection) |
Cmnd+Optn+Left/Right Arrow keys | Play by pre- and post-roll value through selection start/end |
Auditing When Transport = Machine/MMC | |
Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cue Transport to selection start/end |
Optn+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection start/end |
Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle | |
Ctrl-drag | Temporary Scrub mode when using Selector |
Shft-click and drag with the Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode) | Extend selection while scrubbing |
Optn-click-drag with Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode) | Shuttle |
Ctrl+number key 1-9 (1=minimum, 5=real-time, 9=maximum) | Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode) |
Plus/Minus (+/-) keys For example, Ctrl+number+Minus (-) key | Change direction during Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode) |
0 (press number key to resume shuttle) | Shuttle Lock stop (Classic or Transport mode) |
Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key | Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport mode) |
Transport Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad | |
0 | Play/Stop |
1 | Rewind |
2 | Fast Forward |
3 | Record Enable |
4 | Loop Playback mode on/off |
5 | Loop Record mode on/off |
6 | QuickPunch mode on/off |
7 | Click on/off |
8 | Countoff on/off |
9 | MIDI Merge/Replace mode on/off |
Shuttle Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad (Pro Tools HD Only) | |
6 | 1 x Forward playback speed |
4 | 1 x Rewind playback speed |
9 | 4 x Forward playback speed |
7 | 4 x Rewind playback speed |
3 | 1/4 x Forward playback speed |
1 | 1/4 x Rewind playback speed |
5+6 | 1/2 x Forward playback speed |
5+4 | 1/2 x Rewind playback speed |
8+9 | 2 x Forward playback speed |
8+7 | 2 x Backward playback speed |
2+3 | 1/16 x Forward playback speed |
2+1 | 1/16 x Backward playback speed |
0 | Loop playback of Edit Selection |
Period (.)+Memory Location+Period (.) | Recall Memory Location |
Edit Modes and Tools | |
Shortcut | Task |
F1, | Shuffle mode |
F2, | Slip mode |
F3, or Optn+3 (on QWERT' keyboard) | Spot mode |
F4,or Optn+4 (on QWERT' keyboard) | Grid mode |
F5, | Zoomer tool |
F6, | Trimmer tool |
F7, | Selector tool |
F8, | Grabber tool |
F9, | Scrubber tool |
F10, | Pencil tool |
F6+F7, F7+F8, or Cmnd+7 (on QWERT' keyboard) | Smart Tool |
Single Open Quote (') key, located above the Tab key | Cycle through Edit modes |
Escape (Esc) key | Cycle through Edit tools |
Edit Selection, Definition, and Navigation | |
Shortcut | Task |
Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled) | Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync point |
Optn+Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled) | Locate cursor to previous region boundary/sync point |
Ctrl+Tab | Go to and select next region |
Ctrl+Optn+Tab | Go to and select previous region |
Ctrl+Return | Go to Song Start |
Shft+Ctrl+Return | Extend selection to Song Start |
Shft+Tab | Extend selection to next region-boundary |
Optn+Shft+Tab | Extend selection to previous region-boundary |
Ctrl+Shft+Tab | Extend selection to include next region |
Ctrl+Shft+Optn+Tab | Extend selection to include previous region |
Return | Return to start of session |
Optn+Return | Go to end of session |
Shft+Return | Extend selection to start of session |
Optn+Shft+Return | Extend selection to end of session |
Shft+Forward Slash (/) | Link Timeline and Edit selection |
Down/Up Arrow keys | Set selection start/end during playback |
Down/Up Arrow keys | Set selection start/end to incoming time code while stopped |
Double-click with Selector | Select entire region in Edit window |
Triple-click with Selector, or single-click in track and press Cmnd+A | Select entire track in Edit window |
Return, then press Cmnd+A | Select all regions in all tracks in Edit window |
Enable All Edit group and Shft-click on any other track | Extend cursor or selection across all tracks |
Editing, Nudging and Trimming (Numeric keypad) | |
Ctrl+Optn+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Change Grid value |
Cmnd+Optn+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Change Nudge value |
Minus (-) key (on numeric keypad), or Comma (,) (in Cmnds Keyboard Focus) | Nudge back by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside the Edit selection) |
Plus (+) key (on numeric keypad), or Period (.) (in Cmnds Keyboard Focus) | Nudge forward by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside the Edit selection) |
Shft+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Nudge start/end data to right/left by Nudge value (keeps underlying audio and moves start/end) |
Ctrl+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Nudge data within current region to right/left by Nudge value (keeps region start/end and moves underlying audio) |
Optn+Shft+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Nudge left selection boundary right/left by Nudge value |
Cmnd+Shft+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Nudge right selection boundary right/left by Nudge value |
Optn+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Trim left edge of region to right/left by Nudge value |
Cmnd+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys | Trim right edge of region to right/left by Nudge value |
Optn+Trimmer tool | Reverse Trimmer tool direction when trimming region |
Hold down Ctrl key while trimming | Trim up to, but not over, adjacent regions |
Optn-click selection and drag to destination | Duplicate region(s) in Edit Window |
Backspace or Delete (on QWERTY keyboard) | Delete selection in playlist |
Ctrl-click to move audio region with Grabber tool | Constrain audio region to vertical movement |
Ctrl-click new region with Grabber tool | Snap region start to stationary playhead or Edit selection start |
Ctrl-Shft-click region containing the sync point with Grabber tool | Snap region sync point to stationary playhead or Edit selection start |
Cmnd-Ctrl-click new region with Grabber tool | Snap region end to stationary playhead or Edit selec- tion start |
File Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+N | New Session |
Cmnd+O | Open Session |
Cmnd+Shft+W | Close session |
Cmnd+S | Save Session |
Cmnd+Optn+B | Bounce to Disk |
Shft+Optn+I | Import Session Data |
Cmnd+Shft+I | Import Audio to Region List |
Cmnd+Optn+l | Import MIDI to Region List |
Missing Files Dialog Commands | |
Cmnd+S | Skip all missing files |
Cmnd+M | Manually find and relink all missing files |
Cmnd+A | Automatically find and relink all missing files |
Cmnd+R | Regenerate missing fades (toggle on/off) |
Edit Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+Z | Undo |
Cmnd+Shft+Z | Redo |
Cmnd+X | Cut |
Cmnd+C | Copy |
Cmnd+V | Paste |
Cmnd+B | Clear |
Com mand+A | Select All |
Optn+M | Paste Special Merge |
Cmnd+Optn+V | Paste Special Repeat to Fill Selection |
Cmnd+Ctrl+V | Paste Special to Current Automation Type |
Optn+Shft+5 (on numeric keypad) | Match Edit Selection to Timeline Selection (Pro Tools HD systems only) |
Optn+Shft+6 (on numeric keypad) | Match Timeline Selection to Edit Selection (Pro Tools HD systems only) |
Optn+[ | Play Edit Selection |
Optn+] | Play Timeline Selection |
Cmnd+D | Duplicate selection |
Optn+R | Repeat selection |
Optn+H | Shift selection |
Cmnd+Shft+E | Insert Silence |
Cmnd+T | Trim Region to Selection |
Optn+Shft+7 | Trim Region Start to Insertion |
Optn+Shft+8 | Trim Region End to Insertion |
Cmnd+E | Separate Region at Selection |
Cmnd+H | Heal Separation |
Cmnd+U | Strip Silence |
Optn+Shft+3 | Consolidate selection |
Optn+Shft+U | TCE Edit to Timeline selection (Pro Tools HD sys- tems only) |
See 15 on page 9 | Automation Region menu commands |
See 16 on page 11 | Fades Region menu commands |
Automation | |
Ctrl+Optn+Minus (-) key (on QWERTY keyboard) | Toggle Track View on all tracks |
Ctrl+Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks included in the current selection |
Ctrl+Optn+Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks |
Cmnd-click on Track View selector | Disable/enable Automation playlist on selected track |
Cmnd-Shft-click on Track View selector | Disable/enable all Automation playlists on selected track |
Cmnd-Optn-Ctrl-click on parameters (in Plug-in window) or Track View selector (in Edit window) | Access Plug-In Automation dialog |
Cmnd-Optn-Ctrl-click on parameters (in Plug-In window) or Track View selector (in Edit window) | Enable/disable plug-in automation |
Cmnd+Optn+H | Copy Automation to Send (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Optn+T | Thin Automation |
Ctrl-click on Transport Return button | Write automation to start of session/selection (Pro Tools HD only) |
Ctrl-click on Transport End button | Write automation to end of session/selection (Pro Tools HD only) |
Ctrl-Shft-click on Transport End/Return button | Write automation from start to end of ses- sion/selection (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Forward Slash (/) | Write Automation to Current Parameter (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Optn+Forward Slash (/) | Write Automation to All Enabled Parameters (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Shft+Forward Slash (/) | Trim Automation to Current Parameter (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Forward Slash (/) | Trim Automation to All Enabled Parameters (Pro Tools HD only) |
Optn+Forward Slash (/) | Glide Automation to Current Parameter (Pro Tools HD only) |
Optn+Shft+ Forward Slash (/) | Glide Automation to All Enabled Parameters (Pro Tools HD only) |
Hold Shft while trimming | Trim without disturbing extremity breakpoints (Pro Tools HD only) |
Hold Optn while trimming | Disable auto-creation of anchor breakpoints when trimming automation (Pro Tools HD only) |
Press Shft and move automation with Grabber tool | Vertically constrain automation movement |
Press and hold Optn+Shft while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the Grabber tool in a track's Automation playlist) | Write new breakpoint to next automation value |
Press and hold Cmnd+Optn while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the Grabber tool in a track's Automation playlist) | Write new breakpoint to previous automation value |
Cmnd+Ctrl+V | Special Paste of automation data between different controls |
Optn-click one of the Write On Stop modes (Start, End, or All) to enable the Write On Stop mode | Configure Write on Stop modes to remain enabled after an automation pass (Pro Tools HD only) |
Cmnd-Ctrl-click on ctrl | Display Automation playlist of automation-enabled plug-in control (and scrolls track into view) |
Ctrl-click Track Name in Mix or Edit window, or Track List | Scroll to track in Mix/Edit window |
Backspace | Delete* |
Cmnd+X | Cut - Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track |
Cmnd+C | Copy - Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track |
Cmnd+D | Duplicate - Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track |
Cmnd+B | Clear - Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track |
Cmnd+Shft+E | Insert Silence - Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track |
Fades | |
Cmnd+F | Create Fades (open Fades dialog) |
Cmnd+Ctrl+F (uses last selected fade shape) | Apply crossfade without opening Fades dialog |
Optn+D | Fade to Start |
Optn+G | Fade to End |
Fades Dialog | |
Optn-drag fade-in curve ( None mode only) | Edit crossfade-in only in Fades dialog |
Cmnd-drag fade-out curve ( None Link mode only) | Edit crossfade-out only in Fades dialog |
Spacebar | Audition start/stop in Fades dialog |
Cmnd-click on Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons | Reset to default zoom in Fades dialog |
Optn-click fade curve in crossfade fade window ( Equal Power and Equal Gain Link modes only) | Reset standard or S-shape crossfades to default curves |
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow keys | Cycle up/down through Out Shape parameter options |
Optn+Up/Down Arrow keys | Cycle up/down through In Shape parameter options |
Up/Down Arrow keys | Cycle up/down through Link parameter options |
Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cycle up/down through preset Out Shape curves |
Optn+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cycle up/down through preset In Shape curves |
View Menu | |
Cmnd+Optn+M | View Narrow Mix window option |
Track Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+Shft+N | New Track |
Cmnd+G (with two or more tracks selected) | Group Tracks |
Optn+Shft+D | Duplicate Tracks |
Optn+K | Auto Input Monitoring/Input Only Monitoring (Pro Tools LE and M-Powered) |
Optn+K | Set Record Tracks to Input Only/Set Record Track to Auto Input (Pro Tools HD) |
Cmnd+Optn+F | Scroll to Track number |
Optn+C | Clear all Clip Indicators |
New Tracks Dialog | |
Cmnd+Up/Down Arrow keys | Cycle through Track Type choices |
Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cycle through Track Format choices |
Cmnd+Optn+Up/Down Arrow keys | Cycle through Track Timebase choices |
Cmnd+Plus/Minus (+/-) keys or Cmnd+Shft+Up/Down Arrow keys | Add or delete a Track Entry field |
Drag the Move Row icon (at the right of each Track Entry row) to desired position | Re-arrange Track Entry field (move up/down) |
Track List | |
Optn-click on a highlighted track name in Track List | Hide all tracks |
Optn-click on an unhighlighted track name in Track List | Show all tracks |
Mix Group List and Edit Group List | |
Ctrl-click applicable Group function | Temporarily isolate channel strip from Groups |
Cmnd+Shft+G, or Cmnd-click on Groups pop-up menu | Suspend All Groups |
Double-click to far left of Group name in Group List | Rename group |
Click the Group List Keyboard Focus, then type the letter corresponding to desired group | Group enable/disable |
Click to the left of a Group name in Group List | Select all tracks in group |
Ctrl-click on Group(s) in Group List | Show group members only |
NOTE | Grouping affects: Volume level/faders - solos and mutes - Automation modes - track display format - track height - editing - playlist enables Grouping does not affect: - record enables - pan - inserting plug-ins - voice and output assignments |
Region Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+M | Mute/Unmute Regions |
Cmnd+L | Lock/Unlock Regions |
Optn+Shft+F | Bring to Front |
Optn+Shft+B | Send to Back |
Cmnd+Optn+G | Group Regions |
Cmnd+Optn+U | Ungroup Regions |
Cmnd+Optn+R | Regroup regions |
Cmnd+Optn+L | Loop Region |
Cmnd+R | Capture Region |
Cmnd+Comma (,) | Identify Sync Point |
Cmnd+0 | Quantize Region to Nearest Grid |
Region List | |
Click the Region List a-z button, then type the first letters of the desired region | Select region by name |
Cmnd+Shft+F | Find region |
Cmnd+Shft+D | Clear Find |
Cmnd+Shft+1 (on numeric keypad) | Show/Hide Audio regions |
Cmnd+Shft+2 (on numeric keypad) | Show/Hide MIDI regions |
Cmnd+Shft+3 (on numeric keypad) | Show/Hide Groups |
Cmnd+Optn+K | Show/Hide Auto-Created region |
Cmnd+Shft+A | Select All regions in Region List |
Cmnd+Shft+U | Select Unused regions |
Cmnd+Shft+B | Clear selected regions |
Cmnd+Shft+R | Rename selected regions |
Cmnd+Shft+M | Time Stamp selected regions |
Cmnd+Shft+Y | Export Region Definition |
Cmnd+Shft+K | Export Regions as Files |
Cmnd-click a region | Select or deselect a region |
Click one region, then Shft-click another region to select all regions between | Select multiple contiguous regions |
Place the cursor to the left of the names in the Region List. When the Marquee ( + ) appears, hold Cmnd and drag to select or deselect the desired regions | Select or deselect multiple discontiguous regions with the Marquee |
Optn-click Delete and Yes box when prompted | Bypass dialogs during deletion of audio files |
Optn-click and hold on region in Region List | Audition region in Region List |
Double-click region in Region List, or double-click with Grabber tool on region in play-list | Rename region/file |
Ctrl-drag region | Constrain region placement to start at play/edit cur- sor location or selection start |
Event Menu Commands | |
Optn+1 (on numeric keypad) | Open Time Operations window |
Optn+2 (on numeric keypad) | Open Tempo Operations window |
Optn+3 (on numeric keypad) | Open MIDI Operations window |
Optn+0 (on numeric keypad) | Grid/Groove Quantize (in MIDI Operations window) |
Optn+P | Change Duration (in MIDI Operations window) |
Optn+T | Transpose (in MIDI Operations window) |
Optn+Y | Select/Split Notes (in MIDI Operations window) |
Optn+Equal (=) | Open MIDI Event List window |
Cmnd+8 (on numeric keypad) | Open Beat Detective window |
Cmnd+I | Identify Beat |
Cmnd+Shft+Period (.) | All MIDI Notes Off |
MIDI Events List Entry | |
Cmnd+Enter (on numeric keypad) | Enter start time field for editing |
Cmnd+F | Show Event Filter dialog |
Cmnd+G | Go to |
Cmnd+H | Scroll to Edit selection |
Cmnd+M | Insert another event |
Cmnd+N | Insert note |
Cmnd-P | Insert Program Change |
Cmnd-L | Insert Controller |
Cmnd-O | Insert Poly Pressure |
Optn-click | Delete event in MIDI Events List |
MIDI Step Input | |
1 | Whole note |
2 | 1/2 note |
4 | 1/4 note |
5 | 1/8 note |
6 | 1/16 note |
7 | 1/32 note |
8 | 1/64 note |
. (decimal key) | Dotted note |
3 | Toggle Tuplet on/off |
Enter | Next step |
0 | Undo step |
+ | Nudge forward |
- | Nudge back |
= | Select Main Location indicator |
/ | Edit Selection indicators |
Options Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+J | Transport Online |
Cmnd+Shft+J | Video Track Online |
Cmnd+P | Auto-Spot Regions |
Setup Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+2 (on the numeric keypad) | Session Setup window |
Peripherals Dialog | |
Cmnd+1 | Go to Synchronization window |
Cmnd+2 | Go to Machine Control window |
Cmnd+3 | Go to MIDI Controllers window |
Cmnd+4 | Go to Ethernet Controllers window |
Cmnd+5 | Go to Mic Preamps window (Pro Tools HD only) |
Preferences Dialog | |
Cmnd+1 | Go to Display window |
Cmnd+2 | Go to Operation window |
Cmnd+3 | Go to Editing window |
Cmnd+4 | Go to Automation window |
Cmnd+5 | Go to Processing window |
Cmnd+6 | Go to MIDI window |
Cmnd+7 | Go to Machine Control window |
Window Menu Commands | |
Cmnd+Equal (=) | Toggle Mix and Edit windows |
Optn+Apostrophe (') | Show Task Manager window |
Optn+Semi-Colon (;) | Show Workspace browser |
Optn+O | Show Project browser |
Optn+J | Bring to Front |
Optn+Shft+J | Send to Back |
Cmnd+1 (on numeric keypad) | Show Transport window |
Cmnd+3 (on numeric keypad) | Show Big Counter window |
Cmnd+4 (on numeric keypad) | Show Automation Enable window |
Cmnd+5 (on numeric keypad) | Show Memory Locations window |
Cmnd+6 (on numeric keypad) | Machine Track Arming window |
Cmnd+7 (on numeric keypad) | Universe window |
Cmnd+9 (on numeric keypad) | QuickTime Movie or Avid Video window |
Zoom | |
Cmnd+ ] or [ | Horizontal zoom in or out |
Cmnd+Optn+ ] or [ | Vertical zoom in or out (Audio) |
Cmnd+Shft+ ] or [ | Vertical zoom in or out (MIDI) |
Optn-click on Zoomer tool or Optn+F | Fill window with selection |
Double-click on Zoomer tool or Optn+A | View entire session |
Hold down Cmnd key while dragging the Zoomer tool | Zoom vertical and horizontal axis |
Optn-click on any Horizontal Zoom In or Out button, or Audio or MIDI Zoom In or Out button | Zoom to previous orientation |
Cmnd-click on Zoomer tool (faster drawing from RAM) | Maximum zoom before waveform drawn from disk |
Ctrl+E | Zoom Toggle |
Ctrl+Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard), | Zoom presets 1-5 or Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard, in Commands Keyboard Focus) |
Memory Locations and Markers | |
Enter (on numeric keypad) | Create Memory Location |
Ctrl-click on Memory Location button | Reset a Memory Location |
Optn-click on a Memory Location button | Delete Memory Location |
Period (.)+Memory Location number+Period (.) (Transport or Shuttle mode), or Memory Location number+Period (.) (Classic mode) | Recall a Memory Location using the numeric keypad |
Ctrl-Shft-drag the Song Start Marker | Move only the Song Start Marker, without moving any tick-based data |
Import Audio Dialog | |
Cmnd+P, or Cmnd+Spacebar | Start/stop audition of currently selected audio file/region |
Cmnd+A | Add currently selected audio region or file to list (if audio file has the same sample rate and bit depth as the current session) |
Cmnd+C | Convert and import selected audio region/files |
Cmnd+R | Remove currently selected audio files/regions from Regions to Import field |
Cmnd+Optn+R | Remove all audio files/regions from Regions in Cur- rent File field |
Drag slider to, or click at, new location | Random-access fwd/rew search selected file |
Tab | Move between file windows |
Escape | Cancel |
Plug-In Settings Librarian | |
Cmnd+Shft+S | Save settings |
Cmnd+Shft+C | Copy settings |
Cmnd+Shft+V | Paste settings |
Cmnd+Up/Down Arrow keys | Switch between Librarian Settings subfolders in the Plug-in Settings dialog |
Up/Down or Left/Right Arrow keys | Switch between settings files in the Plug-In Settings dialog |
Plug-In Controls | |
Click mouse in text field and type desired value | Change plug-in control setting in parameter field |
Tab or Shft+Tab | Move down/up to next/previous parameter fields |
Up/Down Arrow keys | Increase/decrease slider value |
Enter (on numeric keypad) | Input value without leaving field |
Return | Enter value and exit Keyboard Entry mode |
Type k after number (multiplies by 1000) | For fields that support kHz (kiloHertz) |
Mixing | |
Cmnd-Ctrl-click Track Type icon in Mix window | Make track active/inactive |
Optn-click on either AutoMatch indicator | Set all faders to their automation null points |
Optn-click on ctrl | Reset a control to default value |
Cmnd-click on Track Volume/Peak/Channel Delay indicator | Volume/Peak/Channel Delay amount |
Click on indicator | Clear peak or clip-hold from meter |
Click on Headroom indicator | Peak counter reset in Headroom indicator mode |
Cmnd-click on insert name in Inserts view | Bypass plug-in insert |
Cmnd-click on send name in Sends view | Bypass Send mute |
Cmnd-click on Send selector | Toggle Send display between All and Individual |
Cmnd-Ctrl-click on Plug-In Delay, User Offset, or Track Compensation indicator | Bypass Delay Compensation View indicators (Pro Tools HD only) |
Numeric Entry | |
Asterisk (*) (on numeric keypad) | Edit Current Location and Big Counters |
Forward Slash (/). | Edit Start/End/Length fields (Edit window) Subsequent presses toggle through fields. |
Optn+Forward Slash (/) (on numeric keypad). Subsequent presses toggle through fields | Initiate time entry in Transport window fields |
Comma (,) | Capture incoming time code in Session Setup win- dow (with Start field selected) |
Equals (=). Hold down key for continued input. | Capture incoming time code in Spot dialog and Time Stamp Selected dialog |
Period (.) | Move sub-unit selection to the right |
Left/Right Arrow keys | Move sub-unit selection to the left/right |
Plus (+) or Minus (-) keys followed by offset number (subtraction not supported in Bars|Beats) | Calculator Entry mode |
Up/Down Arrow keys | Increment/decrement the current sub-unit |
Retype value | Clear entered numeric value and stay in Time Entry mode |
Enter | Apply entered numeric value |
Esc (Escape) key | Clear entered numeric value and exit Time Entry mode Note: When Time Code is the selected time scale, initiating a time entry highlights entire field, and numeric values are entered right to left |
Text Entry | |
Tab or Shft+Tab | Move down or up rows |
Up/Down Arrow keys | Move to beginning or end of edit contents |
Left/Right Arrow keys | Move single letters at a time across a name label |
Double-click on word | Select entire word |
Triple-click on a word in the line | Select entire line |
Miscellaneous | |
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow keys | Increase or decrease track height |
Optn-click on record drive | Set all tracks to selected record drive in Disk Alloca- tion dialog |
Cmnd-click with Selector tool at start or current cursor location | Display Playlist selector (requires selection start or flashing insertion point match user time stamp of region) |
Cmnd-click a Solo button | Display and adjust the AFL/PFL Path fader while in AFL/PFL mode (Pro Tools HD systems only) |
Hold down N key while launching Pro Tools | Access Playback Engine dialog during Pro Tools launch |
Optn-click Proceed button in dialog | Bypass repeat dialogs when multiple items are changed by single operation (such as Clear, Delete, Compact) |
Cmnd+Optn+W | Close all open Plug-In, Send, Pan, and Mic Pre win- dows |
Cmnd+W | Close active Mix or Edit window (if both are open) or active browser (if two or more browsers are open) |
Cmnd+Q | Quit Pro Tools |
Keyboard Focus | |
Cmnd+Optn+1 | Commands Keyboard Focus |
Cmnd+Optn+2 | Region List Keyboard Focus |
Cmnd+Optn+3 | Group List Keyboard Focus |
Commands Keyboard Focus Mode | |
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (on QWERTY keyboard) | Zoom presets 1-5 |
6/7 (on QWERTY keyboard) | Play to/from edit start by pre/post-roll value |
8/9 (on QWERTY keyboard) | Play to/from edit end by pre/post roll amount |
O (on QWERTY keyboard) | Copy Edit selection to Timeline selection |
0 | Copy Timeline selection to Edit selection (Pro Tools HD only) |
Minus (-) key (on QWERTY keyboard) | Toggle pre-defined common Track Views (audio track = Waveform and Volume; MIDI track = Notes and Regions; Instrument tracks = Notes and Regions) |
= | Capture Time Code |
Q | Center Timeline selection start |
W | Center Timeline selection end |
E | Zoom Toggle |
R | Zoom Out horizontally |
T | Zoom In horizontally |
Y (HD systems only) | Snap start (of selected region) to time code |
U (HD systems only) | Snap sync point (of selected region) to time code |
I (HD systems only) | Snap end (of selected region) to time code |
H | Snap start (of selected region) to playhead |
J (HD systems only) | Snap sync point (of selected region) to playhead |
K (HD systems only) | Snap end (of selected region) to playhead |
P | Move Edit selection up |
Semi-Colon (;) | Move Edit selection down |
L | Tab back |
Apostrophe (') | Tab forward |
] | Play Timeline Selection (Pro Tools HD only) |
[ | Play Edit Selection |
A | Trim Start to Insertion |
S | Trim End to Insertion |
D | Fade to Start (available if no selection) |
F | Fade (without showing Fades dialog) |
G | Fade to End (available if no selection) |
Z | Undo |
X | Cut |
C | Copy |
V | Paste |
B | Separate |
N | Timeline Insertion follows Playback (disable/enable) |
Comma (,) | Nudge back by Nudge value; Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline and Edit Selection enabled) |
Period (.) | Nudge forward by Nudge value; Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline and Edit Selection enabled) |
M | Nudge back by next large Nudge value; Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline and Edit Selection enabled) |
/ (Forward Slash) (on QWERTY keyboard) | Nudge forward by next larger Nudge value; Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline and Edit Selection enabled) |
Scroll Wheel Commands | |
Shft+Scroll Wheel | Scroll horizontally |
Cmnd+Scroll Wheel | Fine-tune scroll (Fine Adjust mode) |
Optn+Scroll Wheel in timeline | Zoom in/out of timeline |
Optn+Shft+Scroll Wheel in timeline | Zoom in/out of waveforms |
DigiBase Shortcuts | |
Optn+Semi-Colon | Opens the Workspace browser |
Optn+Apostrophe (') | Opens the Task Manager window |
Optn+O | Opens or closes the Project browser |
Optn+J | Brings all browsers to the foreground |
Optn+Shft+J | Sends all browsers to the back |
Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cycle to previous/next browsers |
Ctrl+1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 | Zoom presets in the Edit window - or - View presets in DigiBase browsers |
DigiBase Auditioning | |
Spacebar | Browser Item: Starts or stops auditioning from head - or - Audio Import dialog: Starts or stops auditioning from head |
Optn+Spacebar | Browser Item: Starts or stops loop auditioning from head |
Cmnd+P | Import Audio dialog: Starts or stops auditioning |
DigiBase Delete or Duplicate | |
Delete | Region List: Deletes a Region from the timeline - or - Browser Item: Deletes items from the browser/disk |
Cmnd+Delete | Deletes locked files selected in a browser |
Optn+Delete | Deletes any selected browser item, and suppresses any warning dialog |
Cmnd+D | Creates duplicates of any selected files |
DigiBase Mouse Click | |
Shft-click | Selects contiguous items in a browser or column headers |
Optn-Shft-click | Selects all of the files in a multichannel file in a browser |
Optn-click | Column Headers: Makes a secondary sort order - or - Region List: Auditions a file - or - Browser Find Button: Cancels a search, and closes the Search pane - or - Browser Close Box: Closes all open browsers |
Cmnd-Optn-click | Column Header: Hides a column for the individual browser |
Cmnd-click | Browser Back Button: Opens the navigation menu - or - Browser Items: Selects discontiguous items - or - Column Headers: Selects discontinuous column headers - or - Browser Up Button: Opens menu for navigating up several levels. - or - Browser View Preset Buttons: Stores column order and width, and sort order |
Ctrl-click | Region List: Select a region without changing which region is highlighted in Timeline |
Cmnd-double-click | Browser Items: Opens a new window and leaves the original window open |
DigiBase Drag and Drop | |
Optn-drag and drop | Browser Item: From one folder to another folder on the same volume will create a copy of that item in the target location - or - Browser Media File to Region List or Timeline: Creates a copy of the media file in the session's Audio Files folder |
Shft-drag and drop | Browser File: Imports to Timeline and creates a new track. |
Cmnd-drag and drop | Waveform Display: Sets sync point and spots to Timeline - or - Region List: Opens the Replace Region dialog |
Cmnd-Optn-drag and drop | Waveform Display: Sets the sync point and spots to the Timeline and copies the audio file |
Ctrl-drag and drop | Region List: Snaps to head - or - Browser Audio File, from Name or Icon: Snaps to head - or - Browser Audio File, from '/aveform Display: Spots to temporary sync point |
Ctrl-Optn-drag and drop | Browser Audio File to Timeline: Snaps to head and copies the audio file to the session's Audio Files folder |
Ctrl-Shft-drag and drop | Region List: Snaps to sync point - or - Browser Item: Snaps to sync point |
Ctrl-Optn-Shft-drag and drop | Browser Item: Snaps to sync point and copies the audio file to the session's Audio Files folder |
Ctrl-Cmnd-drag and drop | Region List: Snaps to tail - or - Browser Item: Snaps to tail |
Ctrl-Cmnd-Optn-drag and drop | Browser Item: Snaps to tail and copies the audio file to the session's Audio Files folder |
Ctrl-Cmnd-Shft drag and drop | Browser Item: Spots with variable cursor |
Ctrl-Cmnd-Optn-Shft-drag and drop | Browser Item: Spots with variable cursor and copies the audio file to the session's Audio Files folder |
DigiBase Navigation Shortcuts | |
Up Arrow key | Selection up |
Down Arrow key | Selection down |
Page Up | Scroll Page up |
Page Down | Scroll Page down |
Home | Scroll to top of browser |
End | Scroll to bottom of browser |
Cmnd+Optn+F | Scroll to track |
Cmnd+Up Arrow key | Up one browser level (same as Up arrow icon) |
Cmnd+Down Arrow key | Open folder (same window) |
Cmnd+Optn+Down Arrow key | Open folder (new window) |
Right Arrow key | Open Show/Hide icon |
Left Arrow key | Close Show/Hide icon |
Cmnd+Left/Right Arrow keys | Cycle to next or previous browser |
Enter or Return | Enter/exit Name Edit field |
Escape (Esc) key | Revert to original text |
Cmnd+F | Open/close Search pane |
Tab | Move to next Search field |
Shft+Tab | Move to previous Search field |
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