Paint .Net Keyboard Shortcuts


General Canvas Controls
Hold spacebar + drag with left mouse buttonPan image (does not work while typing with the Text tool)
Hold spacebar + drag with right mouse buttonScroll image (does not work while typing with the Text tool)
Mouse Wheel up / downScroll up / down
Shft + Mouse Wheel up / downScroll left / right
Ctrl + Mouse WheelZoom in / out
Esc or EnterDeselect (remove selection)
Image List and Image Navigation
Ctrl + TabNext tab
Ctrl + Shft + TabPrevious tab
Ctrl + QShow Image List
Ctrl + # or Alt + #, where # is 1 through 9 for images 1 through 9, or 0 for image 10Switch to image #, for images 1 through 10
Mouse wheel (only if the mouse cursor is in the image list area)Scroll image list
[Decrease brush width by 1
Ctrl + [Decrease brush width by 5
]Increase brush width by 1
Ctrl + ]Increase brush width by 5
Selection Tools (except Magic Wand)
Draw with left mouse buttonCreate new selection, replacing any old selection if there was one
Draw with right mouse buttonSubtract from the current selection (difference)
Draw with Ctrl + left mouse buttonAdd to the current selection (union)
Draw with Ctrl + right mouse buttonInvert a given area of the selection (exclusive-or)
Hold Shft while drawingConstrain to square (Rectangle Select), or circle (Ellipse Select)
While drawing with left mouse button, hold right mouse button as well and move mouseMove the new selection while still drawing it
While drawing with right mouse button, hold left mouse button as well and move mouseMove the new selection while still drawing it
Colors Window
XSwap primary and secondary colors
CSwitch the active color in the dropdown box
Magic Wand Tool
Left mouse clickCreate new selection from pixels in the surrounding area that resemble the pixel you clicked on, replacing any old selection if there was one (resemblance is determined by the Tolerance setting)
Right mouse clickSubtract from the current selection (difference)
Ctrl + Left mouse clickAdd to the current selection (union)
Ctrl + Right mouse clickInvert a portion of the selection (exclusive-or)
Hold Shft with one of the four cmnds listed aboveDo a global selection across the entire layer based on the color you click on and the Tolerance setting
Text Tool
Hold CtrlTemporarily hide the cursor and nub
Tap CtrlToggle the nub's visibility
EscFinish text and commit it to the layer
Clone Stamp Tool
Ctrl + Left clickSet the source point, or origin
Draw with left mouse buttonCopy pixels (you must have already set the source point, or origin, with Ctrl + left click)
Recolor Tool
Ctrl + Left clickPick up the color under the mouse cursor, and set it as the primary color
Ctrl + Right clickPick up the color under the mouse cursor, and set it as the secondary color
Draw with left mouse buttonDraw with the primary color, but only over pixels that resemble the secondary color (resemblance is determined by the Tolerance setting)
Draw with right mouse buttonDraw with the secondary color, but only over pixels that resemble the primary color (resemblance is determined by the Tolerance setting)
Tool shortcuts
SRectangle Select
SLasso Select
SEllipse Select
SMagic Wand
MMove Selected Pixels
MMove Selection
HPan (hand)
FPaint Bucket
KColor Picker
LClone Stamp
OLine / Curve
ORounded Rectangle
OFreeform Shape
File menu
Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + W, or Ctrl + F4Close
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shft + SSave As
Ctrl + PPrint
Alt + F4, or Alt + F then XExit
Edit menu
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + X, or Shft + DeleteCut
Ctrl + C, or Ctrl + InsertCopy
Ctrl + V, or Shft + InsertPaste
Ctrl + Shft + VPaste in to New Layer
Ctrl + Alt + VPaste in to New Image
DeleteErase Selection
BackspaceFill Selection
Ctrl + IInvert Selection
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + DDeselect
Image menu
Ctrl + Shft + XCrop to Selection
Ctrl + RResize
Ctrl + Shft + RCanvas Size
Ctrl + GRotate 90º (clockwise)
Ctrl + HRotate 90º (counter-clockwise)
Ctrl + JRotate 180º
Ctrl + Shft + FFlatten
Layers menu
Ctrl + Shft + NAdd New Layer
Ctrl + Shft + DeleteDelete Layer
Ctrl + Shft + DDuplicate Layer
Ctrl + MMerge Layer Down
Ctrl + Shft + ZRotate / Zoom
F4Layer Properties
Adjustments menu
Ctrl + Alt + LAuto-Level
Ctrl + Shft + CBrightness / Contrast
Ctrl + Shft + MCurves
Ctrl + Shft + GBlack & White
Ctrl + Shft + UHue / Saturation
Ctrl + Shft + IInvert Colors
Ctrl + LLevels
Ctrl + Shft + PSepia
View menu
Ctrl + +Zoom In
Ctrl + -Zoom Out
Ctrl + BZoom to Window
Ctrl + Shft + BZoom to Selection
Ctrl + Shft + AActual Size
Window menu
F5Tools (toggle)
F6History (toggle)
F7Layers (toggle)
F8Colors (toggle)
Ctrl + QShow Image List
Ctrl + TabNext Tab
Ctrl + Shft + TabPrevious Tab


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