Office v.X (Word/Excel) Keyboard Shortcuts


Keys for moving the insertion point
PressTo move
LEFT ARROWOne character to the left
RIGHT ARROWOne character to the right
CMND+LEFT ARROWOne word to the left
CMND+RIGHT ARROWOne word to the right
CMND+UP ARROWOne paragraph up
CMND+DOWN ARROWOne paragraph down
SHFT+TABOne cell to the left (in a table)
TABOne cell to the right (in a table)
UP ARROWUp one line
DOWN ARROWDown one line
END (The END key is not available on all keyboards.)To the end of a line
HOMETo the beginning of a line
PAGE UPUp one screen (scrolling)
PAGE DOWNDown one screen (scrolling)
CMND+PAGE DOWNTo the top of the next page
CMND+PAGE UPTo the top of the previous page
CMND+END (The END key is not available on all keyboards.)To the end of a document
CMND+HOMETo the beginning of a document
SHFT+F5To a previous revision
SHFT+F5To the location of the insertion point when the document was last closed
Keys for selecting text and graphics (after pressing shift)
NoteSelect text by holding down SHIFT and pressing the key that moves the insertion point.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWOne character to the right
SHFT+LEFT ARROWOne character to the left
CMND+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWTo the end of a word
CMND+SHFT+LEFT ARROWTo the beginning of a word
SHFT+END (The END key is not available on all keyboards.)To the end of a line
SHFT+HOMETo the beginning of a line
SHFT+DOWN ARROWOne line down
SHFT+UP ARROWOne line up
CMND+SHFT+DOWN ARROWTo the end of a paragraph
CMND+SHFT+UP ARROWTo the beginning of a paragraph
SHFT+PAGE DOWNOne screen down
SHFT+PAGE UPOne screen up
CMND+SHFT+HOMETo the beginning of a document
CMND+SHFT+END (The END key is not available on all keyboards.)To the end of a document
OPTN+CMND+SHFT+PAGE DOWNTo the end of a window
CMND+ATo include the entire document
CMND+SHFT+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press CMND+PERIOD to cancel selection modeTo a vertical block of text
F8+arrow keys; press CMND+PERIOD to cancel selection modeTo a specific location in a document
Keys for extending a selection
F8Turn extend mode on
F8, and then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect the nearest character
F8 (press once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, and so forth)Increase the size of a selection
SHFT+F8Reduce the size of a selection
CMND+PERIODTurn extend mode off
Keys for selecting multiple items
Select the first item you want, hold down CMND, and then select any additional items you want.Select multiple items that are not next to each other
Keys for moving and copying text and graphics
CMND+C or F3Copy text or graphics
CMND+X or F2 (then move the insertion point and press CMND+V or F4)Move text or graphics
OPTN+F3Create AutoText
CMND+V or F4Paste the Clipboard contents
CMND+SHFT+F3Paste the Spike contents
Keys for finding, replacing, and browsing through text
CMND+FFind text, formatting, and special items
CMND+OPTN+YRepeat find (after closing Find and Replace window)
CMND+GGo to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
CMND+OPTN+ZGo back to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
CMND+OPTN+HOMEBrowse through a document
Keys for deleting text and graphics
DELETEDelete one character to the left
CMND+DELETEDelete one word to the left
DEL or CLEARDelete one character to the right
CMND+DELDelete one word to the right
CMND+X or F2Cut selected text to the Clipboard
CMND+ZUndo the last action
CMND+F3Cut to the Spike, a special AutoText entry that stores multiple items that you've deleted
Keys for moving around in a table
TABNext cell in a row
SHFT+TABPrevious cell in a row
CTRL+HOMEFirst cell in a row
CTRL+END (The END key is not available on all keyboards.)Last cell in a row
CTRL+PAGE UPFirst cell in a column
CTRL+PAGE DOWNLast cell in a column
UP ARROWPrevious row
Keys for selecting text and graphics in a table
TABSelect the next cell's contents
SHFT+TABSelect the preceding cell's contents
Hold down SHFT and press an arrow key repeatedlyExtend a selection to adjacent cells
Click in the column's top or bottom cell. Hold down SHFT and press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key repeatedlySelect a column
CMND+SHFT+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press CMND+PERIOD to cancel selection modeExtend a selection (or block)
SHFT+F8Reduce the selection size
Select the first item you want, hold down CMND, and then select any additional items you want.Select multiple cells, columns or rows that are not next to each other
Keys for inserting paragraphs and tab characters in a table
RETURNNew paragraphs in a cell
OPTN+TABTab characters in a cell
Keys for inserting special characters
CMND+F9A field
RETURN (after typing the first few characters of the AutoText entry name and when the ScreenTip appears)An AutoText entry
SHFT+RETURNA line break
SHFT+ENTERA page break
CMND+SHFT+RETURNA column break
OPTN+SPACEBARA nonbreaking hyphen
OPTN+GThe copyright symbol
OPTN+RThe registered trademark symbol
OPTN+2The trademark symbol
Keys for undoing and redoing actions
CMND+PERIODCancel an action
CMND+ZUndo an action
CMND+YRedo or repeat an action


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