Keys for selecting tools | |
H | Hand tool |
Spacebar | Temporarily select Hand tool |
V | Select tool |
G | Snapshot tool |
Z | Current zoom tool |
Shft | Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (whenMarquee Zoom tool is selected) |
Optn | Temporarily zoom out (when Marquee Zoomtool is selected) |
R | Select Object tool |
O | Object Data tool |
A | Article tool |
C | Crop tool |
L | Link tool |
Keys for editing | |
Cmnd+A | Select all content |
Cmnd+Shft+A | Deselect all content |
Cmnd+0 | Fit page |
Keys for workign with comments | |
S | Sticky Note tool |
E | Text Edits tool |
K | Stamp tool |
U | Current highlighting tool |
Shft+U | Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlighter, Cross-Out Text, Underline Text |
D | Arrow tool |
X | Text Box tool |
J | Attach file as comment |
Shft+J | Cycle through attach tools: Attach File, Attach Sound, Paste Clipboard Image |
Tab | Move focus to comment |
Shft+Tab | Move focus to next comment |
Return | Open pop-up window for comment that has focus |
O | Send and receive comments in browser-based review |
I | Go back online |
Keys for navigating a PDF | |
Page Up | Previous screen |
Page Down | Next screen |
Home or Shft+Cmnd+Up Arrow | First page |
End or Shft+Cmnd+Down Arrow | Last page |
Left Arrow or Cmnd+Page Up | Previous page |
Right Arrow or Cmnd+Page Down | Next page |
Cmnd+Left Arrow | Previous view |
Cmnd+Right Arrow | Next view |
Up Arrow | Scroll up |
Down Arrow | Scroll down |
Spacebar | Scroll (when Hand tool is selected) |
Cmnd+equal sign | Zoom in |
Cmnd+hyphen | Zoom out |
Keys for general navigating | |
Shft+Cmnd+M | Show/hide menu bar |
Ctrl+F2 | Move focus to menus |
Shft+F8 | Move focus to toolbar in browser |
Cmnd+F6 | Move to next open document (when focus ison document pane) |
Cmnd+Shft+F6 | Move to previous open document (when focusis on document pane) |
Cmnd+F4 | Close current document |
Cmnd+Shft+W | Close all open windows |
F6 | Move focus to next tabbed page or palette |
Shft+F6 | Move focus to previous pane or panel |
Tab | Move focus to next comment, link, or formfield in the document pane |
F5 | Move focus to document pane |
Shft+Tab | Move focus to previous comment, link, orform field in the document pane |
Spacebar or Enter | Activate selected tool, item (such as a movieor bookmark), or command |
Ctrl+click | Open context menu |
Esc | Close context menu |
Esc | Return to Hand tool or Select tool |
F3 or Cmnd+G | Move to next search result and highlightit in the document |
Shft+Arrow keys | Select text (with Select tool selected) |
Cmnd+Right Arrow or Left Arrow | Select next word or deselect previous word(with Select tool selected) |
Keys for working with navigation panels | |
F4 | Show/hide navigation pane |
Cmnd+Shft+F5 | Open and move focus to navigation pane |
F6 | Move focus among the document, message bar,and navigation panels |
Tab | Move focus to next element of the active navigationpanel: Trash Can, Options menu, Close box, panel contents, or panelbutton |
Up Arrow or Down Arrow | Move to previous or next navigation paneland make it active (when focus is on the panel button) |
Right Arrow or Shft+plus sign | Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarkspanel) |
Left Arrow or minus sign | Collapse the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarkspanel) |
Shft+* | Expand all bookmarks |
Forward Slash (/) | Collapse selected bookmark |
Down Arrow | Move focus to next item in a navigation panel |
Up Arrow | Move focus to previous item in a navigationpanel |
Keys for navigating the help window | |
F1 or Cmnd+? | Open Help window |
Cmnd+Q | Close Help window |
Keys for navigating the How To panel | |
Shft+F4 | Open or close How To panel |
Shft+F1 | Open and move focus to How To panel |
Tab | Move focus down through the elements ofthe How To panel |
Shft+Tab | Move focus up through the elements of theHow To panel |
Right Arrow | Go forward to next page in How To panel viewinghistory |
Left Arrow | Go back to previous page in How To panel viewinghistory |
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