Labview 8.2 Keyboard Shortcuts


Shft-clickSelects multiple objects; adds object to current selection.
Arrow keysMoves selected objects one pixel at a time.
Shft-Arrow keysMoves selected objects several pixels at a time.
Shft-click (drag)Moves selected objects in one axis.
Ctrl-click (drag)Duplicates selected object.
Ctrl-Shft-click (drag)Duplicates selected object and moves it in one axis.
Shft-resizeResizes selected object while maintaining aspect ratio.
Ctrl-resizeResizes selected object while maintaining center point.
Ctrl-drag a rectangleInserts more working space on the front panel or block diagram.
Ctrl-ASelects all items on the front panel or block diagram.
Ctrl-Shft-APerforms last alignment operation on objects.
Ctrl-DPerforms last distribution operation on objects.
Double-click open spacePlaces a free label on the front panel or block diagram if automatic tool selection is enabled.
Ctrl-mouse wheelScrolls through subdiagrams of a Case, Event, or Stacked Sequence structure.
Spacebar (drag)Disables preset alignment positions when moving object labels or captions.
Navigating Front Panels and Block Diagrams
Ctrl-EDisplays block diagram or front panel.
Ctrl-#Enables or disables grid alignment. On French keyboards, press the keys. Mac OS Press the keys.
Ctrl-/Maximizes and restores window.
Ctrl-TTiles front panel and block diagram windows.
Ctrl-FFinds objects or text.
Ctrl-GSearches VIs for next instance of object or text.
Ctrl-Shft-GSearches VIs for previous instance of object or text.
Ctrl-Shft-FDisplays Search Results window.
Ctrl-TabCycles through LabVIEW windows in the order the windows appear onscreen. Linux The order of the windows depends on the window manager you use.
Ctrl-Shft-TabCycles the opposite direction through LabVIEW windows.
Ctrl-Shft-NDisplays the Navigation window.
Ctrl-IDisplays the VI Properties dialog box.
Ctrl-LDisplays the Error List window.
Ctrl-YDisplays the History window.
Ctrl-Shft-WDisplays the All Windows dialog box.
Navigating the VI Hierarchy Window
Ctrl-DRedraws the VI Hierarchy window.
Ctrl-AShows all VIs in the VI Hierarchy window.
Ctrl-click VIDisplays the subVIs and other nodes that make up the VI you select in the VI Hierarchy window.
EnterFinds the next node that matches the search string after initiating a search by typing in the VI Hierarchy window.
Shft-EnterFinds the previous node that matches the search string after initiating a search by typing in the VI Hierarchy window.
Ctrl-Down arrowSteps into node.
Ctrl-Right arrowSteps over node.
Ctrl-Up arrowSteps out of node.
File Operations
Ctrl-NCreates a new VI.
Ctrl-OOpens an existing VI.
Ctrl-WCloses the VI.
Ctrl-SSaves the VI.
Ctrl-Shft-SSaves all open files.
Ctrl-PPrints the window.
Ctrl-QQuits LabVIEW.
Basic Editing
Ctrl-ZUndoes last action.
Ctrl-Shft-ZRedoes last action.
Ctrl-XCuts an object.
Ctrl-CCopies an object.
Ctrl-VPastes an object.
Ctrl-HDisplays Context Help window. Mac OS Press the keys.
Ctrl-Shft-LLocks Context Help window.
Ctrl-? or Displays LabVIEW Help.
Tools and Palettes
CtrlSwitches to next most useful tool.
ShftSwitches to Positioning tool.
Ctrl-Shft over open spaceSwitches to Scrolling tool.
SpacebarToggles between two most common tools if automatic tool selection is disabled.
Shft-TabEnables automatic tool selection.
TabCycles through four most common tools if you disabled automatic tool selection by clicking the Automatic Tool Selection button. Otherwise, enables automatic tool selection.
Arrow keysNavigates temporary Controls and Functions palettes.
EnterNavigates into a temporary palette.
EscNavigates out of a temporary palette.
Shft-right-clickDisplays a temporary version of the Tools palette at the location of the cursor.
Double-click subVIDisplays subVI front panel.
Ctrl-double-click subVIDisplays subVI block diagram and front panel.
Drag VI icon to block diagramPlaces that VI as a subVI on the block diagram.
Shft-drag VI icon to block diagramPlaces that VI as a subVI on the block diagram with constants wired for controls that have non-default values.
Ctrl-right-click block diagram and select VI from paletteOpens front panel of that VI.
Ctrl-RRuns the VI.
Ctrl-.Stops the VI, when used while VI is running.
Ctrl-MChanges to run or edit mode.
Ctrl-Run buttonRecompiles the current VI.
Ctrl-Shft-Run buttonRecompiles all VIs in memory.
Ctrl-Down arrowMoves key focus inside an array or cluster, when used while VI is running.
Ctrl-Up arrowMoves key focus outside an array or cluster, when used while VI is running.
TabNavigates the controls or indicators according to tabbing order, when used while VI is running.
Shft-TabNavigates backward through the controls or indicators, when used while VI is running.
Ctrl-BRemoves all broken wires.
Esc, right-click, or click terminalCancels a wire you started.
Single-click wireSelects one segment.
Double-click wireSelects a branch.
Triple-click wireSelects entire wire.
AWhile wiring, disables automatic wire routing temporarily.
Double-click (while wiring)Tacks down wire without connecting it.
SpacebarToggles automatic wiring while moving objects.
Shft-clickUndoes last point where you set a wire.
Ctrl-click input on function with two inputsSwitches the two input wires.
SpacebarSwitches the direction of a wire between horizontal and vertical.
Double-clickSelects a single word in a string.
Triple-clickSelects an entire string.
Ctrl-Right arrowMoves forward in string by one word.
Ctrl-Left arrowMoves backward in string by one word.
HomeMoves to beginning of current line in string.
EndMoves to end of current line in string.
Ctrl-HomeMoves to beginning of entire string.
Ctrl-EndMoves to end of entire string.
Shft-EnterAdds new items when entering items in enumerated type controls and constants, ring controls and constants, or Case structures. In string constants, press the keys on the keyboard to disable autosizing if it is enabled. If autosizing is disabled, press the keys on the keyboard to display a scroll bar in the constant.
EscCancels current edit in a string.
Ctrl-EnterEnds text entry.
Ctrl-=Increases the current font size.
Ctrl--Decreases the current font size.
Ctrl-0Displays the Font dialog box.
Ctrl-1Changes to the Application font in Font dialog box.
Ctrl-2Changes to the System font in the Font dialog box.
Ctrl-3Changes to the Dialog font in the Font dialog box.
Ctrl-4Changes to the current font in the Font dialog box.


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