Microsoft Photodraw 2000 Keyboard Shortcuts


F11Zoom to background
F2Show or hide a workpane
F3Show or hide the Picture List
CTRL+DDuplicate a selected object
CTRL+TAdd text to a picture
CTRL+GGroup two or more selected objects
CTRL+UUngroup objects
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove a selected object backward in the picture
CTRL+UP ARROWMove a selected object forward in the picture
SPACEBARHide the selection box and resize handles of a selected object
RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROWNudge the object that is selected on the workspace one unit to the right or left
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWNudge the object that is selected on the workspace one unit up or down
CTRL+ASelect all
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object


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