Google Adwords Editor Keyboard Shortcuts


Cmnd+OOpen account
Cmnd+RGet recent account changes
Cmnd+SPost changes
Cmnd+ASelect all items in data view
Cmnd+ZRevert selected changes
Cmnd+CCopy selected items
Cmnd+XCut selected items
Cmnd+VPaste items
Cmnd+Shft+VPaste items into selected ad groups
Cmnd+1Jump to Keywords tab
Cmnd+2Jump to Sites tab
Cmnd+3Jump to Negatives tab
Cmnd+4Jump to Text Ads tab
Cmnd+5Jump to Image Ads tab
Cmnd+6Jump to Mobile Ads tab
Cmnd+7Jump to Ad Groups tab
Cmnd+8Jump to Campaigns tab
Cmnd+KAdd keyword
Cmnd+Shft+KAdd or update multiple keywords
Cmnd+Alt+KDelete multiple keywords
Cmnd+BAdd site
Cmnd+Shft+BAdd or update multiple sites
Cmnd+Alt+BDelete multiple sites
Cmnd+LAdd negative keyword
Cmnd+Shft+LAdd multiple negative keywords
Cmnd+MAdd campaign negative keyword
Cmnd+Shft+MAdd multiple campaign negative keywords
Cmnd+Alt+MDelete multiple campaign negative keywords
Cmnd+EAdd campaign negative site
Cmnd+Shft+EAdd multiple campaign negative sites
Cmnd+Alt+EDelete multiple campaign negative sites
Cmnd+TAdd text ad
Cmnd+Shft+TAdd multiple text ads
Cmnd+Alt+TDelete multiple text ads
Cmnd+IAdd image ad
Cmnd+Shft+IAdd multiple image ads
Cmnd+JAdd mobile ad
Cmnd+Shft+JAdd multiple mobile ads
Cmnd+Alt+JDelete multiple mobile ads
Cmnd+GAdd ad group
Cmnd+Shft+GAdd or update multiple ad groups
Cmnd+NAdd keyword-targeted campaign
Cmnd+Shft+NAdd site-targeted campaign
Cmnd+DAdd draft keyword-targeted campaign
Cmnd+Shft+DAdd draft site-targeted campaign
Cmnd+QExit AdWords Editor


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